And I appreciate your willingness to discuss a specific issue, rather than switch back to defensiveness. Indeed, if all is as you have described, I should think my voice here would merly be an annoyance, no more. I have never understood the vitriol that some seem prone to launch with when I ask specific questions about specific issues.Hello Les,
Were it not for discerning in you a real search for truth, it would be futile for any of us to respond, but you have a genuine spirit, and I believe one day some of this material will reach your understanding - not so much to convert you, but to allow you to rest, knowing that the charismatics are not heretical destroyers of God’s holy Church.
I understand your point here and believe me, I have considered it very carefully. In response I would step back to another aspect of Vatican II, the issue of Protestant Christians. My understanding of Unitatis Redintegratio and the principle of invincible ignorance (that is not a derogatory expression) as expressed in Gaudium Et Spes and by many theologians and JPII himself in various documents is that while Protestants are in error, first they cannot be held accountable for the errors and intransigence of Luther and Calvin, et al. Secondly, while they do not have the fullness of the faith, in particular, our Lord in the Eucharist, there are many who will find salvation through their faith in Jesus Christ because what they do have comes from the Catholic Church. Further, there are many examples of the working of the Holy Spirit in powerful and remarkable ways amongst the Protestants that sometimes give us pause. And there is a great expansion within the Protestant denominations world-wide as we speak, through evangelization and the like. God is blessing at least some of their efforts. Knowing all of this, it is not a surprise to me that a large number of Catholics could be *taught *an error and believed it in good faith and the Holy Spirit has overlooked it due to the relevant importance of it in the immediate term. God works with us despite our foibles. Indeed, the results of the willingness to accept the work of the Holy Spirit is remarkable, and I have said before, perhaps not loud or long enough, I have no dispute with that.I respect the article written by Mr. Akin and much of his thinking is valid, but incomplete. What none of us can know with certainty is how the early Christians were gifted with tongues, and what St. Paul’s writings were addressing and correcting. All we can know is that the Holy Spirit cannot be put into our box of understanding, for He is beyond it, and may manifest His gifts in new ways, if He so chooses.
So let’s consider the known number of 100,000,000+ charismatics throughout the world who have experienced in our day, what they refer to as “tongues.”. Let’s assume further, that some in the movement do not use “tongues” - leaving perhaps 70,000,000 who do. Ponder that in 38 years of manifestation, these 70,000,000 members were in error. Where was God all these years, who has promised to be with us and deliver us from evil?
I am looking long-term, I’m looking at the big picture, and I’m looking at what the Church, Magesterium, Holy Tradition and Holy Scripture teaches us about our salvation. It would take several large posts to convey all of it. I tried that and was castigated for it. Suffice to say, where all of this is headed, in particular that belief I quoted from Fr Foster linked from Mysty101, ie. *“Catholic Charismatics believe that God gives the gift of praying in an “unknown tongue” to anyone who seeks it.” *,in that belief is the seed of an equation in thought between Holy Spirit=tongues=CCR, or in other words, as you say, 70, 000,000 Catholics can’t be wrong, and the specific teaching and methodology and practices common to the CCR become ***the ***gateway to the experience of the Holy Spirit within Church culture. And then where does that leave us with respect to salvation? Because we know that the Holy Spirit works within us so that we can believe in the first place. In fact, nothing happens in our lives without the help of the Holy Spirit. The picture is so much bigger than the “tongues” box in which CCR teaching has placed the Holy Spirit. I don’t think it is fair to new converts, those with no Christian or spiritual background at all, to give them this picture of the Holy Spirit=tongues. You say it isn’t so, but it is the one issue that raises the hackles of charismatics, and that tells me how important it really is to them.
I sincerely think we have a problem in the making. And as I said before as well, it is not about condemning, it is about steering.
I’ll ask you, suppose the Life in the Spirit Seminar were to replace praying for tongues for praying for wisdom? If it is not a prime issue, that would be no problem, right? So then why is it?