Can you please clarify what you mean by this? If you mean what I think you mean… uhhhWe are not ascetics
Can you please clarify what you mean by this? If you mean what I think you mean… uhhhWe are not ascetics
No problemo!Can you please clarify what you mean by this? If you mean what I think you mean… uhhh
If you pray silently by yourselves, that would be no problem.Many of you keep talking about tongues and having someone interpret. That is one kind but mostly what you hear is a prayer language. The Holy Spirit helps us when we don’t know how to pray and neither kind of tongues is heard at Mass - unless it is specifically a Charismatic Mass. Doesn’t Paul say that he wished everyone would have tongues? All of the people I know who are Charismatic are also very orthodox.
Wrong.My motto is, Unambiguously Faithful Without Distraction. If the Charismatic Renewal nourishes YOU in OUR shared faith without becoming a distaction, glory to God! When something takes OUR shared faith and makes it only YOURS, it is a distraction. We each have different interests and attractions within the Church–some are drawn to Latin in the Mass, some to Marian devotions, some to the Charismatic Renewal. Many of these movements are good, but none are “required.”
Fr, you are incorrect.I have been involved in the Charismatic Movement of the Church since 1976, and have been a priest since 1984. I have seen good - I have seen bad - I have seen sloppy - I have seen reverent.
My reason for responding is to invite care: I remember a seminary professor I had suggest to us that the “unforgivable sin” against the Holy Spirit is denying a work of the Holy Spirit is actually coming from Him.
If we dismiss something that is bringing some people deeper/closer to the Lord because it is confusing - and I think those who choose to leave the Church because the Mass is not “enough” for them are confused - to some, we run the risk of denying the work of the Holy Spirit. Remember: the enemy of our souls is always trying to confuse, not clarify. I have seen MUCH clarification and faithfulness (even as I have seen confusion and unfaithfulness).
Yes, but the Church hasn’t dogmatically define that Charismatic is right and proper.We can discuss the benefits AND shortfalls - there are both. But we need to hold on to the truth that God is not a God of confusion. Hold on to the Truth of the Church and Her teachings. Listen carefully and discerningly. Isn’t this what the Church is calling us all to?
Grow in holiness - where ever it is found. There are excellent resources for our growth in holiness. The Lord in his majesty has given us many places to find them and Him.
Should you seek Franciscan, Dominican, Ignatian, Benedictine, Carmelite, … (dare I say charismatic?) spirituality? Let the Holy Spirit guide you. He knows what you need.
The Holy Spirit WILL NEVER contradict Itself right?May God bless you all in your pursuit of He who is the True Bridegroom of our souls.
That, right there, is the thin edge of the wedge. As St. Paul describes the diversity of gifts and those who receive them, this is a mis-statement at best, and the beginnings of a theological error that when reversed in context leads to an abuse I have seen which I call “charismatic elitism.”Check out:
The gift of tongues is available to all! I personally have found the gift VERY beneficial in building my relationship with God. I highly recommend you read the above links!