Christmas Gifts...What are you asking for?

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Every single year I tell my mother not to get me anything. And every year, she does.
I like to learn all I can as well. Many diverse points of view add immensely to our fund of knowledge. It also helps us offer relevant and informed commentary. There’s no credibility when the uninformed begin to rail for or against any one issue.
My iPhone 6 is still going strong.

I have money set aside from two years ago so I could buy a newer model but my old phone is still going strong.

My laptop is even older. It’s 10 years old yet still going strong.
I admit I would love chocolate. Or a pretty plant.

My husband wants the kind of pants where you can unzip the legs and they become shorts.
I just orded one with my dh. I use a certain brand of makeup thas $$. Then u get a case of makeup if you buy fragrance. So i picked the fragrance.

I also want the mini bead rosary its a necklace in 14k.
My children swear I’m difficult to impossible to buy for! I try to get them to believe me when I say I don’t need anything! Last year, I finally ended the game. I gave them a list of a few items I needed and would love. This goes for birthdays as well as Christmas. I now have an awesome robe…those heavy oversized terry cloth type, a pair of nice slippers and a matching set of gloves, scarf and hat.

This year, it’s iTunes gift cards as I want to get a new watch band for my iwatch and maybe the new little round voice activated speakers.

One problem that I agree with the kids on…if I really need something, I tend to just buy it, so I’ve learned to hold off and make it my request.
I’ve wanted a silver crucifix necklace since before I was Catholic, when I saw the Elsa Peretti crucifix necklace at Tiffany, that has been my dream. Honestly, I do not think I’d ever want another piece of jewelry and would wear it until I die.

Have already purchased my adult son’s gift, a new coat from Duluth Trading Company.
To receive sacraments of Confession, Holy Communion and Anointing of the Sick after so many months without.

🎄 ⛪
We always draw names in my husband’s family and we have a set limit. And we usually ask for stuff we need (for instance, my husband needs work boots, my sister-in-law needs floor mats for her car, etc.)

We could always buy ourselves what we need, but since we’re all spending the same amount, it just makes it fun to have something to unwrap on Christmas eve.

My husband and son and I have a small gathering on Christmas morning where my husband and I give our son his gift (I think this year it’s going to be a new mattress for his bed or a check for medical bills… and a candy cane) before traveling to see my family (which this year is only my sister and her daughter since we lost Mom back in August) but even my sister, who likes lots of presents on Christmas for everyone, agreed to scale back to just one gift because all she wants is for us to be together on Christmas.
One possible suggestion for anyone wondering what they want for Christmas, get some AirPods (assuming you have an iPhone). They are absolutely brilliant and you will love them once you get them. It might seem like normal cord headphones are fine but once you switch to AirPods, you will never look back.

Get them on sale too this week on black friday or cyber monday
Actually legitimately not a thing. I got a thearagun for my birthday… those are spendy so I’m hoping for nothing. They will get me something anyway…
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This is how you end up with tshirts that say …
Ba. Co. N. In chemical symbols. And your family thinks it is hilarious. And it is… for about a week lol.
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The Christmas gift that I requested arrived early, on Nov. 3rd. And coincidently, my prayers were answered that very day. How coincidental is that?
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I’m not doing Christmas this year, but usually I’ll just ask to be surprised
When I mention gifts, my wife plies “You’re really asking for it”
Pretty sure what that means.
My mother just indicated she’s giving me this for Christmas. I want to share a link here because these look like REALLY well-made rosaries, but still really nice looking! Since my little people will inevitably chew on and fight over rosaries I’m always looking for sturdy ones!

Very pretty! I have a whole board on Pinterest where I save pics of rosaries. Some are so beautiful! (But out of my price range.) Someday… I hope to take up rosary making as a hobby.
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