Celibacy on wedding night

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If the primary end of marriage is the procreation of children, how is that not right?
The primary end of marriage isn’t just the procreation of children. Unmarried people are just as capable of getting pregnant. Two complete strangers can procreate just fine.

It’s the procreation and raising of children in a stable, loving family. That’s the unique thing marriage brings to the table. That means you have to be concerned with more than just “can we crank out more kids?” It’s “can we have kids and provide all that they need physically, socially, spiritually, etc.”
My wife and i were in the same situation. We had dinner and took a bath together it was nice. We kept busy over the honeymoon and when the time finally arrived it wws amazing. We’ve lasted 35 yrs so it didn’t kill us to wait.
Sure, I agree.

What I’m saying, is we shouldn’t put worldly pleasures and concerns before having children.
I went to school with multiple families that had 8-12 kids apiece. This was in an urban industrialized setting. They were not rich by any means.

It seems that some families find the wherewithal to provide for many fine children and don’t worry so much about “spacing them out” or avoiding them with NFP because they may somehow break the bank.
If the primary end of marriage is the procreation of children, how is that not right?
Nature, the survival of mankind needs procreation and procreation is ideally served through marriage. But nature does not require many children per marriage. So I don’t know from where you get the idea that as many children as possible should be produced.
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