Church fights same-sex 'marriage' in Spain

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Church fights same-sex 'marriage’

MADRID (Agence France-Presse) — The Catholic Church in Spain yesterday declared war on government plans to legalize “marriage” and adoption by homosexuals, denying the concept of “sexual orientation” and branding same-sex relations “intrinsically bad.”
The socialist-dominated parliament voted last month to legalize homosexual "marriages" next year and give same-sex couples the right to adopt children, which would make the historically conservative country one of the most liberal in Europe.
The move has infuriated the Catholic Church, whose bishops announced on Dec. 10 they would organize protests to express their opposition to homosexual politics and to promote marriage as a union to be contracted solely between a man and a woman.
The bishops published yesterday a statement titled "Man and Woman Created He Them," charging that "homosexual tendencies, even if not a sin, must be considered objectively as troubling." 

"One cannot choose between man and woman," the bishops said, adding that "sexual difference is given to us" and that the concept of "sexual orientation" is "erroneous." 

"Homosexual behavior is always ethically reprehensible even if individual culpability must be judged with prudence," the statement said, calling such behavior "intrinsically bad from the moral point of view." 

Marriage is "always and solely the union of a man and a woman," the bishops said. "Two people of the same sex have no right to contract a marriage. The state, for its part, cannot recognize this right, which does not exist, without acting in an arbitrary manner." 

The government plans "must be opposed clearly and incisively" and the right of adoption by homosexual couples rejected, the statement said. 

The head of the Catholic Church in Spain, Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco Varela, said in an interview published yesterday by the daily ABC that homosexuals should not be "illtreated, injured or marginalized" but could not be "placed on the same level as the family."
Sounds like the bishops in Spain are getting it right. I hope someone’s listening.
JMJ_Pinoy said:
Church fights same-sex 'marriage’

The socialist-dominated parliament voted last month to legalize homosexual “marriages” next year and give same-sex couples the right to adopt children, which would make the historically conservative country one of the most liberal in Europe.

Are these the same Spaniards that chased the Moors/Moslems out of Spain, sent the Ferocious Conquistadors to the new world and gave us Saint Ignatius ?
tom.wineman said:
Are these the same Spaniards that chased the Moors/Moslems out of Spain, sent the Ferocious Conquistadors to the new world and gave us Saint Ignatius ?

No. All of those Spaniards died a few hundred years ago.

– Mark L. Chance.
No. All of those Spaniards died a few hundred years ago.

– Mark L. Chance.
True. Those Spaniards are just the ancestors of today’s Spaniards. Good grief, what’s happening to Spain?!? 😦
No. All of those Spaniards died a few hundred years ago.

– Mark L. Chance.
Yeah this group allows terrorists to flourish in their midst and then blames the US for an attack by Islamofascists. They will reap what they have sowed just like Holland.

Lisa N
Good for these Shepherds. Is it any wonder there are so many social ills in Western cutltures when so many accept moral relativism? It really pains me so many can’t see the connection between rejecting the truth of personal sin and all the social problems we have today.
So the Spanish government will allow homosexuall couples to register at the townhall.

So what?

A civil marriage of two Catholics isn’t even considered a marriage at all by the church (unless with a special permit by the bishop), nobody is trying to change the sacrament, so what is all that ado of the bishops about?

Sometimes i really don’t understand the view of some people in regards on what is improtant and what isn’t.

So the Spanish government will allow homosexuall couples to register at the townhall.

So what?

A civil marriage of two Catholics isn’t even considered a marriage at all by the church (unless with a special permit by the bishop), nobody is trying to change the sacrament, so what is all that ado of the bishops about?

Sometimes i really don’t understand the view of some people in regards on what is improtant and what isn’t.

“So what?”!?!?!?!

Community and governmental support of sodomites and giving them children to raise is a "So what?’?


Not a “So what?”.

Prompting and endorsing them is evil.

Not a “so what?”

Giving them children to corrupt and destroy is sure-as-hell not a “So what?”.
Trelow said:
“So what?”!?!?!?!

Community and governmental support of sodomites and giving them children to raise is a "So what?’?


Not a “So what?”.

Prompting and endorsing them is evil.

Not a “so what?”

Giving them children to corrupt and destroy is sure-as-hell not a “So what?”.

Good grief, muslims are pagans and divorced are sinners, why are they allowed to marry and to adopt children?

Not everybody is a Catholic, sholud we give civil rights only to devout Cathoilcs (most of whom are sinners as well!)?

Good grief, muslims are pagans and divorced are sinners, why are they allowed to marry and to adopt children?

Not everybody is a Catholic, sholud we give civil rights only to devout Cathoilcs (most of whom are sinners as well!)?

UGh, you think perversion is a “right”?
UGh, you think perversion is a “right”?
It is a right to do in the privacy of your home whatever doesn’t harm anybody.

There are people out there who think the Eucharist is a perversion, let them think it, but is our right to celebrate it anyway.

So everybody who thinks homosexuality is a perversion should abstain from it, but has no right to urge his view on others who have a different view.

And if two homosexual people want to register at the town hall, i say again, so what!

Nobody who believes it is a perversion needs to do so!

And as for the adoption of kids: Each and every couple has to be an will be examinated if they are capable to rise and educate kids. If they are why should they be denied that right? Just because some think they are “perverted”?

Then nobody could be allowed to adopt children

It is a right to do in the privacy of your home whatever doesn’t harm anybody.

There are people out there who think the Eucharist is a perversion, let them think it, but is our right to celebrate it anyway.

So everybody who thinks homosexuality is a perversion should abstain from it, but has no right to urge his view on others who have a different view.

And if two homosexual people want to register at the town hall, i say again, so what!

Nobody who believes it is a perversion needs to do so!

And as for the adoption of kids: Each and every couple has to be an will be examinated if they are capable to rise and educate kids. If they are why should they be denied that right? Just because some think they are “perverted”?

Then nobody could be allowed to adopt children

Homosexual “marriage” condones mortal sin.

Letting people skip and dance on their merry little way to hell is not how we are called to love our neighbor.
It is a right to do in the privacy of your home whatever doesn’t harm anybody.

There are people out there who think the Eucharist is a perversion, let them think it, but is our right to celebrate it anyway.

So everybody who thinks homosexuality is a perversion should abstain from it, but has no right to urge his view on others who have a different view.

And if two homosexual people want to register at the town hall, i say again, so what!

Nobody who believes it is a perversion needs to do so!

And as for the adoption of kids: Each and every couple has to be an will be examinated if they are capable to rise and educate kids. If they are why should they be denied that right? Just because some think they are “perverted”?

Then nobody could be allowed to adopt children

Really? Do you know what truth is? You must not because your post embraces moral relativism. All authentic rights come from God. There is no “right” to error. There is no right to sin. There is no right to perversion. That some have poorly formed or dulled consciences and do not accept the truth does not mean there exists no absolute truth.
And as for the adoption of kids: Each and every couple has to be an will be examinated if they are capable to rise and educate kids. If they are why should they be denied that right? Just because some think they are “perverted”?

Then nobody could be allowed to adopt children

I would laugh at the absurdity of your position if it were not so sad. Your words examplify the sad state of our culture. We no longer accept the truth because we are afraid to may “hurt” someone else’s feelings.

Sodomy is not a right. No one has a right to adopt children if they suffer from a mental condition like same sex attraction.
It is a right to do in the privacy of your home whatever doesn’t harm anybody.
Neglecting children by purposefully denying them a father or a mother and attempting to normalize perverted acts to their impressionable minds does harm to them.
Really? Do you know what truth is? You must not because your post embraces moral relativism. All authentic rights come from God. There is no “right” to error. There is no right to sin. There is no right to perversion. That some have poorly formed or dulled consciences and do not accept the truth does not mean there exists no absolute truth.
This is just a question, not a statement of opinion. I oppose same-sex marriage and the adoption of children by homosexuals. If the statement I highlighted is correct, though, doesn’t that mean that we as Catholics must believe that the civil authorities must uphold Catholic faith, morals, and discipline? Wouldn’t they have to close all the Protestant churches in the country, either force Protestants to convert or prosecute them, remove their children from their homes, etc.? Wouldn’t dissent be illegal under civil law in this circumstance?
Really? Do you know what truth is? You must not because your post embraces moral relativism. All authentic rights come from God. There is no “right” to error. There is no right to sin. There is no right to perversion. That some have poorly formed or dulled consciences and do not accept the truth does not mean there exists no absolute truth.
I believe there is an absolut truth, and of course i believe i know it.

But i also accept that others might think that “their truth” is the absolut one.

And as i don’t want them to urge “their truth” onto me i do not urge mine onto them.

So of course the bishops in Spain are fully entitled to say that they don’t like the plans of the government.

But to “declare war” as the article says and to say the state cannot give a right to citizens (that the Catholic church doesn’t like) as a bishop said is by far over the limit, this could come back onto the church sooner as the bishops might think!

The communists who persecuted the church also believed they had the absolute truth, and they also wanted everybody else to accept their truth.

The church has to convince by living the truth, not by forcing the truth onto others with civil laws.

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