Causes of atheism

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Science has proven that the “big bang” is in fact the earliest point in our universe and even the Catholic Church has accepted it as truth, however what had caused the big bang is still up for debate.

The Catholic Church has not officially approved the Big Bang. It has left this open as a possible theory. In other words, the Church is more open to the Big Bang than atheists are open to the possibility of God.

Rather more liberal, you see.

Based on your posts here I cant really see why a reasonable atheist would want to have a discussion with you. Arguments that begin with “All the ____ that I’ve met” usually are based on… you get where this is going.

Reasonable atheists don’t usually want to have a discussion with me. I respect that. It’s usually the unreasonable ones who can’t keep away.

So which category are you in?

The burden of proof does lay on the side of religion in this case. I see no evidence of a god who watches or partakes in our universe.

What do you mean by proof? What proof would convince you?

Meeting God in person?

Sorry, you have to believe in God before you can meet God.
Gilbert Keith:
The Catholic Church has not officially approved the Big Bang. It has left this open as a possible theory. In other words, the Church is more open to the Big Bang than atheists are open to the possibility of God.

Rather more liberal, you see.
I was under the impression that the official church stance is that science expands our knowledge of what they perceive as Gods work and that the big bang theory is accepted since it allows for a God or creator, although the church does seem to be intentionally murky about such views.
What do you mean by proof? What proof would convince you?
Meeting God in person?
Sorry, you have to believe in God before you can meet God.
What evidence do you have of the existence of a Christian God as described in the Bible? Do you also have any evidence that the Christian God has a modern day presence and has taken an active role in our lives as generally suggested?
Gilbert Keith:
What do you mean by proof? What proof would convince you?
I would say something that I could see, touch, smell etc.
Gilbert Keith:
Meeting God in person?
That would also suffice.
Gilbert Keith:
Sorry, you have to believe in God before you can meet God.
That has to be THE lamest cop out ever.

God came to us in person once before … some didn’t believe in Him then, either.

What this all comes down to is that you don’t want to believe in God. God has left you that option of free will … to accept Him or reject Him.

He has been in your life plenty of times. He is in your life right now or you wouldn’t be searching for Him at Catholic Answers. You can’t help searching for Him even though you are fleeing from Him.

That’s existential.

Good luck and God bless you in your search for God.
I think you missed the point I was making in my opening post.

I don’t want atheists to explain why they believe what they do; I think I have a pretty good idea. I want the Catholic members to explain how they perceive atheists and what reasons they think we’ve chosen atheism.
Glad to meet you. Thank you for starting this thread.

Why do you care what Catholics think?
The Nicene Creed starts off with “We believe…”
What does the Atheists Creed start with? What do you believe in?
Gilbert Keith:
What this all comes down to is that you don’t want to believe in God. God has left you that option of free will … to accept Him or reject Him.
Wrong again, I would like nothing more than there to be a god. But faith alone is not enough for me. A visit or something so undeniable it could be nothing else.
A visit or something so undeniable it could be nothing else.

Look for the signs that you have been visited. God bless.
There are definitely different types of atheist and how they have come to this decision. I should know, I am a college student and live with three of them. To start off, it does boil down to that there is no proof set right in front of them that God exists (according to them). One of them does not really care to believe in God or religion and is occupied by other things instead. The other, in ways, refuses to talk about it and straight up rejects God. His view is that why would a merciful God give commandments, plus the whole no proof ordeal. The last roommate does think about it, and thinks about it hard and logically. He would be called an intelligent atheist as stated before.

So here is the big question, WHAT IS TRUTH? We are taught in school and society about certain facts. Atoms exist. Why? I have never seen one. They exist because it has been mathmatically figured out, seen with electron microscope, and makes sense logically. Well have you worked it out mathmatically yourself or are you trusting in what sciencentist say. How do we know the pictures arent fake. Do people believe in atoms because they are gullable to what scientist say or because the majority of society believe in it. The majority of society also believes a God too dont forget. I do believe in atoms, i’m just trying to prove my point.

Everyone grows up and shapes their reality, understandings, and knowledge based on the information they have acquired throughout their own life. It is the lack of information that cause complete misunderstandings in people. People think they know everything when they dont.

Most atheist believe there is most likely intelligent life beyond our solar system. Is there proof? I hold no opinion and am not saying anything bad about aliens, its just there is more proof towards God then there is in aliens. Its out there, look at Eucharist miracles, incorruptibles, etc. There are phenomenons out there that are completely unexplainable by science and go beyond what science can prove. The proof is there, you just have to open your eyes a little, see the big picture.
Ted CharlotteNC:
What does the Atheists Creed start with? What do you believe in?
I’m not an atheist, but I would like to speak up here because some of what I beleive is very mirrored by many atheists.

I beleive in making the world better while I am here.

I beleive in people having a good bed to sleep in and good food to eat. No one should ever have to go hungry.

I beleive everyone should have somewhere to live. I beleive people on the streets scrounging in dumpsters could care less whether the spiritual think they need saved. What they need is to eat and survive. Who knows what they have to contribute while still here?

I beleive in living your life according to your principles. My principles include things such as equal rights for homosexuals and the right to live without religion telling you what to do.

If those beleifs conflict so heavily with the Divine that it can not be reconciled, then, well, I’m a horrible person who spits in the face of God according to a lot of people and I have to live with the fact that they think that. In all honesty, it won’t go far towards keeping me up at night. I know what my values are and what I can do. If other people think my values have to be just like theirs, then they are missing out on a lot of interesting diversity in the world. Their loss.
If other people think my values have to be just like theirs, then they are missing out on a lot of interesting diversity in the world.

In the moral world lines have to be drawn. Sooner or later a moral glue has to be agreed upon or there is moral anarchy. For example, it cannot be allowed that parents can marry their children and have children with them. Or that brothers and sisters should have the right to marry and have their own children.

Homosexuals want to marry their own kind. They do not want children, because they cannot have children together, but they want the right to adopt other peoples’ children (pedophilia should also be legalized?) They are appalled that heterosexuals find this objectionable.

Would the same homosexuals find it objectionable if animal lovers wanted to marry their pets and have carnal intercourse with them?
More to the point, would they consider carnal intercourse with a dog, a cow, or a sheep, … natural, harmless, and entirely admirable? If they would think so, then you can easily see why they think the rest of us “are missing out on a lot of interesting diversity in the world.

Not my loss.
They do not want children, because they cannot have children together, but they want the right to adopt other peoples’ children (pedophilia should also be legalized?)
You totally lost me at that jump

*I was under the impression that the official church stance is that science expands our knowledge of what they perceive as Gods work and that the big bang theory is accepted since it allows for a God or creator, although the church does seem to be intentionally murky about such views.
That IS the official Church stance. However, the Church does not officially endorse any scientific theory, cognizant as it has been since the time of Galileo that it has no business doing so.

Any reasonable theory is allowed by the Church, as opposed to approved, so long as the theory does not impinge on the idea of Creation presented in Genesis (which proposes in metaphorical language an order of creation somewhat reasonably consistent with the Big Bang and Evolution). Interestingly, it was the Belgian Jesuit and mathematician Georges LeMaitre who first proposed the idea of an expanding universe (which later came to be called the Big Bang theory.
In order to keep this thread on topic I’d like to ask any fellow atheists on the board to refrain from posting in this thread. I’d also like to ask members to not debate or challenge the viewpoints displayed by others here. I may ask participants to **clarify a point or further explain **their views but I won’t counter them.

So in your opinion what are the causes or reasons for people to choose atheism? Also what keeps them on the path of atheism?
Just a remider of the parameters established by the OP.
Gilbert Keith:
In the moral world lines have to be drawn. Sooner or later a moral glue has to be agreed upon or there is moral anarchy. For example, it cannot be allowed that parents can marry their children and have children with them. Or that brothers and sisters should have the right to marry and have their own children.
Isn’t this THE very expanation of where Cain got his wife? That she was one of his sisters?

Sorry off topic.
I think you missed the point I was making in my opening post.

I don’t want atheists to explain why they believe what they do; I think I have a pretty good idea. I want the Catholic members to explain how they perceive atheists and what reasons they think we’ve chosen atheism.
I know a few aethiests, some are part of my family. I can’t say with 100% certainty why they chose that path, except to say perhaps the following speculations–per your thread idea:
  1. They perceive life’s hurts and suffering-- as a God that doesn’t care…so how could God exist and allow pain and suffering?
  2. They struggle with their own identity
  3. They base a lot of life on science more than faith. (accepting that man created science, not God creating it FOR man)
  4. They are pained by something, and it’s hard to surrender it to a “God.”
  5. Don’t want rules or regulations running their lives
  6. Have personal pain so deep, that it has caused them to not believe, or turn away from God
  7. The entire story of God, Commandments, etc…was created by man to give people a reason to stay in line, not break the law, etc…
  8. It’s not ‘logical’
These are just some of my thoughts that buzz around in my mind about aetheism. I feel that anyone who doesn’t have God in his/her life, could very well have his/her reasons; but to never seek God…aaahhh…I feel such a twinge of pain that shoots through me over people like this. To never want to know Your Creator…IF… there is a Creator. To not want to seek the Divinity in and around life. To look at the stars, and not be in awe that almighty God has placed them all mysteriously there…to not marvel at the human form, and that no two people are completely alike…To not realize that science and the brilliant theories out there, all originated from a Master Planner…To only be consumed with one’s self, and not be able to lean on Someone so vast and great, He opened His very own Heart for you…hmmm…It is a true shame to believe in nothing. The Great Nothing. I think that humankind, since the beginning of man, has been in a long deep search for God, and we all have the opportunity each day, to seek Him.

As long as you have breath…at least seek Him.

Welp–there’s my 2 cents. 🙂
If you are an aethiest, do you have inner peace? Just curious.
I’m not an atheist, but I would like to speak up here because some of what I beleive is very mirrored by many atheists.

I beleive in making the world better while I am here.

I beleive in people having a good bed to sleep in and good food to eat. No one should ever have to go hungry.

I beleive everyone should have somewhere to live. I beleive people on the streets scrounging in dumpsters could care less whether the spiritual think they need saved. What they need is to eat and survive. Who knows what they have to contribute while still here?

I beleive in living your life according to your principles. My principles include things such as equal rights for homosexuals and the right to live without religion telling you what to do.

If those beleifs conflict so heavily with the Divine that it can not be reconciled, then, well, I’m a horrible person who spits in the face of God according to a lot of people and I have to live with the fact that they think that. In all honesty, it won’t go far towards keeping me up at night. I know what my values are and what I can do. If other people think my values have to be just like theirs, then they are missing out on a lot of interesting diversity in the world. Their loss.
I think I addressed this in my post…
You cannot solve the world’s problems, either. I think we all want to make the world a better place.

Before you give up completely on believing in God…I encourage you to read Mother Theresa’s life story…there are many books out there about her. She was extraordinary. A regular person like you and me…but had faith that moved mountains, and she helped soooo many people…this tiny little lady, had she not believed in God’s love and grace…I’m not sure if she could have accomplished so much.

So, please…I hear what you’re saying, but it wouldn’t hurt to read a book about her life. It might not change your mind, but it might enlighten you to something more. Food 4 thought.

God bless,
WG 🙂
I think I addressed this in my post…
You cannot solve the world’s problems, either. I think we all want to make the world a better place.

Before you give up completely on believing in God…I encourage you to read Mother Theresa’s life story…there are many books out there about her. She was extraordinary. A regular person like you and me…but had faith that moved mountains, and she helped soooo many people…this tiny little lady, had she not believed in God’s love and grace…I’m not sure if she could have accomplished so much.

So, please…I hear what you’re saying, but it wouldn’t hurt to read a book about her life. It might not change your mind, but it might enlighten you to something more. Food 4 thought.

God bless,
WG 🙂
I may have a different spirituality than many others here, but I’m not close to Atheism. I’m not trying to sound condescending, but I’ve been to some depths of darkness in my life that most people have never plunged. I know people who’ve killed themselves over less than I’ve been through. Whether my particular outlook on the world and on spirtuality and on God is the best possible outcome, I can’t even begin to say. But it’s my outcome, and the way I see things, beleiving fully in a spirtuality that suits you is the only way for a person to really be saved.
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