If there are problems in the marriage that need to be worked on…then work on them…whatever that means. But the consequences of the act of adultery and the “blame” for what happens lie with the person who committed the adultery. The adulterer made the choice to cheat.Generally speaking, the spouse, who may or may not have contributed to the issues that lead up to the adultery, wasn’t asked by the other “is it OK if I cheat?”
Hi Kathy,
Let’s look at the prisioner of war. Every POW has a breaking point, that is the point at which he will do or say things that, under normal circumstances, he would never do. After a period of neglect, torture, and deprivation, even the toughest soldier will fall. Further, the POW will eventually become consumed with escape. Does that make him a traitor, who should be shot for treason? Or do we show him some compassion? While society might treat him so kind, you can bet his fellow soldiers will forgive him 70x7 times.
So, again, I believe that there more than a scant few spouses, male and female, who have resorted to adultery simply because they couldn’t take the neglect, torture and deprivation, not completely unlike what’s found in a prison camp. How are these husbands any different than the wife who is abused? Kathy, so many of your posts have revealed that you have left an abusive marriage, and are now in a relationship that is much happier for you. How does the form of torture that you endured in your marriage differ than that of the neglected, disrespected husband? My friend, you seem to justify your ‘situation’ just fine, while harshly judging the husband who was driven to cheat.
As another poster noted, very, very few husbands have resorted to adultery when they have the respect and love from a good wife, who treats them well. The rare few who DO have that good wife at home and still cheat, well, they can’t look to me to defend their actions.
I think we all need to get past the “blame the cheater mentality”. That helps NO ONE. I believe the thing to focus on is what can both do to preserve the marriage and the family. What’s so wrong with both assuming 100% of the blame and then get on with fixing the problems? What’s so wrong with the ‘innocent’ husband or wife, forgiving 70x7 times?