Dear Roberta,
The fact is, The Holy Father has given his encouragement and blessing on the Charismatic Renewal, and yet many *Catholics *
are approaching this like Protestants do. You insist it is your interpretation of Scripture that is right and forget the Pope.
In the same breath you call the Charismatic Renewal an off shoot of Protestant Pentecostalism.
It is interesting that you write about this today, Roberta, for we celebrate the feast of Epiphany - God manifesting Himself to the three wise men, who were seeking Jesus, and inquiring where the newborn King of the Jews could be found. Our priest commented in his homily that it was these pagan seekers of truth who were blessed to see the Lord Jesus - not the complacent Jews; scribes who knew the scriptures by heart, and should have been the first to seek Him.
It is true the movement among our Protestant brethren gave inspiration to the original group at Duquesne University to seek a deeper relationship with the God and allow His Spirit to enter more deeply into their lives. So what? Can’t you see the irony of history repeating itself? In Acts 11, everyone throughout Judea had heard that the Gentiles had accepted the word of God. As a result, the
circumcised Jews took issue with Peter, scandalized that he dared to enter the home of
uncircumcised men and ate with them! (vs. 2)
Many of our opponents are like the Jews of old, full of disbelief that God would bestow His Spirit on those outside the chosen Catholic people. When we follow the story of Cornelius in Acts 10, it was due to the holy lives of his entire household who were religious and God-fearing, that the Lord sent his Spirit upon them all.
Could He not do the same today? Could not the Protestants who were pleasing to God have found a deep relationship with Him through His Spirit? It seems so, for it inspired the Duquesne group to seek Him also. Praise God! Cornelius had not been baptized nor received the sacraments at the time of this anointing by God. It was not a *prerequisite *to receiving God’s Spirit, for Cornelius was baptized with water, AFTER his baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, those who are scandalized by the Protestants being first to receive this outpouring in our day, might do well to examine their own complacency as the Duquesne group did. They were very wonderfully surprised when God answered their intense prayer, which is very scriptural. Lk. 11:13, “If you, with all your sins, know how to give your children what is good, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit
to those who ask Him.”
Incidentally, how did you fare with that forum? Did any come to believe the Truth? Or did they persist in their obstinancy, as I suspect. There are none so blind as those who think they have the entire handle on divine truth.