Children of God and HPV Vaccine

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Confused, astegallrnc, do you have children? And no this should not be mandatory

What are you confused about? Some parents will review the information and decide against the HPV vaccine. Some parents will review the information and decide to consent for their children to be vaccinated. I participate in these threads to provide accurate information about HPV and the vaccine (ie., the vaccine protects against only 2 HPV strains associated with cervical cancer and not 4).

I am not sure why this matters but I have two chlildren. A 6 y/o DD who will not be getting the vaccine, at least this is my opinion now, and a 2 y/o DS.

I agree the vaccine should not be mandatory, which I stated earlier in this thread.

By the way, I was thinking my summation was off…so I looked it up:

If I read that correctly,

93% of all cervical cancers can be tied to 5 types of HPV: # 16, 18, 31, 33 and 35…

The article does not state how many total types there are, There are over 100 but if we go with that top #35…that’s 5 out of 35…a little over 14%??

I can’t figure out what the odds are that the one or two guys my daughter ‘might’ slip up with as she grows up will have one of those 5 types…or perhaps a combination of the 5…

That’s what I’m weighing against putting those 5 into her body now…and remember vaccinations work by introducing the virus to your body with other agents to minimize their effect while triggering your immune system to develop antibodies against it.

What if your body doesn’t generate those antibodies correctly?
Here’s another thread on the topic and an article

HPV is responsible for about 10,000 cases of cervical cancer per year and accounts for about 1 percent of cancer deaths among women. There are more than 13 strains of HPV that can cause cervical cancer (and over 100 total strains). The vaccine Gardasil protects against 4 of the strains - as I understand two are cancer causing and two cause warts. Please consider VERY carefully the risk this three-dose vaccine poses to your or your daughter’s health against the small risk that your child will be exposed to one of the 4 strains that it protects against.
Two strains and 70%…how about the other 30%… For this every girl should be vacinated. No, not mandatory. These viruses mutate. It will cost a fortune.
But it will be mandatory. Vaccines are about public health, sure, but they are also about money. At $360 per child over three doses, you can bet this will be made mandatory. I can’t think of another available vaccine other than the flu shot which isn’t mandatory.

I apologize. So sorry. I did not see that you were opposed to mandatory vaccination.

This will go to legislatures in California, Washington, and the East Coast first and it will be made mandatory in these states.

Does anyone remember the federal agency that will get a kickback from the pharmaceutical company? It was on a former thread but it got gobbled in the forum crash.
I apologize. So sorry. I did not see that you were opposed to mandatory vaccination.
Thank you! You are very gracious but no need to apologize. 🙂 I am not gifted with communicating my thoughts through my writing, and the sentence you quoted could be misinterpreted without knowing my opposition to mandatory HPV vaccination

Although I am opposed to mandatory HPV vaccination, I am impressed with the possibilities of the vaccine. These stats are real women to me and not just numbers. Wow!

I even immunize my children and am not against all mandatory vaccinations. However, the route of trasmission for HPV makes me question mandatory vaccination. Even if one considers the rare cases of non-sexual transmission, why would it be mandatory? Plus, I am not convinced of the vaccine’s safety.
This will go to legislatures in California, Washington, and the East Coast first and it will be made mandatory in these states.
Then it is just a matter of time.
Does anyone remember the federal agency that will get a kickback from the pharmaceutical company?
I don’t remember but hopefully someone will chime in with that information.

MooCowSteph there are a few more vaccines that aren’t mandatory ie., Hep A and Pneumonia. Ok, I only named two but there may be some more. 🙂

Here’s another thread on the topic and an article

HPV is responsible for about 10,000 cases of cervical cancer per year and accounts for about 1 percent of cancer deaths among women. There are more than 13 strains of HPV that can cause cervical cancer (and over 100 total strains). The vaccine Gardasil protects against 4 of the strains - as I understand two are cancer causing and two cause warts. Please consider VERY carefully the risk this three-dose vaccine poses to your or your daughter’s health against the small risk that your child will be exposed to one of the 4 strains that it protects against.
Thanks for offering substantive information to support my suspicions.

I agree the prospects for the future are exciting.
I’m glad they discovered the link.
I’m glad they pursued it.
But I worry that if they get this mandated they will stop their research there, having financial security for a profitable return on their research investment dollars.
Thanks for offering substantive information to support my suspicions.
The article contains some great information: however, I would encourage researching and verifying information. For example, the article states “because Gardasil immunizes against four of the 13 strains of the virus associated with cervical cancer”. The vaccine only protects against 2 of the high-risk strains of HPV. Based on some of the threads and posts I have read here at CAF, a number of people are misinformed about HPV and this vaccine.
your daughter’s health against the small risk that your child will be exposed to one of the 4 strains that it protects against.
Here is a link to incidence and prevalence of HPV infections (pp. 8-10). Please keep in mind the stats vary by population.‘Prevalence%20of%20genital%20warts’
Certainly children of parents who are too busy or too self-centered to care about what their teens are doing would benefit from this vaccination, but it’s my impression from reading and posting here over time, that the people here are very active in their children’s lives. [/qutoe]

Wow. Do you really believe that those are the only teens who are sexually active? The ones whose parents are uninvolved? That is simply, positively not.true. Trust me. My parents were completely involved. And very Catholic. And very open with discussing things with me. They had no idea i was sexually active. All my friends were from “good” families, God-fearing Catholic families, actually, for the most part. None of them had any clue their daughters were sexually active.
I also maintain STDs are a natural consequence of the decision to engage in sexual relations. The child, young adult, adult who believes they are ready to make such a decision should have all the information about the risks of that behavior before making the decision. As responsible parents, I am assuming the children of people on this board are being well informed by their parents of the risks of promiscuous behavior. Once they decide to take that risk, the consequences are theirs and theirs alone. Science has come up with all sorts of solutions for these consequences…they can avail themselves of the treatments at that time.
I still maintain that I, personally, would NOT want my child to pay with her life because she sinned, and made a bad decision…knowing the consequences or not. I love my children SO MUCH and would do anything to keep them safe…even if from themselves. I wouldn’t give them a green light, mind you. In fact, I wouldn’t even make a big deal about this vax. At 9, they have no idea what all their vaxes are for. Another fun-of-the-mill shot and leave it at that. I will know, however, that I have done everything in my power to keep them safe even if they do something incredibly dumb.
yes.but let us not lump all sexual activity into a choice…some sexual activites are not made by the person but by the person forcing themselves on you.
Excellent point. And rape can destroy you. WHy add cancer to that as well? 😦
My daughter views rape and all other violent crimes a cross to bear. Because she would be a victim, she associates it with Christ being the victim of unjust execution. Yes, it will be horrible. Yes, there will be consequences, some life threatening…but should she survive the attack, with God, her church, her family, therapy and medicines, she can carry that cross. \QUOTE]

I just don’t understand, though, why add the possibility of CANCER to this sutuation if there’s a way to avoid it? What, in all honestly, is so bad about this vax that it is WORTH the risk of cancer, no matter how small that risk may be?

I’m not criticizing your beliefs, but I am trying to understand them, that’s all.
That, in all honestly, is so bad about this vax that it is WORTH the risk of cancer, no matter how small that risk may be?

I’m not criticizing your beliefs, but I am trying to understand them, that’s all.
I’m not the poster you were addressing, but I have done a lot of vaccine research. Vaccines can be nasty, nasty things. They can cause a variety of side effects, both short and long term, both minor and major. This is a new vaccine. We have no clue what the side effects will be or how safe it is. Why not wait a while to find out. This woman’s daughter has no plans of sexual activity any time soon, and her chances of being raped, being infected with one of the 2 cancer causing strains, and THEN develop cancer years later, I would guess, are way smaller than the chance of develping an autoimmune disorder, from the vaccine.

"The FDA allowed Merck to use a potentially reactive aluminum containing placebo as a control for most trial participants, rather than a non-reactive saline solution placebo.[1] A reactive placebo can artificially increase the appearance of safety of an experimental drug or vaccine in a clinical trial.

"Animal and human studies have shown that aluminum can cause nerve cell death [3] and that vaccine aluminum adjuvants can allow aluminum to enter the brain, [4 5] as well as cause inflammation at the injection site leading to chronic joint and muscle pain and fatigue. [6 7] Nearly 90 percent of Gardasil recipients and 85 percent of aluminum placebo recipients followed-up for safety reported one or more adverse events within 15 days of vaccination, particularly at the injection site.[8] Pain and swelling at injection site occurred in approximately 83 percent of Gardasil and 73 percent of aluminum placebo recipients. About 60 percent of those who got Gardasil or the aluminum placebo had systemic adverse events including headache, fever, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, myalgia. [9 10] Gardasil recipients had more serious adverse events such as headache, gastroenteritis, appendicitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, asthma, bronchospasm and arthritis.

"Merck and the FDA do not reveal in public documents exactly how many 9 to 15 year old girls were in the clinical trials.

I just don’t understand, though, why add the possibility of CANCER to this sutuation if there’s a way to avoid it? What, in all honestly, is so bad about this vax that it is WORTH the risk of cancer, no matter how small that risk may be?I’m not criticizing your beliefs, but I am trying to understand them, that’s all.
MooCowSteph answered the intellectual aspect of my daughter’s decision accurately. For us, it’s a numbers thing…vaccinations have long and short term side effects. That’s a given. Those must be weighed against the benefits, but at this time there is no data on short or long term side effects on young teens, only women.

As for our beliefs, that’s a bit easier to explain. Life is a gift, it is a journey. It is wonderful, but it is not our final destination. It has a purpose and that is to serve Our Lord. Pain and suffering are certainly not something we wish upon ourselves or others, but it is also not something to be terrified of.

Jesus in the garden had sweat of blood as he saw his torture and death before Him. He asked that the cup be passed, if it be the Father’s will, but He also accepted that will in trust and love. This is what I’ve raised my children to focus on whenever tragedy strikes in our family, on the news, in their circle of friends. In our discussions we have yet to be able to conceive of any human suffering worse than what Jesus endured. The holocaust victims and POWs come closest, so far, followed by the innocent victims of some of the brutal serial crimes committed over history, and the victims of genocide around the world. Cancer or any other terminal illness pales in comparison to those, in our opinion, especially being blessed to live in the U.S. with access to excellent medical treatments and physicians.

In the case of rape, as my daughter acknowleges - IF she were to survive, then she would take that as a sign that God has work for her to do. If she recovers relatively unscathed she would continue to devote time to helping others in need through the church and perhaps social services. If she develops a disease from the encounter - whether life-long or terminal - then she would know to offer her suffering for the souls of purgatory as that was God’s plan for her survival.

Are we afraid of such a situation? Of course! Do we take precautions daily to reduce our risks for such things? Yes. But we have Christ’s Passion to help us face anything horrible in this life time. He calls us to follow Him. He showed us it CAN be done. And He showed us the glory which follows such obedience. That brings peace and gives us courage.
Well, thanks for your honest answers. I honestly can’t say I agree, but then, we don’t have to. 🙂 I do respect your opinion, and I do see y our reasons for not wanting the vax to be mandatory…because of its newness. I agree that all new vaccines should be optional until they are well established for safety.

A quick question: how do you feel about the Hepititus vax? Surely you know that the risk of a small child getting hep is extremely low. Did you refuse that vax in the hospital for the same reasons?
I do see y our reasons for not wanting the vax to be mandatory…because of its newness. I agree that all new vaccines should be optional until they are well established for safety
Based on current evidence regarding HPV, I could not support mandatory HPV vaccination even with proven safety of the vaccine. I am not anti- mandatory vaccines as evidenced by the fact my children have been immunized. I am not against the HPV vaccine and believe it is wonderful women have this option (after a woman has given informed consent). I just can’t support mandatory HPV vaccinations.

This, of course, is only my opinion.
A quick question: how do you feel about the Hepititus vax? Surely you know that the risk of a small child getting hep is extremely low. Did you refuse that vax in the hospital for the same reasons?
It’s been so long since my kids’ vaccinations…

I remember that the district required the Hep B series in order to move on to high school, so that my kids had to start the series in junior high. I didn’t like it at the time, and still don’t, especially since the university my son attends considers the Hep B optional. But when they just mandate it like that with the kids close to getting into high school what is a parent to do? Pull them out of the school system for that one shot, especially at that very rough teen social anxiety ridden age?

We do not use flu vaccines, have not had the meningitis vaccine, and would not have taken the chicken pox vaccine (of course by the time they released that my kids already had the pox).
There are many cases of people that have have reactions to vaccines. Some very minor some major and some deaths have occurred. Every parent must do the research to see if they will allow their child to take the risk.

But to mandate a vaccine is to force some families to take unacceptable risks with their child’s health.
But to mandate a vaccine is to force some families to take unacceptable risks with their child’s health.
Most states do allow a medical and or a religious reason for declining a vaccination.
You do have to PROVE your case though…why this is such a BIG issue I do not know??
If they do mandate this vaccine and you do not want your kids to have it…either refuse for medical reasons or religious reasons!
Most states do allow a medical and or a religious reason for declining a vaccination.
You do have to PROVE your case though…why this is such a BIG issue I do not know??
If they do mandate this vaccine and you do not want your kids to have it…either refuse for medical reasons or religious reasons!
Refusing is one thing.
Having your child refused admittance to public schools and universities as a result is another.

It’s difficult to decline mandatory vaccinations on moral/religious grounds now when 10 years ago we vaccinated our kids. The difference between then and now is education and studies showing results of long-term effects of having those vaccines.

So yes, I can submit my case for declining the vaccine, but what do you propose I do when they deny my request?
Refusing is one thing.
Having your child refused admittance to public schools and universities as a result is another.

It’s difficult to decline mandatory vaccinations on moral/religious grounds now when 10 years ago we vaccinated our kids. The difference between then and now is education and studies showing results of long-term effects of having those vaccines.

So yes, I can submit my case for declining the vaccine, but what do you propose I do when they deny my request?
I would think that if you are that strongly against it (them) and your request is refused you hire a lawyer and fight it…or perhaps find a pro-life doctor that will fudge records to indicate a medical reason why your kid cant have the vaccine.
Also is there not some website that gives you letter templates to fill out and submit if you are refusing on religious beliefs?..they also list what is in the vaccines.
Also I did not think “moral” reasons where valid reasons to refuse a vaccine…I thought only medical and religious beliefs where valid reasons.
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