Children and corporal punishment

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Define discipline. 😉
When fathers and mothers were respected, and society was more respectful, the neighbors would tell my parents if I did wrong. And some were friends to my parents and me. Thanks to anarchists who appear to hate social stability, poison gradually seeped into our neighborhoods - our communities. Due to lies and deceptions, people became confused, Now, after several generations, we have this: junk, disorder, wrong thinking and wrong behavior promoted as somehow OK. It never was.
Nowadays you try to tell a parent, even discreetly, that you’re concerned about their kid’s behavior they’ll 9 times out of 10 get very defensive.

Boy, I feel old.
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Yes, I know. I’ve spoken to teachers and others and heard this as well. However, there are parents who are disciplining their children today. They do understand.
Sometimes people deserve to be shot. What in the world gives you the idea that nobody ever deserves to even be slapped?
I assume he means in the parent-child context of discipline, not a cop shooting an axe murderer.

I personally wouldn’t strike my kids, but I don’t feel that parents who do (within reason, obviously) are per se abusive.
It’s an old Jamaican ska song from the mid 1960s that sets the Bible verses you quoted to music. By Desmond Dekker (another one of his hits you may have heard is ‘The Israelites’). Perhaps you can listen to it on a music streaming service if YouTube isn’t your thing.
My mom slapped me sometimes. Sometimes I deserved it,
Did you understand why you were being slapped? If so, correction occured. But general empowerment of parents beating kids cannot be encouraged. I remember being slapped as a kid minus the reason why. If I don’t know why then it is not correction but failed correction, aka violence.
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My mom slapped me sometimes. Sometimes I deserved it,
Did you understand why you were being slapped? If so, correction occured. But general empowerment of parents beating kids cannot be encouraged. I remember being slapped as a lid minus the reason why. If I don’t know why then it is not correction but failed correction, aka violence.
Is anybody in this thread advocating the random beating of children?
More context: the legendary Chinese-Jamaican record producer Leslie Kong signed Desmond Dekker to a recording contract because he liked ‘Honour Your Father and Mother’ so much because he felt it was an important message in an era of inter-generational misunderstanding and conflict in Jamaica.
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As I have never been beaten, nor have I ever beaten anyone, I have no first hand experience. That would be a terrible thing to do to any other human.

When I was spanked, I did deserve it. I was a mouthy, disobedient child. Thank GOD my parents cared enough or I would have been either dead or in prison by now.
Ha then don’t listen to Toots and the Maytals’ ‘Pressure Drop’.
I think it may be due to the fact that (and forgive me if I assume too much) you haven’t had to raise any kids yet.
‘Obey’ is too harsh of a term. Obedience really has no place in any type of relationship. It should be complying out of love not out of requirement or compulsion
So by your logic, no one needs to obey the law or obey a police officer when he/she tells you to do something. And people don’t need to obey their boss or company policies.

I’m sorry, but it’s ideas like this comment which is why the world is going to hell in a handbasket.

The devil laughs every time someone says obedience & authority are outdated.

Here’s the truth of the matter… if you truly loved someone, you would obey them.
I haven’t had kids of my own yet and even I think his approach is too lenient for a child’s good. Maybe it’s because I feel the negative consequences of have been raised with a very hands-off approach.


The home is where children learn how to function in society as a whole. A child raised without the need to obey his/her parents are going to have a trouble when they are older and frankly risk going to jail or being unemployed.

The vast majority of the time, a spoiled child turns into a rotten adult.
random beating of children?
Random not as in the parent does not understand why but rather as in the kid is not explained why. Or is too young to understand. A slap at 18+ years is different than one at 4+ years. And yes some people are quietly, not explicitly, encouraging the corporal.punishment as a rightful tool of adults. By presenting their vague cases in which parents were right to slap, devoid of context and age details, some.comments encourage that corporal punishment is just a tool that parents and other adults in.power can use at their own free discernment.
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