Church assailed as "house of hate"!

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I think you are well aware that the Church looks upon gays with compassion–yet many gays would not agree.
We are not called upon to love only those who want to be loved. We are called to love everyone and not least our enemies and those who despitefully use us. If we meet bitterness with bitterness then that is what we will produce.

10 And it came to pass as he was sitting at meat in the house, behold many publicans and sinners came, and sat down with Jesus and his disciples. 11 And the Pharisees seeing it, said to his disciples: Why doth your master eat with publicans and sinners? 12 But Jesus hearing it, said: They that are in health need not a physician, but they that are ill. 13 Go then and learn what this meaneth, I will have mercy and not sacrifice. For I am not come to call the just, but sinners.
Matt9 The Douay-Rheims Bible
We are not called upon to love only those who want to be loved. We are called to love everyone and not least our enemies and those who despitefully use us. If we meet bitterness with bitterness then that is what we will produce.

10 And it came to pass as he was sitting at meat in the house, behold many publicans and sinners came, and sat down with Jesus and his disciples. 11 And the Pharisees seeing it, said to his disciples: Why doth your master eat with publicans and sinners? 12 But Jesus hearing it, said: They that are in health need not a physician, but they that are ill. 13 Go then and learn what this meaneth, I will have mercy and not sacrifice. For I am not come to call the just, but sinners.
Matt9 The Douay-Rheims Bible
“…For I am not come to call the just, but sinners.”

Jesus came to call sinners to turn away from sin and to follow God’s laws. That is why we are on this journey, to learn in each of our own lives, how to answer His call. We are each sinners and we are each called to turn away from those things that tempt us away from God.

When the rich young man didn’t give up all he had to follow Jesus, did Jesus go running after him and say to come anyway?
We are not called upon to love only those who want to be loved. We are called to love everyone and not least our enemies and those who despitefully use us.
But isn’t it a sign of love to warn them about their sinful behavior? Admonishing the sinner used to be called a spiritual work of mercy, though these days they call it “advising”.

I am not arguing with the point that we are to love everyone–that is quite clear. I am saying that the Church IS deeply compassionate towards homosexuals, yet many homosexuals would not agree. What say you?

I am not arguing with the point that we are to love everyone–that is quite clear. I am saying that the Church IS deeply compassionate towards homosexuals, yet many homosexuals would not agree. What say you?
Many homosexuals are not compassionate towards the Church, as exhibited by the ongoing sexual abuse scandal and accepting ordination as Priests under false pretenses.

I agree-that is the point that I am trying to get Matt to see.
I don’t think that Matt25 is advocating acceptance of homosexual behavior, but is pointing out that, though we ARE called to admonish the sinner, we are also called to do so with respect and compassion for that sinner as a human being with intrinsic dignity. In reading posts in these forums, I am sometimes shocked at the lack of charity I hear. Yes, certainly, we have to speak out for the truth and for the salvation of souls, but OF COURSE gay rights groups are going to say we’re hate mongers if we go out with an attitude of condemnation. Love, respect, and compassion are not only the way the Church has told us to act, but they are much more likely to be successful in pulling people away from a dangerous, damaging, sinful lifestyle.
Are you suggesting that all homosexuals, including women, rape children, knowingly spread AIDS and attempt suicide?

I only ask because not only is it demonstrable nonsense but a crime against charity to spread such malicious scandal.

Thank you for emphasizing the Catholic Church position that homosexuality is “objectively disordered.”

And yes, homosexuals are, as a group: emotionally damaged; mentally ill; have a much higher than average suicide rate; do knowingly have unprotected sex with as many partners as possible once diagnosed with AIDS; do rape children [see pedophilia] as the ongoing sex abuse scandal will attest; and routinely lie about their homosexuality to gain access to all-male environments where homosexuality is disallowed.

I also agree very much that **“Every sign of unjust discrimination in their [homosexual] regard should be avoided.” **But what about ‘just’ discrimination denying homosexuals access to children, or to positions of authority requiring emotional stability and clarity of thought?

So yes I do agree that spreading malicious gossip is a crime against charity, which is why I do not do it.
Kevin Walker:

Thank you for emphasizing the Catholic Church position that homosexuality is “objectively disordered.”

And yes, homosexuals are, as a group: emotionally damaged; mentally ill; have a much higher than average suicide rate; do knowingly have unprotected sex with as many partners as possible once diagnosed with AIDS; do rape children [see pedophilia] as the ongoing sex abuse scandal will attest; and routinely lie about their homosexuality to gain access to all-male environments where homosexuality is disallowed.

I also agree very much that **“Every sign of unjust discrimination in their [homosexual] regard should be avoided.” **But what about ‘just’ discrimination denying homosexuals access to children, or to positions of authority requiring emotional stability and clarity of thought?

So yes I do agree that spreading malicious gossip is a crime against charity, which is why I do not do it.
Excellent points.
I don’t think that Matt25 is advocating acceptance of homosexual behavior, but is pointing out that, though we ARE called to admonish the sinner, we are also called to do so with respect and compassion for that sinner as a human being with intrinsic dignity. In reading posts in these forums, I am sometimes shocked at the lack of charity I hear. Yes, certainly, we have to speak out for the truth and for the salvation of souls, but OF COURSE gay rights groups are going to say we’re hate mongers if we go out with an attitude of condemnation. Love, respect, and compassion are not only the way the Church has told us to act, but they are much more likely to be successful in pulling people away from a dangerous, damaging, sinful lifestyle.
Quite so. By saying things which are vicious and unkind about people they are not converted. People cannot condemn activists for using hateful words and then go on and do the same thing themselves.

21 You have heard that it was said to them of old: Thou shalt not kill. And whosoever shall kill, shall be in danger of the judgment. 22 But I say to you, that whosoever is angry with his brother, shall be in danger of the judgment. And whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council. And whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.

Matthew5 The Douay-Rheims Bible

Those who suggest that homosexuals are more likely to commit paedophile acts than heterosexuals are wrong. The overwhelming majority of paedophile crimes are committed by married men against young girls. That is a measurable fact. Often the victims are the daughters of the perpetrators. One would reduce child abuse dramatically if men were forbidden to work with children. The proposition is too absurd to entertain. It is similarly absurd to suggest that all homosexuals should be forbidden contact with children
There are many attempts to silence the Church when it takes a public stand against immorality. Immorality increases as society abandons its tacit adherence to Judeo-Christian ethics with every new civil law that is enacted under the guise of “Church/State separation.”

Saint John the Baptist suffered imprisonment was brutally executed for boldly taking a stand against the immorality that was being publicly demonstrated by a political leader of his day, and which, no doubt, caused grave scandal. There is a price to pay for speaking out, but in the long run it is obedience to the Truth that will ultimately prevail. Rest assured. We have the Master’s Word on it!
Those who suggest that homosexuals are more likely to commit paedophile acts than heterosexuals are wrong. The overwhelming majority of paedophile crimes are committed by married men against young girls. That is a measurable fact. Often the victims are the daughters of the perpetrators. One would reduce child abuse dramatically if men were forbidden to work with children. The proposition is too absurd to entertain. It is similarly absurd to suggest that all homosexuals should be forbidden contact with children
Homosexuals make up less than 4% of the population yet account for approximately 40% of sexual molestations. They are OVER REPRESENTED statistically. That is a fact. Another fact is that 75% of homosexual men report having sex with a minor. You can’t get away from that. 82% of the priest sexual abuse cases involved a post-pubescent male. Another stat you can’t hide from.

I am not saying hateful things about homosexuals. I am looking at the stark reality and the danger it poses to children and to society as a whole. We cannot wring our hands over child molestation without naming its causes and a major factor in molestation is homosexual men who put themselves in areas where they can have contact with children. To deny this is to be foolish to the extreme.
Homosexuals make up less than 4% of the population yet account for approximately 40% of sexual molestations. They are OVER REPRESENTED statistically. That is a fact. Another fact is that 75% of homosexual men report having sex with a minor. You can’t get away from that. 82% of the priest sexual abuse cases involved a post-pubescent male. Another stat you can’t hide from.

In one study, 98% of males who raped boys reported that they were heterosexual. [Sexual Abuse of Boys, Journal of the American Medical Association, December 2, 1998]
  • About 44% of rape victims are under age 18. Three out of every twenty victims (15%) are under age 12. Sex Offenses and Offenders. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, 1997.]
  • Seven percent of girls in grades five to eight and twelve percent of girls in grades nine through twelve and said they had been sexually abused. [Commonwealth Fund Survey of the Health of Adolescent Girls, 1998.]
  • Three percent of boys in grades five through eight and five percent of boys in grades nine through twelve said they had been sexually abused. [Commonwealth Fund Survey of the Health of Adolescent Boys, 1998.]
  • 93% of juvenile sexual assault victims knew their attacker; 34.2% were family members and 58.7% acquaintances. Only seven percent of the perpetrators were strangers to the victim. Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, 2000]
  • In 1995, local child protective service agencies identified 126,000 children who were victims of either substantiated or indicated sexual abuse; of these, 75% were girls. Nearly 30% of child victims were between the ages of 4 and 7. [US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Child Maltreatment, 1995.]
Who are the Perpetrators of Child Sexual Abuse?

Studies on who commits child sexual abuse vary in their findings, but the most common finding is that the majority of sexual offenders are family members or are otherwise known to the child. Sexual abuse by strangers is not nearly as common as sexual abuse by family members. Research further shows that men perpetrate most instances of sexual abuse, but there are cases in which women are the offenders.* Despite a common myth, homosexual men are not more likely to sexually abuse children than heterosexual men are.* Who are the Perpetrators of Child Sexual Abuse?u/nch/issues5.html#homosexual
In a discussion paper focused on men’s role in primary education, King (1994) found that there was no evidence of a relationship between homosexual male teachers and paedophile activity. Newton (1978) found that homosexual teachers were no more likely to engage in same-sex sexual abuse than were heterosexual teachers. In a study of child sexual abuse by clergy, Camargo and Loftus (1992) found that there was a clear distinction in terms of masculinity and femininity factors between clergy who were active homosexuals (adult-adult), and those engaged in same- sex paedophile activity.

In their classic study aimed at determining sexual behaviour and orientation in the community, Kinsey and colleagues (1948, as cited in DiLapi 1989), found that crimes such as child sexual assault had been historically incorrectly attributed to homosexuals and that, if anything, heterosexual males were more likely to be involved in sexual abuse. Despite methodological flaws, and what has been charitably described as a ‘minimisation’ of the negative effects that sexual abuse has on child victims (Finkelhor 1979), this study was one of the few to attempt to define the prevalence of homosexuals as offenders in cases of child sexual abuse (Freund and Watson 1992).

Finally, studies of offender arousal patterns have indicated that paedophiles and homosexuals have different patterns of response (Freund and Watson 1992), with paedophiles not surprisingly being more aroused by images of children. Overall, what little evidence there is, although flawed, appears to indicate that sexual orientation does not play a part in child sexual assault typologies, and that the assumption that paedophiles who engage in same-sex sexual abuse are homosexuals is more a societal myth than a reality.
Matt25 you have posted broken links and ancient studies. Try again

Lisa N
Why do homosexuals feel they are entitled to special treatment by everyone and everything? Why must the Church or any organization for that matter accept that homosexuality is normal? Their insistance that The Catholic Church accept them and ignore scripture and doctrin would be like someone insisting that they be allowed to eat meat and remain Hindu. Any organization should be able to establish norms for membership, that includes any religion. If you don’t like or can’t follow the established rules then you should leave and go form your own organization/religion. Non-acceptance is not a violation of your rights. No one is telling them they can’t be gay, they just can’t lead an active gay life style, with no attempt to give it up and expect The Church to tell them everything is OK and they can receive all the sacraments when the rest of us must confess our sins and try to do better in the future. If a gay confessed and really tried to not engage in homosexual activities but slipped back, went to confession again and tried to do better, that would be something we as Catholics could accept because we all sin. What we can not, and should not be forced to, accept is an openly gay lifestyle with no admittance of sin, no repentance and no attempt to change.
Matt25 said:

In one study, 98% of males who raped boys reported that they were heterosexual. [Sexual Abuse of Boys, Journal of the American Medical Association, December 2, 1998]

Then why did they rape boys?
  • Three percent of boys in grades five through eight and five percent of boys in grades nine through twelve said they had been sexually abused. [Commonwealth Fund Survey of the Health of Adolescent Boys, 1998.]
  • 93% of juvenile sexual assault victims knew their attacker; 34.2% were family members and 58.7% acquaintances. Only seven percent of the perpetrators were strangers to the victim. Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, 2000]
  • In 1995, local child protective service agencies identified 126,000 children who were victims of either substantiated or indicated sexual abuse; of these, 75% were girls. Nearly 30% of child victims were between the ages of 4 and 7. [US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Child Maltreatment, 1995.]
Who are the Perpetrators of Child Sexual Abuse?

Studies on who commits child sexual abuse vary in their findings, but the most common finding is that the majority of sexual offenders are family members or are otherwise known to the child. Sexual abuse by strangers is not nearly as common as sexual abuse by family members. Research further shows that men perpetrate most instances of sexual abuse, but there are cases in which women are the offenders.* Despite a common myth, homosexual men are not more likely to sexually abuse children than heterosexual men are.* Who are the Perpetrators of Child Sexual Abuse?u/nch/issues5.html#homosexual
In a discussion paper focused on men’s role in primary education, King (1994) found that there was no evidence of a relationship between homosexual male teachers and paedophile activity. Newton (1978) found that homosexual teachers were no more likely to engage in same-sex sexual abuse than were heterosexual teachers. In a study of child sexual abuse by clergy, Camargo and Loftus (1992) found that there was a clear distinction in terms of masculinity and femininity factors between clergy who were active homosexuals (adult-adult), and those engaged in same- sex paedophile activity.

In their classic study aimed at determining sexual behaviour and orientation in the community, Kinsey and colleagues (1948, as cited in DiLapi 1989), found that crimes such as child sexual assault had been historically incorrectly attributed to homosexuals and that, if anything, heterosexual males were more likely to be involved in sexual abuse. Despite methodological flaws, and what has been charitably described as a ‘minimisation’ of the negative effects that sexual abuse has on child victims (Finkelhor 1979), this study was one of the few to attempt to define the prevalence of homosexuals as offenders in cases of child sexual abuse (Freund and Watson 1992).

Finally, studies of offender arousal patterns have indicated that paedophiles and homosexuals have different patterns of response (Freund and Watson 1992), with paedophiles not surprisingly being more aroused by images of children. Overall, what little evidence there is, although flawed, appears to indicate that sexual orientation does not play a part in child sexual assault typologies, and that the assumption that paedophiles who engage in same-sex sexual abuse are homosexuals is more a societal myth than a reality.
Any statistics that reference Alfred Kinsey are automatically bunk. Any scientist will concur that his methodology was severely tainted (he used volunteers as opposed to the standard scientific practice of ramdom sampling) and skewed to provide a view that supports his personal agenda (which, by the way, was homosexual pedophelia. Can a 2 month old infant have reach sexual climax? Kinsey thought they could as evidenced by their screams of joy.)

As Lisa N so succinctly put it: Try again.
And Respect

And Compassion

And Sensitivity
Agreed. That does not mean overlooking scandal and embracing error as truth in an attempt to be “welcoming”.
  • About 44% of rape victims are under age 18. Three out of every twenty victims (15%) are under age 12. Sex Offenses and Offenders. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, 1997.]
  • Seven percent of girls in grades five to eight and twelve percent of girls in grades nine through twelve and said they had been sexually abused. [Commonwealth Fund Survey of the Health of Adolescent Girls, 1998.]
This is relative to homosexual males being statistically over-represented in what way?
Matt 25:
  • Three percent of boys in grades five through eight and five percent of boys in grades nine through twelve said they had been sexually abused. [Commonwealth Fund Survey of the Health of Adolescent Boys, 1998.]
Since gay men make up 2.4% of the population, this stat would support a homosexual over-representation.
Matt 25:
  • 93% of juvenile sexual assault victims knew their attacker; 34.2% were family members and 58.7% acquaintances. Only seven percent of the perpetrators were strangers to the victim. Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, 2000]
  • In 1995, local child protective service agencies identified 126,000 children who were victims of either substantiated or indicated sexual abuse; of these, 75% were girls. Nearly 30% of child victims were between the ages of 4 and 7. [US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Child Maltreatment, 1995.]
Again, no reference to the genders involved.
Who are the Perpetrators of Child Sexual Abuse?

Studies on who commits child sexual abuse vary in their findings, but the most common finding is that the majority of sexual offenders are family members or are otherwise known to the child. Sexual abuse by strangers is not nearly as common as sexual abuse by family members. Research further shows that men perpetrate most instances of sexual abuse, but there are cases in which women are the offenders.* Despite a common myth, homosexual men are not more likely to sexually abuse children than heterosexual men are.*
Simply not true. They are 2.4% of the population yet they are responsible for nearly 40% of child sexual abuse/molestation. From a pure numbers standpoint, more men abuse girls. You have to analyze the entire picture using the percent of heterosexual vs. homosexual population and how they are represented among child abusers/molesters.

In a discussion paper focused on men’s role in primary education, King (1994) found that there was no evidence of a relationship between homosexual male teachers and paedophile activity. Newton (1978) found that homosexual teachers were no more likely to engage in same-sex sexual abuse than were heterosexual teachers. How about Scout Leaders and priests? Is there evidence that homosexual Scout Leaders and priests are more likely to engage in same-sex sexual abuse than heterosexual Scout Leaders and priests?
Matt 25:
In a study of child sexual abuse by clergy, Camargo and Loftus (1992) found that there was a clear distinction in terms of masculinity and femininity factors between clergy who were active homosexuals (adult-adult), and those engaged in same- sex paedophile activity.
I would rather read the John Jay Study (2004).

Finally, studies of offender arousal patterns have indicated that paedophiles and homosexuals have different patterns of response (Freund and Watson 1992), with paedophiles not surprisingly being more aroused by images of children. Overall, what little evidence there is, although flawed, appears to indicate that sexual orientation does not play a part in child sexual assault typologies, and that the assumption that paedophiles who engage in same-sex sexual abuse are homosexuals is more a societal myth than a reality.The overwhelming majority of child porn involves little boys. Look to what comes out of Thailand as an example.
Lisa N:
Matt25 you have posted broken links and ancient studies. Try again

Lisa N

Picture of child sex abuse in U.S. society clouded by lack of data

By Agostino Bono
Catholic News Service

WASHINGTON (CNS) – The clergy child sex abuse crisis has thrown light on a major problem throughout the United States that is still much in the shadows.

Child sex abuse is grossly underreported and underinvestigated, making a comprehensive national picture difficult to develop, according to experts researching the issue.

But, they added, it is a national problem that cuts across professions and organizations dealing with children.

Most abusers are not strangers but individuals who are well-known to children, including relatives, friends and people in positions of trust, said experts interviewed by telephone by Catholic News Service.

“As a ballpark figure, in excess of 200,000 children a year are sexually abused” in the United States, said David Finkelhor, director of the Crimes Against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire.

Sid Johnson, president of the nonprofit Prevent Child Abuse America, said about 500,000 reports of child sex abuse are made yearly to state child prevention agencies. His organization estimates that 20 percent of women and 5 to 16 percent of men in the United States experienced sex abuse as minors.

Finkelhor, also a sociology professor at the University of New Hampshire, said about 70 to 80 percent of the abusers are relatives or people known to the children.

Other experts told CNS that the figure may well reach 90 percent.

National surveys of adults abused as minors show that a significantly higher number of girls are abused than boys and that men greatly outnumber women as abusers.

Prevent Child Abuse America estimates that 90 percent of the abusers are men.

A congressionally mandated national study, updated in 2001, done by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services said that about three times as many girls are abused as boys.

** The bottom line in these reports is that the greatest danger is men abusing girls.**

The distinction between gender of victim and sexual orientation of perpetrator is important because many child molesters don’t really have an adult sexual orientation. They have never developed the capacity for mature sexual relationships with other adults, either men or women. Over the years, this fact has been incorporated into various schemes for categorizing child molesters. For example, Finkelhor and Araji (1986) proposed that perpetrators’ sexual attractions should be conceptualized as ranging along a continuum with exclusive interest in children at one extreme, and exclusive interest in adult partners at the other end.

Typologies of offenders have often included a distinction between those with an enduring primary preference for children as sexual partners and those who have established age-appropriate relationships but who become sexually involved with children under unusual circumstances of extreme stress. Perpetrators in the first category – those with a more or less exclusive interest in children – have often been labeled fixated. Fixation means “a temporary or permanent arrestment of psychological maturation resulting from unresolved formative issues which persist and underlie the organization of subsequent phases of development” (Groth & Birnbaum, 1978, p. 176). Many clinicians view fixated offenders as being “stuck” at an early stage of psychological development…

Conclusion The empirical research does not show that gay or bisexual men are any more likely than heterosexual men to molest children. This is not to argue that homosexual and bisexual men never molest children. But there is no scientific basis for asserting that they are more likely than heterosexual men to do so. And, as explained above, many child molesters cannot be characterized as having an adult sexual orientation at all; they are fixated on children.
  • Three percent of boys in grades five through eight and five percent of boys in grades nine through twelve said they had been sexually abused. [Commonwealth Fund Survey of the Health of Adolescent Boys, 1998.]
  • 93% of juvenile sexual assault victims knew their attacker; 34.2% were family members and 58.7% acquaintances. Only seven percent of the perpetrators were strangers to the victim. Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, 2000]
  • In 1995, local child protective service agencies identified 126,000 children who were victims of either substantiated or indicated sexual abuse; of these, 75% were girls. Nearly 30% of child victims were between the ages of 4 and 7. [US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Child Maltreatment, 1995.]
Who are the Perpetrators of Child Sexual Abuse?

Studies on who commits child sexual abuse vary in their findings, but the most common finding is that the majority of sexual offenders are family members or are otherwise known to the child. Sexual abuse by strangers is not nearly as common as sexual abuse by family members. Research further shows that men perpetrate most instances of sexual abuse, but there are cases in which women are the offenders.* Despite a common myth, homosexual men are not more likely to sexually abuse children than heterosexual men are.* Who are the Perpetrators of Child Sexual Abuse?u/nch/issues5.html#homosexual
In a discussion paper focused on men’s role in primary education, King (1994) found that there was no evidence of a relationship between homosexual male teachers and paedophile activity. Newton (1978) found that homosexual teachers were no more likely to engage in same-sex sexual abuse than were heterosexual teachers. In a study of child sexual abuse by clergy, Camargo and Loftus (1992) found that there was a clear distinction in terms of masculinity and femininity factors between clergy who were active homosexuals (adult-adult), and those engaged in same- sex paedophile activity.

In their classic study aimed at determining sexual behaviour and orientation in the community, Kinsey and colleagues (1948, as cited in DiLapi 1989), found that crimes such as child sexual assault had been historically incorrectly attributed to homosexuals and that, if anything, heterosexual males were more likely to be involved in sexual abuse. Despite methodological flaws, and what has been charitably described as a ‘minimisation’ of the negative effects that sexual abuse has on child victims (Finkelhor 1979), this study was one of the few to attempt to define the prevalence of homosexuals as offenders in cases of child sexual abuse (Freund and Watson 1992).

Finally, studies of offender arousal patterns have indicated that paedophiles and homosexuals have different patterns of response (Freund and Watson 1992), with paedophiles not surprisingly being more aroused by images of children. Overall, what little evidence there is, although flawed, appears to indicate that sexual orientation does not play a part in child sexual assault typologies, and that the assumption that paedophiles who engage in same-sex sexual abuse are homosexuals is more a societal myth than a reality.
Any statistics that reference Alfred Kinsey are automatically bunk. Any scientist will concur that his methodology was severely tainted (he used volunteers as opposed to the standard scientific practice of ramdom sampling) and skewed to provide a view that supports his personal agenda (which, by the way, was homosexual pedophelia. Can a 2 month old infant have reach sexual climax? Kinsey thought they could as evidenced by their screams of joy.)

As Lisa N so succinctly put it: Try again.
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