:dancing: I have noticed that usually parishes in which much Liturgical Abuse takes place in are usually ultra-charismatic ones.
The members of such parishes (in some) seem they are just there for the entertainment. Let’s also say a parish has had charismatic pastors in the past, and suddenly a NEW REAL Catholic pastor arrives who tells the parish members what Liturgical Laws actually say, and NO more electric guitars, drums, Christian merengue whatever, cannot continue. Well, for the most part these members will angrily either protest or leave when corrected. The ones who leave usually begin to attend another parish in which Liturgical Abuse is perpetuated. However, why is it these same ones who leave, etc., and go to another parish which perpetuates liturgical abuse are almost always members of the chrismatic renewal? Can’t they grasp liturgical truth: the Liturgical Laws of the Church
The members of such parishes (in some) seem they are just there for the entertainment. Let’s also say a parish has had charismatic pastors in the past, and suddenly a NEW REAL Catholic pastor arrives who tells the parish members what Liturgical Laws actually say, and NO more electric guitars, drums, Christian merengue whatever, cannot continue. Well, for the most part these members will angrily either protest or leave when corrected. The ones who leave usually begin to attend another parish in which Liturgical Abuse is perpetuated. However, why is it these same ones who leave, etc., and go to another parish which perpetuates liturgical abuse are almost always members of the chrismatic renewal? Can’t they grasp liturgical truth: the Liturgical Laws of the Church