What exactly is approved by the Church? Public censure? Show me. I think you are mixing me up with someone else
The Catholic Charismatic Renewal that we have been discussion for over 150 posts. Duh!
Witness Suzanne’s post #126 again, quoting Pope John Paul II:
I am convinced that this movement is a sign of his action. The world is much in need of this action of the Holy Spirit, and it needs many instruments for this action. The situation in the world is dangerous, very dangerous. Materialism is opposed to the true dimension of human power, and there are many different kinds of materialism. Materialism is the negation of the Holy Spirit. Now I see this movement, this activity everywhere . . . Consequently, I am convinced in the total renewal of the church, in this spiritual renewal of the church.
Call any diocesan office and speak to the officiating Bishop about the Prayer Communities that are listed therein. Until the Church officially expounds errors in doctrine, the movement is authentic - ALL of it!
You are not so naive as to believe that in 38 years, no member of the hierarchy has studied the teaching of LISS, and are somehow unaware that they must safeguard the faith of 100 million worldwide Catholics. Be assured it has been investigated thoroughly, and there is nothing to be found that is even so much as a “caution.”
In my area, there have been monthly masses celebrated for 29 years since inception of the group, with close to 25 different priests celebrating the mass. Surely if anything was amiss, it would have been reported to the bishop by now. It hasn’t. These prayer communities are not so insulated that abuses would not be quickly reported by the faithful or clergy.
The only hard-nose complaints come from those antagonistic to the movement based on private opinion and censure, as I posed.
I was not referring specifically to you, but those who take particular delight in opposing God’s people, with whom, unfortunately, they happen to be in communion, like it or not. But if the shoe fits, Les:
Your Post #125: Catholic Charismatics believe that God gives the gift of praying in an “unknown tongue” to anyone who seeks it."
As long as that is the case,
I will not be a a part of the CCR. *
Nothing has changed, has it. And in these words of yours from the same post, I sense that it is a deliberate and persistent effort on your part to undermine “it” as much as possible with rhettoric and constant debate, hoping that,
Maybe if we keep making the point, it will catch on. I hope so.
I’ll no longer discuss this with you, for I believe I was mistaken that you were honestly seeking.