Revelation is apocalyptic literature, and therefore can be interpreted in a variety of ways. The woman can be seen as Mary, but also Israel, and the Church. All are valid, and appropriate. It is not a conclusive or definitive commentary on the Assumption of the Blessed mother.John Chapter 2 verse 1-5
John 19:26-30
In the Gospel of John, he called Mary woman like in the verse which I quoted.
Since Revelation 12:1 was also written by John, he identify the woman in Revelation 12:1 as Mary. We know this to be true because the male child whom she gave birth to is Jesus Christ. You cannot deny that mere fact.
Who literally gave birth to Jesus? Mary did therefore, Mary is the woman in Revelation 12:1.
Yes, because if the woman in Revelation that gave birth to the male child is interpreted as Mary, then she is alive in heaven, and is wearing a crown. This is where the idea originated that she is Queen of Heaven, and Queen of Angels and Saints.And THAT has significance?
All who are born of God through the Holy Spirit are grafted into Christ, we are adopted, and become brothers and sisters of Our Lord Jesus. His mother becomes our mother through adoption.So were not born of God by Holy Spirit, were born of Mary?
Does Mary actually have wings as well?
I cannot speak to the nature of the heavenly body we will receive when wer are resurrected, but it seems to me that our notion of 'wings" on angelic beings is a reflection of how we understand the ability to move without gravity affecting us.