EtienneGilson said:
We have no impression that her son knowes it is wrong but is going to do it anyways. By being an agnostic he has regected the moral system which considers the particular act immoral.
There is every indication that the son knows exactly that what he is doing is immoral. It would appear that he is not so untypical of so many yound adults in simply choosing to turn a blind eye to ignore and likely at some level to deny or rationalize his sin. Perhaps more of a shift/exchange of belief system to secular humanism that is God is irrelevent rather than true agnosticism.
Originally Posted by katy
However, he has decided he no longer wants to deal with God and “Catholic stuff” and is planning to have the girl move in with him to save on expenses until they arrange to get married.
I was devastated by the agnostic shift, since he was the most spiritual one as a child, …
I am not so certain that he will have adequate answers but neither am I certain that he is willing to accept a Catholic view of marriage as an agnostic.If you have such a good BS indicator I would think that you are overcome by the smell of your own arguments.
The odor that I detect and typical of cohabitating self-sufficent young adult fallen away believers is a “I want my cake and eat it too” seduction by worldly values of self-seeking and sense of entitlement values, IMO.
I highly doubt that he is living a celibate life now, prior to cohabitaiton. Living together is not likely an excuse to commence sexual relations, there are likely other reasons such as a willingness to become more serious in the commitment, experience spending more time together etc. I would even go so far as to think that he likely thinks his decision is the mature and moral one.
Extending your benefit of doubt to the point that now sin choices become moral choices for this fallen away Catholic seems quite a stretch beyond plausibility. Morality involves an intellectual encompass and willful embrace, and by all indications this is a bright young man who chose to turn away from what he knows is right. I will grant that there is always the remote possibility that he is truly self-deluding himself beyond a conscious recognition of turning from his moral conscience, but I doubt it.
If you go up to your 26 year old son and say: “You are lazy and immoral (both words which have been used in this thread) and I will not support you in your wedding or even set foot into your house (den of evil as someone put it).” Than you can be certain that you just severed your relationship with your son and that you were such a wonderful sign of Christian charity that he will likely never set foot into a Catholic Church again until it is your funeral.
Agreed. A better aprroach would be for the parents in a non-judgemental way to simply reiterate their personal values, how the values demonstrated by their son’s lifestyle choice conflicts with their heldfast values, and their Christian charity does not extend to enabling or giving the appearance of condoning one’s sinful choices, i.e., love the sinner, hate the sin.
All the evidence of divorce etc. is a symptom of the new view of marriage
, not of people living together. Pre-marital cohabitation is
a symptom of this new view, not a cause of divorce.
What “new view” of marriage could this possibly be where divorce and shacking-up is a “symtom” of such? Since when has marriage stopped being marriage? Divorce and cohabitation are more often a symptom of being confused/immature/self-serving/ungrounded in absolute values, falling/breaking away from the faith, moral relativism, …
If you have studied it so much I would expect something intelligent in your post; instead I am bombarded by the same old tired statistics which are not proof against the behaviour but a symptom of a view of marriage which does not accurately reflect the nature of man
It is not the statistics that are tired, but the moral relativism of this culture and the reaping the consequences of sin that are growing weary and becoming more symptomatic of excluding God from the “new view” of marriage that denies and offends the true nature of man made in the image of God.