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I believe several of us, Les, Gnome, Exporter and myself, and others have done our best to bring out the true beauty of the Catholic Charismatic Movement by pointing out the things that give it a bad name and reputation in many quarters.

That beauty does exist. Our Holy Father approves of the CCR. It is a work of the Church that when lived according to our Holy Father’s expectations could lead many people to sanctity.

Holiness is the goal of all the movements working together for the good of the entire Church.

Note well that the Pope, while approving of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, has never given his approval to the things that are causing many Catholics to totally distrust the CCR and to seriously doubt the Pope’s wisdom in approving of it.

All of these things have already been documented repeatedly.

Mary or Maria,

I thought you were on assignment. Or perhaps another attack of eyestrain?

It is unfortunate that you have still not substantiated your claims. You have repeadedly slandered authentic CCR with personal opinion and no specific validation. You have never identified the authority of your group. Here is a link to my conference, and you can check my credentials

You still have not given any documentation for your claims (other than incorrect private interpretation), nor have you answered my questions about your theory of 2 CCR movements, and under whose authority is the group of you and your friends.

You will someday answer for all you have done.

And it is definitely against all rules to give undocumented quotes, especially from other websites, taken out of context and without the author’s permission.

1 Maria:

Note well that the Pope, while approving of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, has never given his approval to the things that are causing many Catholics to totally distrust the CCR and to seriously doubt the Pope’s wisdom in approving of it.
All of these things have already been documented repeatedly.

You cannot speak for the Pope. When he approved CCR, he did not exclude praying in tongues, which is a form of prayer in authentic CCR prayer groups. This is a fact, which you cannot deny.

I sincerely hope that you realize that you have maligned good Catholic laity, as well as clergy in good standing (including the preacher to the Papal household) who pray in tongues.

You have made many unsubstantiated claims about authentic CCR, about which you claim (without one shred of evidence) to have a knowledge, while professing that those in the legitimate APPROVED movement are in error.

You must stop these unjust accusations and loose tongued private opinion. You will answer for it.
Dear friends

I am totally ignorant about The Charismatic Movement. But one thing I will say is when posting becomes personal and discussion turns to argument, then there is little else for either party to say but to agree to differ.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Mysty101…I am sorry that so far I have been unable to communicate to you in a way you could understand what is in my heart and soul concerning the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.

I’ll try again.

First of all I do not dislike you. In fact, if I lived near you, I would invite you to lunch…not to discuss the Movements within the Church…but just to get to know one another and enjoy each others company.

I believe no one here dislikes you as also no one here dislikes the CCR.

I personally have a great love for the Church, I have given my life and have offered everything for the Church and for “That they may all be one”. Nothing is mine. It all belongs to God who is everything…

As far as my love for the CCR, it is very true and very real . I do firmly believe that it will someday be seen by the world as the beautiful jewel it is.

I cordially invite you to put your soul consciously in the presence of God and hear, actually hear deep in your heart and soul the words and the love of our Holy Father in this address.


Hear how much he loves the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and all the movements within the Church.

Hear what he is asking of the CCR and all movements.

Everyone of us, no matter whether we are involved in a movement or not…everyone of us is being asked by the Holy Spirit for our Fiat…our yes to God…knowing that the greatest proof of our love for God is our love for one another.

I believe God is asking everything from all of us.

I believe that anything less than everything is too little.

You cannot speak for the Pope. When he approved CCR, he did not exclude praying in tongues, which is a form of prayer in authentic CCR prayer groups. This is a fact, which you cannot deny.
He did not include praying in tongues either. As in Liturgy instruction, what is not specified in the GIRM does not mean it’s allowed.

I just read the Pope’s address to CCR in Maria’s link. He praises the areas of apostolic activity: *spiritual guidance in Marian shrines, the “Burning Bush” (Eucharistic adoration?).
*He mentions the “outpouring of the Spirit”, praying “Come Holy Spirit”, so ever wonder why he does not address praying in tongues, slain in the Spirit ?
1 Maria:
Mysty101…I am sorry that so far I have been unable to communicate to you in a way you could understand what is in my heart and soul concerning the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.

Then ask to have all posts in which you made insinuations against me and others (especially the preacher to the Papal household) involved in CCR removed. Show your credentials which give you the right to qualify the Papal approval of CCR.
Of all the “authentic” CCR people I have met, both in ‘real life’ across the US, and on the internet, I have yet to meet even one who is faithful to what the Pope is asking of them, such as promoting the Eucharist and the rosary.
Who are you to judge or assess anyone, and publicly malign these people?
What I am not happy with is how some of it’s own members, here on CA, possibly innocently, I don’t know, continue to distort the teachings of the Church.
Back this claim. Your private interpretation is NOT the teachings of the church.
To me, it honestly looks as if there are two CCR movements; the one that follows what the Pope desires which is the one I and many of my friends love and promote and which we highly recommend to anyone who feels called to the CCR…
I have asked you many times to validate this statement with the credentials of your authority and some documentation that this alleged group is what is supported by the Pope. I have posted my legitimate comferences many times.
And then there’s the ‘authentic’ CCR that seems to promote only itself. I do have quotes from people on this Message Board and one other one that are from two or three people on this Board to back up what I just said.
How dare you say something like that?

You exclaimed,“You must stop these unjust accusations and loose tongued private opinion. You will answer for it.”

“YOU WILL ANSWER FOR IT”! What is your authority to make that statement? Instead of trying to understand what Maria has been saying, you have castigated her. I disagree with your action.

Another statement from Mysty101 is,“Who are you to judge or assess anyone, and publicly malign these people?”

Here we go again. I ask , “Who are you to decide that Maria should not make a judgemental statement?” What’s your authority to judge another Catholic?

Do you think that Maria has an ulterior motive? If yes, then say what it is. It seems that you are overprotective of your own little group and assume the entire nation is just like your group - they are not.

There are many phenomina occuring that you may not be aware of today. I noticed that you didn’t like a certain post of mine. I can understand that. But perhaps moderation is better. I did ask you to PM me if you wanted particulars.

Maria may have more insight than you do, Mysty101. Think.
Another statement from Mysty101 is,“Who are you to judge or assess anyone, and publicly malign these people?”

Here we go again. I ask , “Who are you to decide that Maria should not make a judgemental statement?” What’s your authority to judge another Catholic?.
Judge not, least ye may be judged—I did not malign anyone (Catholic or otherwise) I merely said that you who malign CCR members will answer for your words. You have judged yourselves with your own words

Suz…I honestly thought our Holy Father’s message of sincere love and encouragement would have brought you great joy as it did for my friends and me.

I will continue to pray for you as I trust that you also pray for me.

1 Maria:

Suz…I honestly thought our Holy Father’s message of sincere love and encouragement would have brought you great joy as it did for my friends and me.

I will continue to pray for you as I trust that you also pray for me.

The Holy Father’s support of CCR does indeed bring me great joy.

Your defamation of it does not.

I am still waiting for some validation or apology for the maligning statements you made regarding me and other members of the CCR movement. The Holy Father never said any of the malicious things you posted which I quoted above.You have totally ignored the posts which ask you to validate your defamation of CCR and its members.

I certainly will pray that you see the error of your ways.
With all of the threads on CCR at the moment, lets give the subject a little bit of a rest. Not a ban, just a break. The charity pertaining to these threads is lacking and that needs to get back on track. If you can’t post anything nice, please don’t post anything at all.

Thank you for your understanding.
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