Dear Love31,
I am still praying for you and your husband. I pray that you two can reconcile your marriage, because I know it’s possible. Again, I will encourage you to consider Marriage Encounter. I cannot describe how much it has helped our marriage. If you two consider your marriage a priority, then just GO to the weekend. I GUARANTEE it will help. I’m so sure it will help, that I will pay your entry fee, if you and your husband spend the entire weekend and get nothing out of it. Whatever you do, insist on genuine Catholic marriage counseling, and accept no substitutes.
I would also strongly encourage you to thoroughly examen your own conscience and celebrate the sacrament of reconciliation just as soon as you can get in. My guess is it’s been a while. Don’t underestimate the power of this underused sacrament. It WILL help you.
I’m afraid that there are many here who encourage you to quit, just give up on your marriage and leave him. I believe that those who do that are trying to justify their own failures and make a business out of ‘helping’ others to take their same path.
I would encourage you to consider the advise of those who have been successful at keeping their first and only marriage alive, vibrant and wonderful for many, many years, over the quitters. We will be the last to tell you to quit. We will also be the first to say that it isn’t easy. I hope that some long-time marrieds will step forward and back me up on this. You CAN empower yourself to save your marriage.
Please, Love31, try to remember all the reasons why you married him in the first place. I can assure you that somewhere in the archives of both your minds, exist memories of the love you felt for each other on your wedding day. Love is a DECISION that you have to make everyday. You have to decide to love him even when he doesn’t deserve your love.
If your marriage is important to you, forget what the quitters have to say, take positive steps to save your marriage and do it NOW. You CAN pull your husband from the arms of the interloper and make him never go back. It will take kindness and love, not threats, anger and criticism. Once you have the proper tools, your husband can be like soft, warm putty in your hands.