Does she have to be? Wasn’t Philip snatched away to Azotus by the Holy Spirit? If God empowers the saints to be aware and to help us then is that inconsistent with His ways? Look ate Hebrews 12:1. A great cloud of witnesses…witnesses that are there as in an arena to encourage us to run that race. (the author of Hebrews goes on to say.)
You cannot prove this historically. We have historical claims as to where the remains of all the apostles are, but there has been no verified claims of the remains of the Blessed Virgin. In fact there
are indeed early Christian writings that allege that Mary was assumed into heaven at the time of her death and that the apostles were there when it happened. the same thing can be said of Moses, Enoch, and Elijah…why not the mother of God?
Look…you do not understand the doctrine of the Immaculate conception at all: Have a lok at this:
then you do not follow the clear instructions of the Word of God.
1st Timothy 2:1 I desire therefore, first of all, that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men:
BTW verse 5 there is the one that you allude to.
James 5:16 Confess therefore your sins one to another: and pray one for another, that you may be saved. For the continual prayer of a just man availeth much.
Obviously the Word of God says that we are to intercede for each other and all men
You fail to understand something even more important about who the Blessed Virgin is the scheme of things. I recommend that you do a Hebrew word study (Since you probably have a Strong’s concordance lying there handy anyway) on the title “Giberah” and find out what it means, who it was, and what their function was.
Answer these questions as you do so:
- Was Mary the mother of Jesus?
- Is Jesus desended from King David?
- Is Jesus then the Messiah?
- Does this not fulfill His prophetic place as King of Israel, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords?
If all this is answered correctly then the next aspect concerning Mary is very simply true as well.
- What is Mary’s official position as the mother of the Messiah?
- What then are her duties in that position?
- Note that she began to fulfill those duties as early as the wedding feast at Cana in John 2 and what was her messsage even then? (Hint: “Do whatever He tells you.”
Granted God needs no one’s help, being omnipotent , right?
Then why did He create angels and why does He send them to accomplish things that he could do? it’s not out of need…
The book of Revelations says that the saints in heaven speak to God. If they are part of that great cloud of witnesses then are they not surely interceding for us? They have no need to pray for themselves, but Hebrews 12:1 clearly shows that they are aware of our race here below. Do they just sit on their hands like a mob of sedated zombies? The Christian Church has believed in the intercession of saints from the very beginning as the graves of the martyrs in the catacombs prove by their many requests for intercession of the saints buried there on the tombs themselves.