Hi—here’s the shortest one I have saved
There are many more on the site listed, and also on the SFSpirit site.
Has any of your bad experience with Charismatics been with a authentic CCR group? with good Catholic leadership?
I only stay in these discussions to keep pointing out that these complaints are against non-Catholic or inauthentic Charismatics, and using complaints against these groups as validation for condemnation of authentic CCR is the same as using complaints against protestant Christians to condemn Catholics.
Mysty101, I guess I haven’t made my points clear. I understand your response very well. But it isn’t about bad experiences with authentic or inauthentic groups. It’s about bad theology. It isn’t about condemning, its about redirecting.
Two quotes from Foster stick out right away for me.
*Insofar as the Charismatic Renewal makes its own this primary reality of the Gospel, it witnesses to elements of the Good News that are central, not optional: the covenant love of the Father, the Lordship of Jesus, the power of the Spirit, sacramental and community life, prayer, charisms and the necessity of evangelization. *
*Insofar as the renewal makes its own what is central to the enduring reality of the Gospel, it cannot be dismissed as peripheral to the life of the Church. *
Clearly the Charismatic Renewal is in and for the Church, not alongside the Church. Because the Charismatic Renewal is at the heart of the Church, it also has a role in parish renewal. - United States Bishops, 1984
I have been saying all along that the CCR has maintained, and leaders such as Ralph Martin still do, that this is the hard-core centre of any renewal at all within the church. That is why I was first interested, until I discovered the practices within the renewal and the theology that goes with it.
*Catholic Charismatics believe that God gives the gift of praying in an “unknown tongue” to anyone who seeks it.- **Fr. Thomas Foster, S.J. ***
This is that theology I was talking about. Note Fr Foster says “Catholic Charismatics believe…” That is a true statement, but it does not deal with the issue that the established theology of the Church does
not believe that. What Catholic Charismatics believe re: tongues (spoken, praise, prayer) has not been put forth by the magesterium for the faithful to believe. On that specific JPII is still silent to my knowledge. That is what I am looking for when I talk about specifics. It may seem like a peripheral point to some but if the belief were the established mainstream of the Church, ie. that tongues are rare and in no way to be sought after, the face of the CCR would be drastically different, not the less empowered by the Holy Spirit, more so actually, and more likely to accomplish the goals expressed by the United States Catholic Bishops quoted.
You will note also that the scriptural authority quoted is all from St. Paul. And the quotes from there and from Vatican II are generic, non-specific to that theological issue.