CDC Study: 85% of Coronavirus Patients Reported Wearing Masks ‘Always’ or ‘Often’

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Nope. Still prooftexting.
Nope. Reading the clear meaning of the words he said in their context. Read them again.
He was talking about the effectiveness of masks to society.
Read his words, instead of your interpretation of them.
When are you going to give up prooftexting? Nowhere does Redfield say that a mask is less effective when put on the infected person. Everyone knows that. It is ridiculous to imply that the director of the CDC does not know that. If you want to chalk it up to a slip of the tongue, go ahead. But don’t try to spread the ridiculous noting that a mask is all you need to protect yourself from unmasked infected people.
Did anyone read the study that Breitbart was citing? I did and it doesn’t come to the conclusion that Breitbarts have.

To help slow the spread of SARS-CoV-2, precautions should be implemented to stay home once exposed to someone with COVID-19, in addition to adhering to recommendations to wash hands often, wear masks, and social distance. If a family member or other close contact is ill, additional prevention measures can be taken to reduce transmission, such as cleaning and disinfecting the home, reducing shared meals and items, wearing gloves, and wearing masks, for those with and without known COVID-19."

The study found that a high rate of transmission was noticed in participants who dined out and visited bars where masks were taken off to eat and drink. Then it goes on to recommend continued use.
I said he said a mask would be better protection than nothing at all, as would happen if the vaccine were only 70% effective.

IOW, we will have to continue some of these “rules” even after we get a vaccine.
Here’s the quote:
“These actually, we have clear scientific evidence they work, and they are our best defense,” he continued. "I might even go so far as to say this face mask is more guaranteed to protect me against COVID than when I take a COVID vaccine, because the immunogenicity might be 70%, and if I don’t get an immune response the vaccine’s not going to protect me. This face mask will.
“This face mask” (the one he is holding, his)
“To protect me” ( not you, not someone else)

Now, maybe he meant something else, but I’m not sure how one can interpret it otherwise.
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Here’s the quote:
“These actually, we have clear scientific evidence they work, and they are our best defense,” he continued. "I might even go so far as to say this face mask is more guaranteed to protect me against COVID than when I take a COVID vaccine, because the immunogenicity might be 70%, and if I don’t get an immune response the vaccine’s not going to protect me. This face mask will.
Basically, I think he is saying what I said he was saying.
When are you going to give up prooftexting?
When are you going to give pretending you know what he meant other than what he said?
I don’t even agree with him regarding that level of mask effectiveness.
Nowhere does Redfield say that a mask is less effective when put on the infected person. Everyone knows that. It is ridiculous to imply that the director of the CDC does not know that.
Of course, I didn’t say that. He’s saying it is effective in protecting the wearer
If you want to chalk it up to a slip of the tongue, go ahead. But don’t try to spread the ridiculous noting that a mask is all you need to protect yourself from unmasked infected people.
I never said that. All I said was what he said, that masks protect the wearer, perhaps better than a vaccine under the circumstances he explains.
You’re arguing against a straw man.
Motherwit. Please notice your own quote says to “slow the spread”.

Not stop the spread.

That was supposedly the whole purpose of masking-up.

To “flatten the curve”. Not stop the spread.
Flattening the curve does not result in less cases. It just doesn’t.

Flattening the curve does not keep people from getting a virus (see here or below).

From here . . .
As Dr. Lisa Maragakis, Senior Director of Infection Prevention at Johns Hopkins Medical School explained, flattening the curve means that “ the same large number of patients arrived at the hospital at a slower rate. [emphasis mine]”
Flattening the curve slows down the spread, so as to not overwhelm the medical system.

Flattening the curve does NOT stop viral spread.
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It will be interesting to see how the virus situation plays out in the future. There are many different aspects to it’s handling, the psychological impact, and political response also. Some politicians such as Biden want more economic lockdowns believing that will help. Of course others hold a different view on that such as President Trump.

I was happy to see the Trump family doing so well after catching the COVID virus. Many seem to have come to view the virus as a death sentence once a positive test result comes back. With such a high profile case of the virus, with the Trump family doing so well after diagnosis, I hope that helps relieve some of the fear the public has. There are treatments for the virus that are working. Death rates from the virus have been dropping for months now. The press sadly does not typically report that information though.
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There are treatments for the virus that are working. Death rates from the virus have been dropping for months now. The press sadly does not typically report that information though.
The virus is not going away, but it does seem treatments are improving. Since Fauci doubts the long-lasting benefit of vaccines, perhaps more attention and resources ought to be paid to treatment than to vaccines. But it seems the Dems can’t do that because they have based a lot of their anti-Trump rhetoric on the “let’s lock down until a good vaccine comes along” approach.
First of all, a mask serves as a reminder not to touch your face.
I’m constantly touching my face when I wear the mask, even more so now that it’s cold outside and my glasses steam up to the point where I can’t see and have to take them off and wipe them off–but then they steam up again…and again…and again…and I’m taking the glasses off again and again, or I’m pushing the mask under my nose so that the steaming will stop and I can see to walk or drive safely.

Peeps will probably die from falling down a manhole or tripping into the path of a car because her glasses are steamed up from wearing that mask to protect her life. :roll_eyes:

As a microbiologist, I have believed from the beginning that we are more likely to become infected by touching the virus with our bare hands and then touching our faces (to clear the steam off our glasses!). I think wearing gloves would possibly help, but the virus would still be on the gloves.

Nope–I think we’re going to have to get to a place like we are with colds, flu, and other common viruses–where we live our lives and try hard to stay well, but usually end up with at least one or two colds every year, and at least one bout with influenza during our lives (even if we get vaccinated) and most of us tough it out and live through our viral infection, but some don’t because they are immunocompromised in some way. Once the vaccine is released, I think this will bring us to that point of living with the virus rather than trying to eliminate all COVID from the earth.

May that day come soon!

Is there a pro-mask orthodoxy emerging among scientists?​

Oct. 14, 2020 - 4:02 - ‘Unreported Truths’ author and former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson speaks out on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’
Is there a pro-mask orthodoxy emerging among scientists? | On Air Videos | Fox News

I would like to see this Denmark Study that Berenson talks about at approx. 1:30 into the video.


I think (from the actions)
Democrats, at least national ones, WANT an everlasting mask mandate
and use corona virus as a pretext for it.

I don’t quite understand WHY they want this permanent, but it at least appears to me, this is the direction they are going.

Remember. We now will have to live with corona virus. It will be endemic.

And if you look at the physiology, corona virus vaccines can really at best,
approximate flu vaccines
which still are not very good and fraught with side effects,
and they carry the need to constantly reformulate.
Also the fact that these vaccines do NOT stimulate secretory IgA (which will be needed if you really want an effective vaccine in a disease that has high mucosal surface infectivity) will result in them always being only marginally effective.

Permanent masking-up. This seems to be what the leftists WANT.
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Permanent masking-up. This seems to be what the leftists WANT.
I’m not sure where you are reading that? I’m still frustrated that Trump is so anti mask. Why does he glom onto anything that hints that masks may not be as effective as we would like them to be and hint that we shouldn’t be wearing them at all?

The biggest problem with masking is that so many are doing it wrong and not using the proper materials and layers needed to make them more effective! We have studies that show that properly made and worn masks can be almost as effective as N95 masks. Why do we still have shortages of N95 masks anyway?

We could still drastically limit the spread of Covid19 if everyone properly masked outside of their home and obeyed physical distancing and hand washing. Instead, we have a president that ridicules mask wearers and does nothing to help make mask wearing acceptable. As our leader, he should be the leading example! If EVERYONE except the 1-2% that can’t for serious reasons, wore masks, we would be in much better shape and possibly on the road to fully opening up again. Instead, the president seriously hampers the road to recovery and we are now going to enter phase two of the pandemic. I’m still trying to figure out how wearing a mask became such a detriment to liberty!
PattyIt on permanent masking-up . . .
I’m not sure where you are reading that?
Well WHAT makes you think things will change next week?

Or next year?

Or next decade?

(Initially I thought this would occur until after the election by the left. Now I think I underestimated their love for this kind of thing and the feeling of control it brings. Michigan’s Whitmer is the poster-child for this. She is a microcosmic encapsulation of this attitude. Even to the point of two recent push-backs by the Michigan Supreme Court.)


PattyIt . . .
We could still drastically limit the spread of Covid19 if everyone properly masked outside of their home . . .
Could you cite me one study that says that?

Not scientists that think and say that but one study?

And do you think people are “protecting themelves” or “others” when masking-up ALONE in the car?

Oh. And by the way. What is your definition of a “mask”?
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Masks don’t do a dang thing against fecal oral spread. Not a dang thing. We’ve known since February that this is a primary vector, but it has been politically incorrect to talk about it all this time.
mask mandates make it worse rather than better.

Why? Because transport matters. If you collect something and then move it from where it was you dramatically increase the number of people who can get infected. This is fundamentally unsound and is why “mask orders” in the general public are flat-out bat---- crazy. We’ve known masks in the general public do not work since the flu pandemic of 1918 when the places that put mask orders in place got no results in suppressing the spread of the bug. Why? Because any potential “benefit” from the mask is offset by inevitable transport of viral material from one place to another, thereby multiplying the potential number of infected people. With a bug that is fecally transmissible if the bug is aerosolized out of feces (not just transmitted by contact) you’ve really screwed the pooch in that you’re now taking the risk of exposure from the person who uses the restroom and expanded it to anyone who gets anywhere near their mask for the next several hours, especially if someone has it on and is blowing air through the wrong way liberating virus from the outside surface with each breath. Do remember that a mask is a filter and if you took your furnace filter and put it in backwards all of the dust, pollen and other material it collected would be immediately distributed into your house! What do you think happens if you breathe in via a mask, collect some virus on the outside surface and then exhale blowing said collected material that fails to “stick” to the surface back into the air in part? If you collected the virus in a restroom and then leave the restroom with the mask on your face you are distributing that virus to everyone who gets anywhere near you outside of the infectious environment! The more area you cover after it gets contaminated the worse the problem gets.

Remember that the droplet is not the infectious part – the droplet is a carrier of the infectious part. When it evaporates the infectious part is still there, it is a fraction of a micron in size and is liberated from the carrying water droplet. In other words you are transporting that infectious agent around and as the droplet evaporates you are liberating it into the environment wherever you are at the time. Until the virus itself is destabilized, which occurs over time and especially with UV exposure or exposure to high or low-pH environments (which is why soap works) it remains infectious.

Such a mandate is criminally insane as it is guaranteed to infect people.

Our government has literally turned every person adhering to such a mandate into Typhoid Mary; any virus you pick up from some random place or encounter *you are now being forced to transport said bug under “authority of law” to other places and people, distributing it to them.
This explains why the virus continues to spread in regions that have mandated masks for months. We’ve been told masks are the best way to slow the spread, but now that’s being shown to be a lie. What are we supposed to tell people in Spain who have been locked down and masked up for months, yet are still experiencing some of the largest spikes in Europe? What are we supposed to tell people living in areas with mask mandates for months when cases keep rising where they live?
Flattening the curve does not result in less cases. It just doesn’t.
But “slowing the spread” does result in less cases. I do not buy the fatalistic view the everyone is going to catch covid-19, and neither do any public health officials.
Since Fauci doubts the long-lasting benefit of vaccines, perhaps more attention and resources ought to be paid to treatment than to vaccines.
This is a misrepresentation of what Fauci said. He never said that resources ought to be shifted from vaccines to treatments.
Remember. We now will have to live with corona virus.
No, forget that, because it has not been established, only opined.
We could still drastically limit the spread of Covid19 if everyone properly masked outside of their home . . .
I can cite many public health officials who say that.
Masks don’t do a dang thing against fecal oral spread. Not a dang thing. We’ve known since February that this is a primary vector
You keep saying that, but no public health official that fecal and oral spread is the primary vector. They say the primary vector is respiratory exhalations.
This explains why the virus continues to spread in regions that have mandated masks for months.
There are many reasons why the virus continues to spread in such regions: insufficient testing and isolation, insufficient social distancing, inconsistent mask use, and the fact that this is a very infectious virus. What matters is how much worse it would be if we did not use masks.
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