Hiring a lawyer is expensive, I suspect not many would be willing to take the case. Plus, I would have to retain that lawyer to repeat the process at each level of education - elementary, middle, high, college, graduate school…I would think that if you are that strongly against it (them) and your request is refused you hire a lawyer and fight it…or perhaps find a pro-life doctor that will fudge records to indicate a medical reason why your kid cant have the vaccine.
As for hiring a pro-life doctor to ‘fudge’ anything - is highly unethical and would not be supported by Catholic teaching.
Yes, there are some websites. However, each state has different means by which the documents are reviewed and ruled upon. That the forms are available, that the process is there to avail oneself of, is not the same as having a just committee rule in favor of the request. Politics, you know…Also is there not some website that gives you letter templates to fill out and submit if you are refusing on religious beliefs?..they also list what is in the vaccines.
You are correct.Also I did not think “moral” reasons where valid reasons to refuse a vaccine…I thought only medical and religious beliefs where valid reasons.
Remember I am not opposed to vaccines.
I’m not even opposed to mandatory vaccines for illnesses which are transmittable by air or saliva, especially in the public school systems.
I’m opposed to mandating a new vaccine on young children that was approved based on studies on adults, with no long-term studies available to review the risks associated with the vaccine on young children, and for an illness which is transmitted by behaviors, not by air or random spitting or sneezing by others. Toddlers, children, even teens tend to spit, bite and sneeze without regard for the health of those around them. There’s not much one can do to protect themselves from things like that, but STDs, that’s a different story.
Voluntary compliance is perfectly acceptable.