Charismatic Movement:Love it or hate it?

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Just screw it, you are not going to conform anyone here to your way of thinking. You have your novus ordo mass, and we have our charismatic one. It’s settled. You don’t have to bash what you don’t like. Just leave it alone, and have nothing to do with it. There are lots of things that you say we are, that we aren’t, and there are a lot of misconceptions about the charismatic renewal that aren’t true, that your spewing. I’ve also read implications in posts, that the divine liturgy, is strictly novus ordo masses. Please, talk about blind . . . :rolleyes:
Please be careful. The Charismatic movement is approved by the Vatican.

SuZ and what of it? We are not bound to follow “approval”; we are bound to follow Catholic Dogma, Canon Law, and official communiqués from the Holy See. The renewal has an office in the Vatican. So? There are many offices in the Vatican. People quote the Pope’s welcoming address to a group of pilgrims as if it was something we are bound to follow. Do not issue warnings, unless you have the information to back it up. We are NOT bound to follow a lay movement or an apparition, not even if these are approved by the Church. Please get your facts straight.
Sorry, I called just called you Mysty,

Suz, just take a look at posts #78 and #128 on this thread. In part, I was referring to those when I was responding to Word.
I have just started posting here—I will answer specific posts, but I am not about to go hunting.

And you can call me Mysty—my maiden name began with T, and some of the employees whom I supervised used to call me Miss T.

SuZ and what of it? We are not bound to follow “approval”; we are bound to follow Catholic Dogma, Canon Law, and official communiqués from the Holy See. The renewal has an office in the Vatican. So? There are many offices in the Vatican. People quote the Pope’s welcoming address to a group of pilgrims as if it was something we are bound to follow. Do not issue warnings, unless you have the information to back it up. We are NOT bound to follow a lay movement or an apparition, not even if these are approved by the Church. Please get your facts straight.
Who said you were bound to folow the Charismatic movement?


This is an option (I have said this more than once) If you don’t like this style of worship don’t go to any Charismatic meetings, services or Masses.

BUT Don’t tell me that it is wrong for me to worship in a style approved by the Vatican. (where is that head banging icon???)

Mysty, thank you for the first part.

As for your question, have you red some of the previous posts? Please read them. But I am rather surprised you have not observed the move in your parish. Why would it be called a movement if it was not meant to change or to alter what IS? A movement is not simply a devotion, a way of life or a form of prayer. Even the definition of the word suggests otherwise. But I am very much interested what you think about the rest of my post, the parts you did not respond to.
There are nine movements in the Catholic Church—Do you also bash the other 8?
Mother Teresa only said “He cannot be found in noise and restlessness”. Singing is not noise and restlessness…a choir sing songs of praise to support the congregation in praying. So it’s important for the choir to choose songs with meaningful lyrics that fit the Readings of the Mass.

When I gather to pray the Hail Mary Full of Grace…, and Our Father, I understand the prayers and I know it’s in the Scripture and I know the people I pray with have same understanding.
But if the person next to me pray with something he/she doesnot even understand, and I don’t understand, then my conscience says I should not gather since I am not able to discern whether he/she is praising or cursing. (If I say something wrong, please forgive. It’s what I believe based on little experience)
I feel you are sincere and open in your questions, so I will do my best to help you understand my point of view.
But if the person next to me pray with something he/she doesnot even understand, and I don’t understand, then my conscience says I should not gather since I am not able to discern whether he/she is praising or cursing.
Were you at a Charismatic Mass of prayer meeting? I have never heard a Charismatic pray in Tongues at a NO Mass. You are absolutely correct in feeling that this would be wrong—not so much because of the Tongue (it is the language of Angels), but because of the disunity with the congregation.
from USCCB Postures and Gestures at Mass
In addition to serving as a vehicle for the prayer of beings composed of body and spirit, the postures and gestures in which we engage at Mass have another very important function. The Church sees in these common postures and gestures both a symbol of the unity of those who have come together to worship and a means of fostering that unity. We are not free to change these postures to suit our own individual piety, for the Church makes it clear that our unity of posture and gesture is an expression of our participation in the one Body formed by the baptized with Christ, our head. When we stand, kneel, sit, bow and sign ourselves in common action, we given unambiguous witness that we are indeed the Body of Christ, united in heart, mind and spirit.
Greetings Church,

I need some help. Can anyone here tell me how to use the ignore function? If you put a poster on ignore, can you still see their posts?

Hi again,

I found it. This is pretty cool.
This is a function I have not seen on any other “Discussion” web. What happens is this. Some of you may already know this.
If there is someone in the threads that really annoys you, if their posts make you angry or somehow might be a “near occaision for sin”,for you, personally, you can *ignore *this person. Their user name shows up but their post is invisible to you. Very good.
Corpus Cristi:
I’ve also read implications in posts, that the divine liturgy, is strictly novus ordo masses. Please, talk about blind . . . :rolleyes:
The Divine Liturgy is its own Rite, I know that. Thank the Lord that the East has never made such a drastic reform of their liturgy. Vatican II had very little affect on the East, it pretty much only defined the Rites of the East as in union with Rome. They have their own jurisdiction. It is almost funny that the East has never thought it was necessary to make a major reform to their liturgies. “Divine Liturgy” is what the Eastern Catholics call the mass. Or more technically, “Mass” is what the Latin Rite Catholics call the Divine Liturgy.
Hi again,

I found it. This is pretty cool.
This is a function I have not seen on any other “Discussion” web. What happens is this. Some of you may already know this.
If there is someone in the threads that really annoys you, if their posts make you angry or somehow might be a “near occaision for sin”,for you, personally, you can *ignore *this person. Their user name shows up but their post is invisible to you. Very good.
Hey Roberta it works! Only I forgot to hit the submit button the first time…thanks a lot…this is really going to come in handy! Wish I knew about it when the ‘Sedevacanist’ was spewing her poison:rolleyes:
Mysty101 said:
You’re allowed to say that here???

I am not sure, but I don’t believe that we are. But Read my lips in huge red letters is not what I would call civilized behavior either.
Don’t tell me that it is wrong for me to worship in a style approved by the Vatican.

I am not telling you anything SuZ, you came on this thread and if you do not like it, you do not have to stay. I wish you would, but it is entirely up to you. However, I was not aware you had the authority to tell people what lay movement they may or may not have a discussion about.
Mysty101 said:
Tongue (it is the language of Angels

Please explain to me where can someone learn angelic? What is the purpose of angelic? What makes you sure it is angelic? Has any angel translated it for you? Where is it in the Bible that we are to speak angelic? When did angels converse with human beings in angelic?
All I know is that God brought me to the Charismatic movement in the Catholic Church. I prayed about it and questioned it because i heard both positives and negatives about it. So i wanted to know for sure and I asked God and he brought me there. So, i know it is a good thing and it is RIGHT. ANd it is created by God and the Holy Spirit. God showed me as clear as day as he did when i questioned my beliefs in the Catholic Church and other Christian denominations. He showed me the truth in the Catholicc Church. So, i do not need people to tell me it is wrong or right because God told me and I know for sure no matter what other people say or think. If you have questions about it ask God and he will show you. Have Faith.
All I know is that God brought me to the Charismatic movement in the Catholic Church. I prayed about it and questioned it because i heard both positives and negatives about it. So i wanted to know for sure and I asked God and he brought me there. So, i know it is a good thing and it is RIGHT. ANd it is created by God and the Holy Spirit. God showed me as clear as day as he did when i questioned my beliefs in the Catholic Church and other Christian denominations. He showed me the truth in the Catholicc Church. So, i do not need people to tell me it is wrong or right because God told me and I know for sure no matter what other people say or think. If you have questions about it ask God and he will show you. Have Faith.
How did God show you? We must be careful about such claims. Do you have a Spiritual Director?

The Charismatic Movement today is the stupidest thing I have ever seen, it’s from the Devil."Hey look at me I’am holy"give me a break
Let all focus on Chirst and not ourselves!!
I am not sure, but I don’t believe that we are. But Read my lips in huge red letters is not what I would call civilized behavior either.

I am not telling you anything SuZ, you came on this thread and if you do not like it, you do not have to stay. I wish you would, but it is entirely up to you. However, I was not aware you had the authority to tell people what lay movement they may or may not have a discussion about.
OK where did I say you can’t discuss something? And I don’t need your permission to stay or go. This is the last unsubstantiated accusation I will answer----Can you say ignore?

The Charismatic Movement today is the stupidest thing I have ever seen, it’s from the Devil."Hey look at me I’am holy"give me a break
Let all focus on Chirst and not ourselves!!
Gee the Vatican approved something from the devil. another candidate for ignore.

Coming from a pack of sugar free chewing gum, you will pardon me if I don’t take it too seriously, won’t you?

I am sorry, I just couldn’t resist teasing you a little bit. I do have a silly sense of humor.

I am sorry you do not like the Renewal, but as it has been said, over and over, it is not for everyone. For many of us, though, it is a profound experience.
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