Chuck Missler and his wild anti-catholic views

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Because purgatory is not mentioned once in the Bible.
So? Who says, besides you, that it should be meantioned?
The Bible is my only source for knowledge on Christ.
Catholics aren’t so self limiting. In addition to the Bible, Catholics also have the Church , the “pillar and bulwark of the truth” as an additional source.
If you start taking doctrine many generations past the time of Christ, then not only are you bringing in man made doctrine to what is something that is “God-breathed” like the Bible, not only do you limit the importance of the Bible as the only source of doctrine, but you then start making an argument for false religions like Mormanism and Islam that came into play many years after the life of Christ. I don’t trust man, but I trust the Lord and if those who live prior to or during the time of Christ didn’t witness to it, I’m not going to as well.

Have a blessed day friends.
All Catholic doctrine came from Jesus in the Deposit of Faith which was handed on to the apostles and their successors.
Because purgatory is not mentioned once in the Bible. The Bible is my only source for knowledge on Christ. If you start taking doctrine many generations past the time of Christ, then not only are you bringing in man made doctrine to what is something that is “God-breathed” like the Bible, not only do you limit the importance of the Bible as the only source of doctrine, but you then start making an argument for false religions like Mormanism and Islam that came into play many years after the life of Christ. I don’t trust man, but I trust the Lord and if those who live prior to or during the time of Christ didn’t witness to it, I’m not going to as well.
Have a blessed day friends.
Purgatory. like the Trinity is just a word used to define a teaching found in the bible. You are OK with the teaching of the Trinity even though nowhere in the bible does the bible tell us that the father and the holy spirit are one or that the son and the HS are one. :confused: 1 John 5:7 of the KJV, (“For there are three that testify in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one”) - is an interpolation and is found nowhere in the original Greek This is what it actually says:* “For there are three that testify: the Spirit, the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement.”*

However, the teaching of some sort of purgative interim is in your bible:

Matt. 12:32 – Jesus says, “And anyone who says a word against the Son of man will be forgiven; but no one who speaks against the Holy Spirit will be forgiven either in this world **or in the next.” **Jesus, therefore clearly illustrates that there is forgiveness after death. Forgiveness is not necessary in heaven, and there is no forgiveness in hell. This proves that there is another state after death albeit temporary.

Since the holy Bible is your only “source for knowledge on Christ,” perhaps you can tell me where the Bible says that the bible is the Christians only source for knowledge on Christ? Quoting 2 Tim. 3:16 does not answer my question! I, and all catholics, agree with 2 Tim. 3 - “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness…”

However, it doesn’t say - ONLY scripture…James 1 (KJV) - says: “But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”

The bible here, tells me that patience as opposed to the bible, makes me perfect and complete, lacking nothing; is that the case? :confused: Now if the bible said:

But let scripture have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing - you might have a point but only regarding the scriptures codified by the CC in the latter part of the 5th century, generations past the time of Christ. :confused:

DFW, if you are right and the bible is your only source for knowledge on Christ and doctrinal truth (there can be only one truth regarding any one doctrine) - then perhaps you would kindly answer the following question:

In one corner we have some isolated autonomous churches, eg Evangelical churches - that defer to the bible as their final authority for doctrinal clarification and authoritative resolution, and they come away from the bible believing that Jesus was speaking in metaphor regarding the Eucharist. In the opposite corner we have some isolated autonomous churches as well, eg, some Lutheran churches - deferring to their bible as their final authority for doctrinal clarification and authoritative resolution and they too come away from the same bible believing the exact opposite.

To use your own words, someone here is “bringing in man made doctrine.” Which one is it? One of these parties is limiting the importance of the Bible as the only source of doctrine" by teaching something not taught by Jesus the Christ, thereby “making an argument for false religions like Mormonism…that came into play many years after the life of Christ.”

How can one know who’s interpretation is correct regarding the preceding impasse, if in fact the bible is to be the Christians final authority for resolving doctrinal differences.

Looking forward to your straightforward responses. 👍
Howdy sir. I hope the LORD blesses you and your loved ones. I’ll try and respond to all of your corcerns.

The trinity is mentioned. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,- Matthew 28:19.

Let me give you a perfect example of something the Baptist Church teaches that I don’t agree with and that is the belief of not drinking. I don’t drink a lot and in the past 6 months, I have drank around 3 alcoholic beverages. It’s not a big deal if you do drink in moderation. I just accept scripture by avoiding what my Church wants me to do because it is not scriptural as is many of things I have mentioned before.

Regarding your question you want me to answer I’m afraid I cannot answer it. I have not in my five years of being a Christian in which I have not missed more than 2 weeks of service per year in those 5 years never heard a pastor say the word eucharist. I’ve read the Bible a few times on my own, and now I’m doing a study on it typing up my own notes for better understanding and through the books I have done that, eucharist was not mentioned. Now maybe when I get through all 66 books, I will have found it and studied it to gain more knowledge, but I have not yet to this point. I will say this, through my study of the Bible, there is some conjecture on our parts and I believe you will agree with me on that. I’m not afraid of sounding ignorant to you boys despite what you may think of my last comment. I’m studying the word and loving every minute of it and it is my only authority to know about Christ, because the minute we start adding “man’s” law on top of “God’s word”, then we are going to have issues.

Have a blessed day
Purgatory. like the Trinity is just a word used to define a teaching found in the bible. You are OK with the teaching of the Trinity even though nowhere in the bible does the bible tell us that the father and the holy spirit are one or that the son and the HS are one. :confused: 1 John 5:7 of the KJV, (“For there are three that testify in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one”) - is an interpolation and is found nowhere in the original Greek This is what it actually says:* “For there are three that testify: the Spirit, the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement.”*

However, the teaching of some sort of purgative interim is in your bible:

Matt. 12:32 – Jesus says, “And anyone who says a word against the Son of man will be forgiven; but no one who speaks against the Holy Spirit will be forgiven either in this world **or in the next.” **Jesus, therefore clearly illustrates that there is forgiveness after death. Forgiveness is not necessary in heaven, and there is no forgiveness in hell. This proves that there is another state after death albeit temporary.

Since the holy Bible is your only “source for knowledge on Christ,” perhaps you can tell me where the Bible says that the bible is the Christians only source for knowledge on Christ? Quoting 2 Tim. 3:16 does not answer my question! I, and all catholics, agree with 2 Tim. 3 - “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness…”

However, it doesn’t say - ONLY scripture…James 1 (KJV) - says: “But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”

The bible here, tells me that patience as opposed to the bible, makes me perfect and complete, lacking nothing; is that the case? :confused: Now if the bible said:

But let scripture have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing - you might have a point but only regarding the scriptures codified by the CC in the latter part of the 5th century, generations past the time of Christ. :confused:

DFW, if you are right and the bible is your only source for knowledge on Christ and doctrinal truth (there can be only one truth regarding any one doctrine) - then perhaps you would kindly answer the following question:

In one corner we have some isolated autonomous churches, eg Evangelical churches - that defer to the bible as their final authority for doctrinal clarification and authoritative resolution, and they come away from the bible believing that Jesus was speaking in metaphor regarding the Eucharist. In the opposite corner we have some isolated autonomous churches as well, eg, some Lutheran churches - deferring to their bible as their final authority for doctrinal clarification and authoritative resolution and they too come away from the same bible believing the exact opposite.

To use your own words, someone here is “bringing in man made doctrine.” Which one is it? One of these parties is limiting the importance of the Bible as the only source of doctrine" by teaching something not taught by Jesus the Christ, thereby “making an argument for false religions like Mormonism…that came into play many years after the life of Christ.”

How can one know who’s interpretation is correct regarding the preceding impasse, if in fact the bible is to be the Christians final authority for resolving doctrinal differences.

Looking forward to your straightforward responses. 👍
Howdy sir. I hope the LORD blesses you and your loved ones.
Howdy back…right back at you…🙂
The trinity is mentioned. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,- Matthew 28:19.
Come on now, you know that passage makes no mention of the Father, the Son and the HS as one. I could say, go baptize them in the name of Peter, John and Andrew; does that mean that those 3 are one? Of course not.
Regarding your question you want me to answer I’m afraid I cannot answer it. I have not in my five years of being a Christian in which I have not missed more than 2 weeks of service per year in those 5 years never heard a pastor say the word eucharist.
Well, that’s too bad. Friend, the word Eucharist is a Greek word meaning Thanksgiving and that English word is used in your bible at the last supper and by Paul in 2 Corinthians.
I’ve read the Bible a few times on my own, and now I’m doing a study on it typing up my own notes for better understanding and through the books I have done that, eucharist was not mentioned. Now maybe when I get through all 66 books, I will have found it and studied it to gain more knowledge, but I have not yet to this point.
I will provide passages if you are interested.
I will say this, through my study of the Bible, there is some conjecture on our parts and I believe you will agree with me on that. I’m not afraid of sounding ignorant to you boys despite what you may think of my last comment.
I do not think that you sound ignorant and I will always admit that you are right if you are right and that I am wrong, if I am wrong.
I’m studying the word and loving every minute of it and it is my only authority to know about Christ, because the minute we start adding “man’s” law on top of “God’s word”, then we are going to have issues.
If it’s your only authority and that was Jesus’ plan from the very beginning, then answering the following question should be a breeze; don’t just ignore me like all the rest; show me that the holy Bible is what you say it is. If it is what you say it is then the following can be resolved with ONLY the use of the bible my friend:

In one corner we have some isolated autonomous churches, eg Evangelical churches - that defer to the bible as their final authority for doctrinal clarification and authoritative resolution, and they come away from the bible believing that Jesus was speaking in metaphor regarding the Eucharist. In the opposite corner we have some isolated autonomous churches as well, eg, some Lutheran churches - deferring to their bible as their final authority for doctrinal clarification and authoritative resolution and they too come away from the same bible believing the exact opposite.

Again, to use your own words, someone here is “bringing in man made doctrine.” Which one is it? One of these parties is limiting the importance of the Bible as the only source of doctrine" by teaching something not taught by Jesus the Christ, thereby “making an argument for false religions like Mormonism…that came into play many years after the life of Christ.”

How can one know who’s interpretation is correct regarding the preceding impasse, if in fact the bible is to be the Christians final authority for resolving doctrinal differences.

You are such a kind person; I too hope the LORD blesses you and your loved ones. 🙂
Howdy Joe,

I love the passion for Christ and I just want to see AMEN brother!!

Now regarding your question, I’ll answer it but it’s not going to be what you are looking for. Thank you for explaining Eucharist:) I’m currently in Romans 8 now and am typing up my notes which looks to be just over 7,500 words at this point, so it will take a while to make it through this incredible book. I say that to let you know that 1 Corinthians is next in my study and I will soon be coming across Eucharist- praise God!

Now to your question, I don’t know anything about the Lutheran faith. I don’t know what they believe and what they don’t. So if I don’t know what they say, I cannot answer the question. They may interpret differently than you or I based on some scriptures, and I know we’ve seen that between Catholics and Protestants. I don’t believe Mary was a virgin and I believe she had children just like Esther did. I will say that everything in the Bible is breathed by God as mentioned in 1 Cor. Now I will also admit some things are figrues of speech, but that doesn’t take away from the Bible being perfect in error. If we agree that the LORD has his fingerprint on every piece of scripture out there, why should i use other “resources” that are man made and not from God? I don’t care what man thinks as we are all sinners. I don’t worship anything my pastor says, another Christian says, or even what our friend Tim Tebow says:) I worship what God’s word says.

Now if you don’t mind, can I continue my study on Romans 8:)

Have a blessed day in the LORD.
Howdy back…right back at you…🙂

Come on now, you know that passage makes no mention of the Father, the Son and the HS as one. I could say, go baptize them in the name of Peter, John and Andrew; does that mean that those 3 are one? Of course not.

Well, that’s too bad. Friend, the word Eucharist is a Greek word meaning Thanksgiving and that English word is used in your bible at the last supper and by Paul in 2 Corinthians.

I will provide passages if you are interested.

I do not think that you sound ignorant and I will always admit that you are right if you are right and that I am wrong, if I am wrong.

If it’s your only authority and that was Jesus’ plan from the very beginning, then answering the following question should be a breeze; don’t just ignore me like all the rest; show me that the holy Bible is what you say it is. If it is what you say it is then the following can be resolved with ONLY the use of the bible my friend:

In one corner we have some isolated autonomous churches, eg Evangelical churches - that defer to the bible as their final authority for doctrinal clarification and authoritative resolution, and they come away from the bible believing that Jesus was speaking in metaphor regarding the Eucharist. In the opposite corner we have some isolated autonomous churches as well, eg, some Lutheran churches - deferring to their bible as their final authority for doctrinal clarification and authoritative resolution and they too come away from the same bible believing the exact opposite.

Again, to use your own words, someone here is “bringing in man made doctrine.” Which one is it? One of these parties is limiting the importance of the Bible as the only source of doctrine" by teaching something not taught by Jesus the Christ, thereby “making an argument for false religions like Mormonism…that came into play many years after the life of Christ.”

How can one know who’s interpretation is correct regarding the preceding impasse, if in fact the bible is to be the Christians final authority for resolving doctrinal differences.

You are such a kind person; I too hope the LORD blesses you and your loved ones. 🙂
Because purgatory is not mentioned once in the Bible. The Bible is my only source for knowledge on Christ.
Really? Then how do you know with certainty that the Bible is the complete Word of God since the Bible itself does not contain an inspired table of contents? It seems to me that you are relying on an authority outside of the Bible to testify to the Bible. That authority - in the fnal analysis - is none other than the Cathlic Church.

That having been said, I think you are in error regarding the Bible’s silence on Purgatory…but this is because your faith tradition does not have ears to hear on this doctrine. Here are a few verses to consider:

The Doctrine of Purgatory Proved from Scripture

2 Maccabees 12:42-46
Turning to supplication, they prayed that the sinful deed might be fully blotted out. The noble Judas warned the soldiers to keep themselves free from sin, for they had seen with their own eyes what had happened because of the sin of those who had fallen. He then took up a collection among all his soldiers, amounting to two thousand silver drachmas, which he sent to Jerusalem to provide for an expiatory sacrifice. In doing this he acted in a very excellent and noble way, inasmuch as he had the resurrection of the dead in view; or if he were not expecting the fallen to rise again, it would have been useless and foolish to pray for them in death. But if he did this with a view to the splendid reward that awaits those who had gone to rest in godliness, it was a holy and pious thought. Thus he made atonement for the dead that they might be freed from this sin.

Even those Christians who deny that Maccabees 1 & 2 belong are inspired and belong in the canon of the Old Testament must admit that this passage reveals that the Jews believed that that the living may pray for the dead and make sacrifices for them in order that they might be freed from the sins they had committed. It was with this cultural understanding as a backdrop that the following New Testament verses come into focus.

Luke 12:42-48
The Lord answered, "Who then is the faithful and wise manager, whom the master puts in charge of his servants to give them their food allowance at the proper time? It will be good for that servant whom the master finds doing so when he returns. I tell you the truth, he will put him in charge of all his possessions. But suppose the servant says to himself, ‘My master is taking a long time in coming,’ and he then begins to beat the menservants and maidservants and to eat and drink and get drunk. The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is not aware of. He will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the unbelievers. "That servant who knows his master’s will and does not get ready or does not do what his master wants will be beaten with many blows. But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”

Notice that there are not two but three categories of servants in this parable: 1) the “wise and faithful manager” who is rewarded (heaven); 2) the unfaithful servant who knows his master’s will but does not do it and who is “cut to pieces and assigned a place with the unbelievers (hell)l; and 3) the one “who does not know and does things deserving punishment.” This final servant is beaten with “few blows” (purgatory).

1 Corinthians 3:10-15
By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should be careful how he builds. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. If any man builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man’s work. If what he has built survives, he will receive his reward. If it is burned up, he will suffer loss; he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames.

1 Peter 1:7
These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.
Come on Ga Tech man… The table of contents is not the Word and neither are the chapter divisions or titles, or page numbers. You know better then that. And yes, I don’t accept Maccabees as a book in the Bible so anything in there is not relevant, just like I don’t accept Thomas’ book either.

On the Luke verse, it is nothing to do with purgatory. It has to deal with degrees of punishment. So the person in America who has heard the gospel will be judged far more severly than some China man or Indian overseas who never had heard of Christ.

Have a blessed day sir.
Really? Then how do you know with certainty that the Bible is the complete Word of God since the Bible itself does not contain an inspired table of contents? It seems to me that you are relying on an authority outside of the Bible to testify to the Bible. That authority - in the fnal analysis - is none other than the Cathlic Church.

That having been said, I think you are in error regarding the Bible’s silence on Purgatory…but this is because your faith tradition does not have ears to hear on this doctrine. Here are a few verses to consider:

The Doctrine of Purgatory Proved from Scripture

2 Maccabees 12:42-46
Turning to supplication, they prayed that the sinful deed might be fully blotted out. The noble Judas warned the soldiers to keep themselves free from sin, for they had seen with their own eyes what had happened because of the sin of those who had fallen. He then took up a collection among all his soldiers, amounting to two thousand silver drachmas, which he sent to Jerusalem to provide for an expiatory sacrifice. In doing this he acted in a very excellent and noble way, inasmuch as he had the resurrection of the dead in view; or if he were not expecting the fallen to rise again, it would have been useless and foolish to pray for them in death. But if he did this with a view to the splendid reward that awaits those who had gone to rest in godliness, it was a holy and pious thought. Thus he made atonement for the dead that they might be freed from this sin.

Even those Christians who deny that Maccabees 1 & 2 belong are inspired and belong in the canon of the Old Testament must admit that this passage reveals that the Jews believed that that the living may pray for the dead and make sacrifices for them in order that they might be freed from the sins they had committed. It was with this cultural understanding as a backdrop that the following New Testament verses come into focus.

Luke 12:42-48
The Lord answered, "Who then is the faithful and wise manager, whom the master puts in charge of his servants to give them their food allowance at the proper time? It will be good for that servant whom the master finds doing so when he returns. I tell you the truth, he will put him in charge of all his possessions. But suppose the servant says to himself, ‘My master is taking a long time in coming,’ and he then begins to beat the menservants and maidservants and to eat and drink and get drunk. The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is not aware of. He will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the unbelievers. "That servant who knows his master’s will and does not get ready or does not do what his master wants will be beaten with many blows. But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”

Notice that there are not two but three categories of servants in this parable: 1) the “wise and faithful manager” who is rewarded (heaven); 2) the unfaithful servant who knows his master’s will but does not do it and who is “cut to pieces and assigned a place with the unbelievers (hell)l; and 3) the one “who does not know and does things deserving punishment.” This final servant is beaten with “few blows” (purgatory).

1 Corinthians 3:10-15
By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should be careful how he builds. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. If any man builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man’s work. If what he has built survives, he will receive his reward. If it is burned up, he will suffer loss; he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames.

1 Peter 1:7
These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.
If someone has to speak poorly of a group of people in order to get others to follow them, then there is something wrong with what they are teaching. They evidently rely on everyone being too distracted with the other group to notice that what they are listening to is a lie. If what is being taught is the truth, then it will stand on it’s own merit.
Come on Ga Tech man… The table of contents is not the Word and neither are the chapter divisions or titles, or page numbers. You know better then that. And yes, I don’t accept Maccabees as a book in the Bible so anything in there is not relevant, just like I don’t accept Thomas’ book either.

On the Luke verse, it is nothing to do with purgatory. It has to deal with degrees of punishment. So the person in America who has heard the gospel will be judged far more severly than some China man or Indian overseas who never had heard of Christ.

Have a blessed day sir.
If this is the case, who decides what is canonical and what not?
You don’t accept Maccabees as a book in the Bible - by what authority?
That book is part of the Septuagint - the same Scriptures accepted by Jesus and his apostles.
Luther removed it from his version of the Bible - who gave him that authority?

However this is off the point of this thread!
Regarding your question you want me to answer I’m afraid I cannot answer it. I have not in my five years of being a Christian in which I have not missed more than 2 weeks of service per year in those 5 years never heard a pastor say the word eucharist. I’ve read the Bible a few times on my own, and now I’m doing a study on it typing up my own notes for better understanding and through the books I have done that, eucharist was not mentioned. Now maybe when I get through all 66 books, I will have found it and studied it to gain more knowledge, but I have not yet to this point. I will say this, through my study of the Bible, there is some conjecture on our parts and I believe you will agree with me on that. I’m not afraid of sounding ignorant to you boys despite what you may think of my last comment. I’m studying the word and loving every minute of it and it is my only authority to know about Christ, because the minute we start adding “man’s” law on top of “God’s word”, then we are going to have issues.
Have a blessed day
You will not find the word *eucharist *in the Bible. It is a Greek word meaning thanksgiving - it forms part of the Jewish seder meal.
That is what Jesus commanded us to celebrate at the Last Supper!
Quite right - our Lord is the beginning and end - He and His Law are above all.
Do not feel hesitant to ask questions - we are all ignorant in some or other area - so do not feel alone - I shall be there with you!

I admire your perseverence here on the forums. If you stick around you will learn much more about the Catholic faith and the misperceptions you have learned from others about us. You have already admitted you have learned a little about us and it surprised you, so stick around, you have more to learn. As do we from you.

Some tips: try not to take sarcastic or angry comments personally. We are often attacked here on the forums by well-meaning non-Catholics and sometimes we feel like we’ve reached the end of our ropes - so to speak. Everyone has their own misperceptions of us and each one is a bit different than the next. So sometimes we feel frustrated and during those times, we may not be on our best behavior. Unfortunately, I know this from experience. 😊 I apologize in advance if I ever say anything that may raise your hackles and is uncalled for. I hope I never reach that point though, because it seems you are here both to enlighten and to learn.

Second, as long as you are tactful and respectful of other beliefs, never stop trying to get us to “convert”. What I mean is, don’t stop trying to explain to us why you think we are wrong on specific topics. Be polite, ignore nasty remarks by not acknowleding them, and stay on topic. It may also surprise you that yes, we do learn things from our non-Catholic brethren too! 👍

And finally, please don’t separate the Christian faith from the Catholic faith. To some of us that is insulting. Even if you believe Catholics are not Christians, Catholics do not hold to that belief. As a matter of fact, briefly I’ll tell you why. As Catholics, we believe that…

Catholicism is the original Christian faith. After the Reformation, since other denominations were also calling themselves Christian, we had to choose some sort of descriptor to uniquely identify ourselves - lest others become confused. The descriptor “catholic” had been used every now and again since the end of the first/beginning of the second century, so that’ probably why we chose it. Obviously, the word stuck.

Okay, that may not be the most accurate description, but it covers it in a nutshell. You may not believe it, but please try to respect it. If you want, on some other thread, you can bring up the subject for discussion. Honestly, when you bring up an argument in a respectful way, both sides usually become the better for it. That’s why these forums are a great place to learn.

God Bless,
Come on Ga Tech man… The table of contents is not the Word and neither are the chapter divisions or titles, or page numbers. You know better then that. And yes, I don’t accept Maccabees as a book in the Bible so anything in there is not relevant, just like I don’t accept Thomas’ book either.
DFW, it’s great to see your passion for Christ and for His truth! 👍 Your questions and answers have kept me watching this thread with great interest! 😉

I appreciate you’re studying brother, so I’ll keep my questions short:
(1) Do you know the history of how the Bible came to exist?
(2) Have you ever heard of the Early Church Fathers?

Short answers are fine brother. May God continue to Bless you and your quest for truth! 🙂
If we want to talk or discuss if the Bible is the final authority or not would be on another subject in this forum right?

But I will add these verses were we are called to obey his commandments, and word.

Joh 14:15 If you love Me, keep My commandments.
Joh 14:21 He who has My commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves Me. And he who loves Me shall be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will reveal Myself to him.
Joh 14:23 Jesus answered and said to him, If a man loves Me, he will keep My Word. And My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him**.

If GOD did not took his word serious why would he say the following?

Deu 4:2 You shall not add to the Word which I command you, neither shall you take away from it, so that you may keep the commands of Jehovah your God which I command you.

Pro 30:5 Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him.
Pro 30:6 Do not add to His Words, lest He reprove you and you be found a liar.

Paul said,

Gal 1:8 But even if we or an angel from Heaven preach a gospel to you beside what we preached to you, let him be accursed.
Gal 1:9 As we said before, and now I say again, If anyone preaches a gospel to you beside what you have received, let him be accursed.

I am sorry but the Bible is the manual of my life.

Be blessed.
The words of the Apostles that appear in the New Testament were part of Sacred Tradition and only were part of the Bible after being written down, selected from the many other apocryphal writings of the time and in the late part of the fourth century, declared by Damasus the pope at that time, to be indeed the inspired Word of God.
The Church preceded the Bible and was, through the grace of our Lord able to preserve and share the Sacred Words.
So primarily, the Church through the pope and his magisterium are the authority.
Now, having declared the New Testament Books as canonical, the Church is bound by them!
Howdy sir,

Greetings kind friend. Believe me I don’t easily get my feathers ruffled, but thank you for your concern. I do appreciate your kind words for me. It is not what I have expected as this is the complete opposite reaction that I get out in the real world. It’s good to see you boys have the kind of passion towards scripture that I do.

Most of those these same friends in that circle of mine have ended their friendship with me because I came to the Lord. They were just plain angry. I wish they were more like y’all- educated, loving the Lord, not choosing their faith because they like getting drunk and screwing everyone around and just pretending they are good Catholics. My Dad is Catholic and he couldn’t tell you anything about Christ, he never prays, the Holy Spirit is not in him and does not know the Lord. It’s those people that have framed my opinion of Catholics. And no I have a lot of research to do on my own, and I will continue to study the gospel. I do respect Martin Luther which is conflicting to your viewpoint because in my opinion he does have a point. Habakkuk 2:4 was his life verse that says, the just shall live by faith. He was like you and me being obedient and he went through sacrifice after sacrifice. Then when this Habakkuk 2:4 verse sunk it, it really blew him away.

I nearly lost all of my best friends, all Catholics, when I dedicated my life to the Lord. Do you realize how hurtful that was to me? I gained my best friend back to an extent and I am grateful. He still argues with me about works, and I disagree with him about that and that’s part of the problem. Works are in reality a necessary thing in my opinion, but my opinion doesn’t matter- it’s what God says, not what I say. I agree with what James says, but that doesn’t mean I disagree with what Romans, Galatians says about faith alone. As I have mentioned before, I adamantly disagree with Peter being the greatest apostle and your theory the Church was built around a mere mortal. The Church was built upon the Lord Jesus and it says it all over scripture. But again, it’s OK to have differences of opinion and most people of the same faith or not will have that. And in case I haven’t said it before, I see the passion for Christ on this bulletin board and you boys will be joining me in heaven. I wish you boys would rub off on all my old friends that dislike me, those people that go to Church twice per year and are satisfied, those people that believe you can walk with the Lord and at the same time be a drunk tramp, or people like my parents who have no idea who Jesus Christ is, yet because they were baptized when they were still going poo poo in the pants believe they are saved.

Have a blessed day boys.

I admire your perseverence here on the forums. If you stick around you will learn much more about the Catholic faith and the misperceptions you have learned from others about us. You have already admitted you have learned a little about us and it surprised you, so stick around, you have more to learn. As do we from you.

Some tips: try not to take sarcastic or angry comments personally. We are often attacked here on the forums by well-meaning non-Catholics and sometimes we feel like we’ve reached the end of our ropes - so to speak. Everyone has their own misperceptions of us and each one is a bit different than the next. So sometimes we feel frustrated and during those times, we may not be on our best behavior. Unfortunately, I know this from experience. 😊 I apologize in advance if I ever say anything that may raise your hackles and is uncalled for. I hope I never reach that point though, because it seems you are here both to enlighten and to learn.

Second, as long as you are tactful and respectful of other beliefs, never stop trying to get us to “convert”. What I mean is, don’t stop trying to explain to us why you think we are wrong on specific topics. Be polite, ignore nasty remarks by not acknowleding them, and stay on topic. It may also surprise you that yes, we do learn things from our non-Catholic brethren too! 👍

And finally, please don’t separate the Christian faith from the Catholic faith. To some of us that is insulting. Even if you believe Catholics are not Christians, Catholics do not hold to that belief. As a matter of fact, briefly I’ll tell you why. As Catholics, we believe that…

Catholicism is the original Christian faith. After the Reformation, since other denominations were also calling themselves Christian, we had to choose some sort of descriptor to uniquely identify ourselves - lest others become confused. The descriptor “catholic” had been used every now and again since the end of the first/beginning of the second century, so that’ probably why we chose it. Obviously, the word stuck.

Okay, that may not be the most accurate description, but it covers it in a nutshell. You may not believe it, but please try to respect it. If you want, on some other thread, you can bring up the subject for discussion. Honestly, when you bring up an argument in a respectful way, both sides usually become the better for it. That’s why these forums are a great place to learn.

God Bless,
If we agree that the LORD has his fingerprint on every piece of scripture out there, why should i use other “resources” that are man made and not from God?
So you are reading the bible in Greek, then, since the word from God was not written in English? Or are you reading a man-made translation of the scripture into a man-made language? Come to think of it, Greek is a man-made language, and Greek dictionaries are man-made.

Do you see the point here? Even if we assume that scripture is the perfectly-received word of God, we must use other resources in order to understand it. And when I say “must,” what I really mean is, we do, inescapably, and it only hurts our understanding to pretend otherwise. We have to know the historical context to know, for example, what Naomi was asking Ruth to do in uncovering Boaz’ feet; scripture doesn’t tell us, so we must turn to man-made resources like history, the footnotes in your study bible, and so on.
Because purgatory is not mentioned once in the Bible. The Bible is my only source for knowledge on Christ.
Neither is the Trinity. Do you call the Trinity the Trinity despite never being mentioned once in the Bible?
If you start taking doctrine many generations past the time of Christ, then not only are you bringing in man made doctrine to what is something that is “God-breathed” like the Bible, not only do you limit the importance of the Bible as the only source of doctrine, but you then start making an argument for false religions like Mormanism and Islam that came into play many years after the life of Christ.
Which Scripture tells you that Scripture is ‘God-breathed’. God’s breath is very important in Scripture. God breathes life into humanity in Genesis, and Christ breathes on the Apostles to give them the Holy Spirit. The idea that the Bible is ‘God-breathed’ isn’t biblical.
Seriously sir… No I don’t know Greek, and I don’t know Hebrew. But luckily for us when the Hebrew Bible was translated into Greek in the 2nd century BC, someone was able to do so, and do it for us as well in English.

The resources within the Bible apply to what is in the Bible. My Bible doesn’t talk about purgatory, the pope being infalliable, that Peter is the Rock, that pastors should not get married and have children. The Ruth example provides information on the setting, not added information from things outside of scripture like I mentioned before.

Have a blessed day
So you are reading the bible in Greek, then, since the word from God was not written in English? Or are you reading a man-made translation of the scripture into a man-made language? Come to think of it, Greek is a man-made language, and Greek dictionaries are man-made.

Do you see the point here? Even if we assume that scripture is the perfectly-received word of God, we must use other resources in order to understand it. And when I say “must,” what I really mean is, we do, inescapably, and it only hurts our understanding to pretend otherwise. We have to know the historical context to know, for example, what Naomi was asking Ruth to do in uncovering Boaz’ feet; scripture doesn’t tell us, so we must turn to man-made resources like history, the footnotes in your study bible, and so on.
Howdy sir,

Greetings kind friend. Believe me I don’t easily get my feathers ruffled, but thank you for your concern. I do appreciate your kind words for me. It is not what I have expected as this is the complete opposite reaction that I get out in the real world. It’s good to see you boys have the kind of passion towards scripture that I do.

Most of those these same friends in that circle of mine have ended their friendship with me because I came to the Lord. They were just plain angry. I wish they were more like y’all- educated, loving the Lord, not choosing their faith because they like getting drunk and screwing everyone around and just pretending they are good Catholics. My Dad is Catholic and he couldn’t tell you anything about Christ, he never prays, the Holy Spirit is not in him and does not know the Lord. It’s those people that have framed my opinion of Catholics. And no I have a lot of research to do on my own, and I will continue to study the gospel. I do respect Martin Luther which is conflicting to your viewpoint because in my opinion he does have a point. Habakkuk 2:4 was his life verse that says, the just shall live by faith. He was like you and me being obedient and he went through sacrifice after sacrifice. Then when this Habakkuk 2:4 verse sunk it, it really blew him away.

I nearly lost all of my best friends, all Catholics, when I dedicated my life to the Lord. Do you realize how hurtful that was to me? I gained my best friend back to an extent and I am grateful. He still argues with me about works, and I disagree with him about that and that’s part of the problem. Works are in reality a necessary thing in my opinion, but my opinion doesn’t matter- it’s what God says, not what I say. I agree with what James says, but that doesn’t mean I disagree with what Romans, Galatians says about faith alone. As I have mentioned before, I adamantly disagree with Peter being the greatest apostle and your theory the Church was built around a mere mortal. The Church was built upon the Lord Jesus and it says it all over scripture. But again, it’s OK to have differences of opinion and most people of the same faith or not will have that. And in case I haven’t said it before, I see the passion for Christ on this bulletin board and you boys will be joining me in heaven. I wish you boys would rub off on all my old friends that dislike me, those people that go to Church twice per year and are satisfied, those people that believe you can walk with the Lord and at the same time be a drunk tramp, or people like my parents who have no idea who Jesus Christ is, yet because they were baptized when they were still going poo poo in the pants believe they are saved.

Have a blessed day boys.
I understand completely why your view of Catholicism is the way it is. If you notice, I am a revert. Prior to letting my religion just slip away, I was of the same caliber of Catholic as your friends. I did not understand my faith. Looking back, that was the reason I left the faith to begin with. I was a Catholic in name only, but I didn’t realize it because I thought I was a good Catholic. Then one day I actually read the Bible (instead of going over a bunch of words I didn’t understand), I actually started understanding some of what I was reading. It was like a lightbulb went off in my head and I said to myself “why did I never see this before?”. Well, okay, it wasn’t a lightbulb. It was Jesus, the Light of the World Himself, through the help of the Holy Spirit. 🙂

If you had been my friend back then, although I didn’t go around carousing and was generally a good moral person, I would have told you Catholicism wasn’t all that great either. But then again I have learned so much since then that now I know I had no idea what Catholocism was. As a Catholic today, I can never learn enough about the faith. The more I learn the more I want to know.

I’m sorry to admit that many Catholics today are nominal and in name only. They just don’t understand their faith very well, and don’t care much to either. Much as I was those years ago. Keep praying for your friends, they just might find their way back to the Lord because of your efforts.

This is another surprise you might find interesting: In general, Catholics agree that Martin Luther had every right to be angry and take some sort of action against what was going on. However we believe the direction he chose was not the proper one. Instead of trusting in his own actions and leaving the good fight, he should have trusted in God to give him the strength to stay and fight. I myself think the Church might have been a bit stronger today had he chose to stay and fight instead of leave and start anew.

Anyway, we can disagree on many things, as long as you can see that serious Catholics are indeed serious about their faith. And of course we do enjoy a good debate. 👍

You should probably tell the friends you still talk with to log in to the forums here at Catholic Answers, they would no doubt get an education about their faith.

BTW, although my name might infer otherwise, I’m a ma’am, not a sir… 😃

God Bless,
Very good post sir, I mean ma’am 🙂

Yes it is good to know that some Catholics are serious about their faith. I have another friend that is about to get married next summer yet they have been living in sin for all of this time. They go to Church every now and then. But on the flip side are you guys and ladies, and you are definetely a breath of fresh air from what I have become used to.

Have a blessed day
I understand completely why your view of Catholicism is the way it is. If you notice, I am a revert. Prior to letting my religion just slip away, I was of the same caliber of Catholic as your friends. I did not understand my faith. Looking back, that was the reason I left the faith to begin with. I was a Catholic in name only, but I didn’t realize it because I thought I was a good Catholic. Then one day I actually read the Bible (instead of going over a bunch of words I didn’t understand), I actually started understanding some of what I was reading. It was like a lightbulb went off in my head and I said to myself “why did I never see this before?”. Well, okay, it wasn’t a lightbulb. It was Jesus, the Light of the World Himself, through the help of the Holy Spirit. 🙂

If you had been my friend back then, although I didn’t go around carousing and was generally a good moral person, I would have told you Catholicism wasn’t all that great either. But then again I have learned so much since then that now I know I had no idea what Catholocism was. As a Catholic today, I can never learn enough about the faith. The more I learn the more I want to know.

I’m sorry to admit that many Catholics today are nominal and in name only. They just don’t understand their faith very well, and don’t care much to either. Much as I was those years ago. Keep praying for your friends, they just might find their way back to the Lord because of your efforts.

This is another surprise you might find interesting: In general, Catholics agree that Martin Luther had every right to be angry and take some sort of action against what was going on. However we believe the direction he chose was not the proper one. Instead of trusting in his own actions and leaving the good fight, he should have trusted in God to give him the strength to stay and fight. I myself think the Church might have been a bit stronger today had he chose to stay and fight instead of leave and start anew.

Anyway, we can disagree on many things, as long as you can see that serious Catholics are indeed serious about their faith. And of course we do enjoy a good debate. 👍

You should probably tell the friends you still talk with to log in to the forums here at Catholic Answers, they would no doubt get an education about their faith.

BTW, although my name might infer otherwise, I’m a ma’am, not a sir… 😃

God Bless,
Seriously sir… No I don’t know Greek, and I don’t know Hebrew. But luckily for us when the Hebrew Bible was translated into Greek in the 2nd century BC, someone was able to do so, and do it for us as well in English.
Just so! Someone translated it. But a translation is a man-made resource, as is the English language, and you claim was that scripture alone—to the exclusion of man-made resources—is all you should use. The cognitive dissonance you’re feeling is the collision of the subconscious understanding that the claim entails a preposterous premise, but an unwillingness to consciously apply that realization.
The resources within the Bible apply to what is in the Bible.
So you think it’s fine to “use other ‘resources’ that are man made and not from God” so long as they apply to what is in the Bible and, ideally, are interpolated into the Bible’s text as footnotes?

Forgive me for my presumption, but the statement you made above implies a very immature view. It’s like those people who say that all you need to understand the U.S. Constitution is to read the document, as if the meaning of these documents is inherently manifest within their four corners. To understand what they are saying requires that we understand something of the world they arose in. God’s word was given to us in human language and exists in a historical context. To understand what He says, we use human-created resources. That is why your bible offers footnotes and your local Christian bookstore is chock-full of useful resources like Bible dictionaries, concordances, historical atlases, tomes on pre-Christ Jewish history, and the like.

It is categorically false to say that simply because “the LORD has his fingerprint on every piece of scripture out there,” you should not “use other ‘resources’ that are man made and not from God” to understand what God is saying. It is not, after all, a question of His understanding scripture, but of our understanding scripture.

Incidentally, how do you square sola scriptura with scripture? The two seem quite incompatible to me. Scripture never says that it is comprehensive (indeed, John denies it), and if you reject the authority of the Catholic Church, on what does your canon of scripture rest? You can’t rest on 2 Timothy 3:16 for obvious reasons, and the bible itself doesn’t have an inspired table of contents. Who says what is scripture, and where is that in scripture? I think you should answer Dawid’s question, for yourself if not for us: You said that you “don’t accept Maccabees as a book in the Bible - by what authority? That book is part of the Septuagint - the same Scriptures accepted by Jesus and his apostles. Luther removed it from his version of the Bible - who gave him that authority?”
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