Church fights same-sex 'marriage' in Spain

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Ahh. The church allows a civil action but not a moral action. My point exactly.
Simply because the Chuch refrains from interfering with a civil law does not mean that people in the Church should not stand up against a potentially bad civil law. In fact, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Pope have implored Catholics to stand up against any laws that would recognize homosexual unions or marriage.
The Church teaches marriage is life-long. The state holds that marriage can be dissolved and says so in a particular case when a divorce is granted. The church permits this because she sees a distriction between sacramental marriage and civil marriage. She can accept a legal action which dissolves the legal aspects of marriage but does not accept the moral right to dissolve the sacramental aspects. Hence, legal arrangements can exist distinct from sacramental.
Yes they can. However, grave moral damage is done to those that think they have a “marriage” while participating in homosexual activity. Futher grave moral damage is done to children that witness such a “marriage.” There are serious moral issues at stake here with such potential legal arrangements that the Church implores us to take a stand against.
If you want to defend the Spanish Inquistion’s actions which it claimed were preventing more sin and scandal and keeping other souls safe, let’s go at it.
The Church was very merciful during the government-run inquisition. The Church attempted to balance saving souls with preventing undue punishment. In the process, the Church saved many lives and souls.
I’m happy to uphold the conservative position on this based on reason and civil order. I think not allowing same sex marriage is a good idea. I’m not sure its an article of faith.
That is good. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith practically requires Catholics to oppose it and certainly restricts Catholics from any supportive action - direct or indirect.
A civil divorce does not change an authentic marriage in God’s eyes. The couple are still married.
In the same way a same sex civil marriage does not change anything in God’s eyes.
The Church allows this. How is this related to allowing homosexuals to form a faux union? The civil law must be based on just principles. Justice does not allow same sex individuals to pretend they can be married.
But the civil law allows heterosexuals to terminate their marriage and contract a new one, pretending they are married.
The Pope has said homosexual unions are wrong. This is more than his prudential judgment. The constant teaching of the Church shows us that homosexual conduct is evil. Anything that promotes evil is wrong.
The pope says divorce is wrong.
Correct. But divorce laws do not grant special benefit - they attempt to make the best of a bad situation. .
yes they do grant a special benefit and no divorce does not always make the best of a bad situation.
Actually, the Church does not recognize the divorce. It “allows” civil divorce by not interfering with it. But it does not consider the “divorced” couple actually divorced. That is why an annulment is required subsequent to another marriage. The marital bond is considered permanent and only by determining the original marriage to be invalid would it be not sinful to have marital relations with another.
Exaclty my point. Nor does or should the church recognize civil marriages that do not meet the church’s definition of marriage, same sex or opposite sex.
Yes they can. However, grave moral damage is done to those that think they have a “marriage” while participating in homosexual activity. Futher grave moral damage is done to children that witness such a “marriage.” There are serious moral issues at stake here with such potential legal arrangements that the Church implores us to take a stand against.
these are social and psychological observations that do have merit. thank you. the chruch certain should implore the faithful on this matter and take a strong stand.
The Church was very merciful during the government-run inquisition. The Church attempted to balance saving souls with preventing undue punishment. In the process, the Church saved many lives and souls.
The church was mericiful and the Spanish Inquistion was state run. Still, the Spanish state Inquistion’s claimed it actions were preventing more sin and scandal and keeping other souls safe. I would reaffirm those making such a claim can still be abusive.
That is good. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith practically requires Catholics to oppose it and certainly restricts Catholics from any supportive action - direct or indirect.
Rather than spend a week on the meaning of “practically requires”, let agree that we have only minor differences on thsi matter.
yes they do grant a special benefit and no divorce does not always make the best of a bad situation.
My goodness. Please stop ignoring key words. I said the laws “attempt” to make the best of a bad situation - not that the laws are effective nor that divorce itself is good.

Secondly, the do not grant special benefit. They potentially require payments to support a spouse or children but this is not a benefit as much as an obligation. If I am missing some special benefit - please tell me rather than generalizing just to disagree.
Actually, the Church does not recognize the divorce. It “allows” civil divorce by not interfering with it. But it does not consider the “divorced” couple actually divorced. That is why an annulment is required subsequent to another marriage. The marital bond is considered permanent and only by determining the original marriage to be invalid would it be not sinful to have marital relations with another.
I believe that is what I said in my post. An authentic marriage is not ended by a civil divorce. The Church does not say it is a sin to civilly divorce and in many dioceses one must be civilly divorced before the marriage can be investigated to see if a decree of nullity may be granted.
these are social and psychological observations that do have merit. thank you. the chruch certain should implore the faithful on this matter and take a strong stand.
The church was mericiful and the Spanish Inquistion was state run. Still, the Spanish state Inquistion’s claimed it actions were preventing more sin and scandal and keeping other souls safe. I would reaffirm those making such a claim can still be abusive.
And we should always oppose abusive state laws and actions.
Rather than spend a week on the meaning of “practically requires”, let agree that we have only minor differences on thsi matter.
Careful Katherine - you are bordering on Christian fellowship.
In the same way a same sex civil marriage does not change anything in God’s eyes.

But the civil law allows heterosexuals to terminate their marriage and contract a new one, pretending they are married.

The pope says divorce is wrong.
No one is arguing there should be more civil divorces or more annullments. The Church has not done a good job in preaching the truth on these matters. That does not mean She should not stand up and say homosexual unions are wrong.

We have more civil divorce and remarriage today because we disobey the moral law. The natural outgrowth of all this mess is the growth of homosexual activity and the movement for more faux marraiges.

The Church should have been saying and doing more all these years. She can at least now try and stop “gay” unions. If those in the Church spent more time preaching about the moral law and less with vague social justices issues we may have a more just and healthy society. Too bad the left wing has been in charge of so many dioceses for so long.
No one is arguing there should be more civil divorces or more annullments. The Church has not done a good job in preaching the truth on these matters. That does not mean She should not stand up and say homosexual unions are wrong.

We have more civil divorce and remarriage today because we disobey the moral law. The natural outgrowth of all this mess is the growth of homosexual activity and the movement for more faux marraiges.

The Church should have been saying and doing more all these years. She can at least now try and stop “gay” unions. If those in the Church spent more time preaching about the moral law and less with vague social justices issues we may have a more just and healthy society. Too bad the left wing has been in charge of so many dioceses for so long.
Yes - the slippery slope theory applies and the sliding must stop here or else we may very well fall into oblivion as a society.
Yes - the slippery slope theory applies and the sliding must stop here or else we may very well fall into oblivion as a society.
I will agree that the Church has been too “soft” on divorce, remarriage and all that goes with it. I can see why some make the argument that homosexual unions are no worse than the current stae of marraige in our society. The Church has been too co opted by the culture. That does not mean She is not correct. It only mean we have too many weak Shepherds.
The Church allows civil divorce. Remarriage is the issue.

What is more charitable then preventing more sin and scandal and keeping other souls safe?
The church does not at all allow civil divorce.
The church just ignores it and says there is nothing like a divorce.

Civily divorced are still married for the church.

Why doesn’t the church act that why with homosexual unions? Nobody wants the church to recognize them!

Divorce is the same way immoral and against the diffuse and obscure “natural law” as homosexual unions are, but because there are far more divorced out there the church rather pics on homosexuals, knowing that the masses approve on that but would stand up if the same ado would be made about divorce.

I suggest many of the church leaders to read Matthew 23 again and think abou it!

Fact is, Jesus said explicitely that divorce is bad, but he didn’t say one single little sentence about homosexuality.

If this would have been such a big deal for him as it is now for the church he would have addressed it, we can be sure.

I’m not saying the church should approve on homosexuality.

But at a time when tens of thousands are killed by a flood, where thousands of children starve to death each day, where millions of Africans suffer from AIDS, where wars and unrest kill thousands of people a day, at that time some seem to think the most important problem of our world is when two people who love themselves want to sign a contract for live at the townhall?

O come on and get awake!

Fact is, Jesus said explicitely that divorce is bad, but he didn’t say one single little sentence about homosexuality.

If this would have been such a big deal for him as it is now for the church he would have addressed it, we can be sure.

I’m not saying the church should approve on homosexuality.

But at a time when tens of thousands are killed by a flood, where thousands of children starve to death each day, where millions of Africans suffer from AIDS, where wars and unrest kill thousands of people a day, at that time some seem to think the most important problem of our world is when two people who love themselves want to sign a contract for live at the townhall?

O come on and get awake!

I’m awake, are you?

Starving to death, suffering from AIDS, and being killed in a war or state of unrest will not send you to hell.

What’s more important:
State of your eternal soul, or state of your temporal body?
The church does not at all allow civil divorce.
The church just ignores it and says there is nothing like a divorce.
The Church recognizes it is necessary in certain cases. She does not ignore it. To be investigated for a decree of nullity one usually needs to be divorced for one year. A civil divorce is not prohibited in any Church law as far as I know.
Civily divorced are still married for the church.
Yes, we all agree with that.
Why doesn’t the church act that why with homosexual unions? Nobody wants the church to recognize them!
Because it is not a fair comparison.
Divorce is the same way immoral and against the diffuse and obscure “natural law” as homosexual unions are, but because there are far more divorced out there the church rather pics on homosexuals, knowing that the masses approve on that but would stand up if the same ado would be made about divorce.
This is not accuarate. A civil divorce does not end a marriage.
I suggest many of the church leaders to read Matthew 23 again and think abou it!
Yes, they can read that and the entire bible and ALL the teachings of the Church. Christ founded a Church, not a book.
That is why the Pope appologised for it.

I do not know that the apology said the inquistions were evil in every case. He may have apologized for the way certain people acted, but that does not mean the entire enterprise was wrong. BTW, the Roman inquisition exists to this day under a different name. Ratzinger heads it.
Fact is, Jesus said explicitely that divorce is bad, but he didn’t say one single little sentence about homosexuality.

If this would have been such a big deal for him as it is now for the church he would have addressed it, we can be sure.

I’m not saying the church should approve on homosexuality.

But at a time when tens of thousands are killed by a flood, where thousands of children starve to death each day, where millions of Africans suffer from AIDS, where wars and unrest kill thousands of people a day, at that time some seem to think the most important problem of our world is when two people who love themselves want to sign a contract for live at the townhall?

O come on and get awake!

Fact is we are not sola scriptura heretics. We do not take out one part of the bible, privately interpret it, and claim our interpretation is more correct than the Church’s even when our interpretation contradicts Church teaching.

Two people who want to publicly claim they are married when they are not is no virture and does harm our society. Today we take sins of the flesh too lightly. At Fatima Mary said she saw souls falling to hell like leaves from a tree and many were there from sins of the flesh.

Our consciences are dulled to sin.
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