I AGREE! Also, FEELINGS offten betray us humans. GOD IS NOT ABOUT FEELINGS=jumping up and down, clapping, dancing the tango in mass etc. Look at the life of those who experienced God directly: the MYSTICS such as St. John of the Cross. He did not depend upon his mystical experiences: actually he says one MUST be cautious about them. He also experienced the “Dark Night of the Soul.” NOT what is going to happen to many in certain movements when they DON’T feel God, when God hides from them(language of St. John of the Cross) and they cannot feel Him? Will they STOP believing in God? As was the case with a friend of mine who thought following God was all about ALWAYS FEELING happy, and when the storm came, he dispaired. "The passions must be subject to the will and the Intelect(St. Thomas Aquinas THE DOCTOR of the Church, and the ONLY THEOLOGIAN recomended by VATICAN II.I was baptized Catholic, but raised Protestant. And even though I have spent the last few months studying my way back home, and don’t claim to know a quarter of what I hope to learn about the faith, I feel that I must respond to this issue. Since the question was asked, a charismatic church, be it Catholic or Protestant, is not for me. I have seen what Protestant charistmatics do with the gift of tongues, the clapping, swaying, etc. It is as if the entire worship service is centered around speaking in tongues. I have seen people who respond to the “alter call” almost forced to speak in tongues to prove their receipt of the Holy Spirit. I also question the emotion of it all. While it is true that love is an emotion, it is also true that emotions and feelings are powerful, and can take on a life of their own. I am wary of any worship service where the emotional aspects are an integral part of the service. Where is the reverence? It just seems possible that a charismatic Mass could lead to a focus on self rather than God.
Lastly, I see a trend toward church hopping in the Catholic church that I though was only a Protestant thing. That is unsettling. However, I will continue my journey home with God’s guidance.
A soon to be flesh and blood Catholic,