mhansen, “by the same token”, *
I do know something about nuclear physics, one of my majors was Physics and I attended that Univ at Oak Ridge for a year. But that doesn’t help at all with spiritual realm. A careful reading will tell you I didn’t tell God how to work. The post was a warning.
Are you implying that I know nothing of the possible effects of opening the mind to whatever spirit that may be lurking nearby? It is possible that you misunderstood my post. I assure you that I have experienced negativity during “centering”, it was not a happy time.
And just who are you to decide that “centering” is a legitimate means of union with God? Do you have some special with-held information that you are keeping about “centering”? Please share it with us.
What I said was a warning to beginers that just as the Ouija Board opens the mind to any available spirit, so to can New Age Centering. Tell me where you find “centering” in Catholic literature. Perhaps you can enlighten us.*
Umm, good for you that you have a Physics degree. Where does this boasting come into the discussion? Did I boast of my degrees? No, because it is irrelevant to the discussion.
I have carefully read your post, and nowhere in it do you share your supposed “experiences” with Centering Prayer. The term Centering Prayer is just that, a term. If you knew anything about it, as you suggest you do, you would realize that it is a form of contemplative prayer, which, according to at least two Doctors of the Church, and the Church itself, is a legitimate means of union with God. You wanted my “special with-held information”, and there it is, except that what I give you is public information. The important point is that it is a form of contemplative prayer, and that IS backed by the Church.
If you had negative experiences, I wish you would have shared those with us, so we could all learn from them. To throw a blanket warning out, however, does no good. It only leaves me wondering whether or not those “experiences” actually happened, or if they were simply thrown in after the fact.