Purgatory. like the Trinity is just a word used to define a teaching found in the bible. You are OK with the teaching of the Trinity even though nowhere in the bible does the bible tell us that the
father and the holy spirit are one or that the
son and the HS are one.
1 John 5:7 of the KJV,
(“For there are three that testify in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one”) - is an interpolation and is found nowhere in the original Greek This is what it actually says:* “For there are three that testify: the Spirit, the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement.”*
However, the teaching of some sort of purgative interim is in your bible:
Matt. 12:32 – Jesus says, “And anyone who says a word against the Son of man will be forgiven; but no one who speaks against the Holy Spirit will be forgiven either in this world **or in the next.” **Jesus, therefore clearly illustrates that there is forgiveness after death. Forgiveness is not necessary in heaven, and there is no forgiveness in hell. This proves that there is another state after death albeit temporary.
Since the holy Bible is your only
“source for knowledge on Christ,” perhaps you can tell me where the Bible says that the bible is the Christians only source for knowledge on Christ? Quoting 2 Tim. 3:16 does not answer my question! I, and all catholics, agree with 2 Tim. 3 -
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness…”
However, it doesn’t say - ONLY scripture…James 1 (KJV) - says: “But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”
The bible here, tells me that patience as opposed to the bible, makes me perfect and complete, lacking nothing; is that the case?
Now if the bible said:
let scripture have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing - you might have a point but only regarding the scriptures codified by the CC in the latter part of the 5th century, generations past the time of Christ.
DFW, if you are right and the bible is your
only source for knowledge on Christ and
doctrinal truth (there can be only one truth regarding any one doctrine) - then perhaps you would kindly answer the following question:
In one corner we have some isolated autonomous churches, eg Evangelical churches - that defer to the bible as their final authority for doctrinal clarification and authoritative resolution, and they come away from the bible believing that Jesus was speaking in metaphor regarding the Eucharist. In the opposite corner we have some isolated autonomous churches as well, eg, some Lutheran churches - deferring to their bible as their final authority for doctrinal clarification and authoritative resolution and they too come away from the same bible believing the exact opposite.
To use your own words, someone here is “bringing in man made doctrine.” Which one is it? One of these parties is limiting the importance of the Bible as the only source of doctrine" by teaching something not taught by Jesus the Christ, thereby “making an argument for false religions like Mormonism…that came into play many years after the life of Christ.”
How can one know who’s interpretation is correct regarding the preceding impasse, if in fact the bible is to be the Christians final authority for resolving doctrinal differences.
Looking forward to your straightforward responses.