Church is in the dark about gays

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Reminds me of the answwer our Polish pastor gave to a parishioner upset about his abortion and voting for politicians sermon during the 2004 election. Our pastor has only been in this country for about 10 years and has a tendency to be quite blunt. The parishioner told him that he had remember we have freedom of speech in this country. His reply was yes and you have the freedom to go to hell too!
oh yes and like padre pio told his confessor once. “you will when you get there” (to hell that is).
bones_IV said:
:rotfl: This post is quite laughable.

What’s so pastoral about letting souls dance their merry way to hell? This author has the Devil as her father.

Your post is quite condescending, I have been here before, and quite frankly I refuse to discuss anything with such rude people, thus, I shall not be replying further.
The bad experience you have had with orthodox Catholics is that they refuse to accept your distortions of Catholic teaching.
Quite incorrect.

Infact my bad experience is that they are unbelievably rude, very callous and extremely blunt. Choosing rather than to try and support those who struggle, to actually just say “Belive it or burn” - this is not how religion works, perhaps in their aura of self righteousness they seem to forget this…
My second favorite posts are self-righteous descriptions of others as self-righteous.

(My favorites are the posts that judge others for being judmental…but self-righteous posts about self-righteousness are pretty close.)
Quite incorrect.

Infact my bad experience is that they are unbelievably rude, very callous and extremely blunt. Choosing rather than to try and support those who struggle, to actually just say “Belive it or burn” - this is not how religion works, perhaps in their aura of self righteousness they seem to forget this…
My second favorite posts are self-righteous descriptions of others as self-righteous.

(My favorites are the posts that judge others for being judmental…but self-righteous posts about self-righteousness are pretty close.)
Well I don’t deny that I am a complete hypocrite, does that make my post some what less favourable? 😛

Besides that, I am a simple being who has many problems, I am the first to admit that - sometimes I just need a little nudge, but hey, if you want to hear me say it, just ask 😉
Just poking fun…we are all guilty of this at one time or another. I forgot to add a smiley to my post, so here are two. 😉 😉

As I added to my response to a judging/judgmental post, please remember the words of the great sage Mac Davis:
Oh Lord, it’s hard to be humble, when your perfect in every way…
Well I don’t deny that I am a complete hypocrite, does that make my post some what less favourable? 😛

Besides that, I am a simple being who has many problems, I am the first to admit that - sometimes I just need a little nudge, but hey, if you want to hear me say it, just ask 😉
Just poking fun…we are all guilty of this at one time or another. I forgot to add a smiley to my post, so here are two. 😉 😉

As I added to my response to a judging/judgmental post, please remember the words of the great sage Mac Davis:
Oh it certainly is a struggle… but we are all flawed 😛 😉
Quite incorrect.

Infact my bad experience is that they are unbelievably rude, very callous and extremely blunt. Choosing rather than to try and support those who struggle, to actually just say “Belive it or burn” - this is not how religion works, perhaps in their aura of self righteousness they seem to forget this…
So why is adhering to the teachings of the church self-righteousness? You seem to believe that there is nothing wrong with homosexual behavior in direct contradiction to the teachings of our church. I don’t how we can answer that without being blunt.

Believe me we do no favors for those who engage in homosexual behavior by condonining it. The greatest act of love we can show them is to point out to them that their behavior is putting their immortal soul in danger.
So why is adhering to the teachings of the church self-righteousness? You seem to believe that there is nothing wrong with homosexual behavior in direct contradiction to the teachings of our church. I don’t how we can answer that without being blunt.

Believe me we do no favors for those who engage in homosexual behavior by condonining it. The greatest act of love we can show them is to point out to them that their behavior is putting their immortal soul in danger.
But you see people rabbit on about an immortal soul, how do they know what will happen?

I really don’t get this - it is for God to judge, it is not our part to intervene and try and create a destiny, or prophecise what anothers shall be…
But you see people rabbit on about an immortal soul, how do they know what will happen?

I really don’t get this - it is for God to judge, it is not our part to intervene and try and create a destiny, or prophecise what anothers shall be…
If you don’t get it read the catechism of the Church. And yes it is our part to intervene and to witness to people the TRUTH. And the TRUTH is that if you engage in homosexual behavior you are committing a grevious sin. The Church could not be clearer on this.

If you want to separate yourself from church teachings that’s fine(although it does seriously impede your relationshis with the Lord) but please don’t condemn the rest of us as being self-righteous because we actually believe what our Church teaches. You have decided to ignore 2000 years of teachings and traditions. I’ll leave it to the others to decide just who really is “self-righteous”.
AGREED! Church can be just like high school, you have the popular high and mightys and the rest of us who just dont belong. The Hospitality Commitee at my church are the ones known as the lets say “Cool Kids” for this context 😉 . such a shame we cant be one big community and love each other and be a warm and welcoming site to those most in need.
I understand where she is coming from though, she wants to promote a message of simple love. We, christians, are perhaps the religion that is most obsessed with doctrine, we bask in our power and our definitive understandings.

We are a cold and pedantic orthodoxy, when it would be so much nicer to be a dynamic and lively orthoproxy. We are always sure that we are right, to the point of excluding those who do not obey us, to the point of making others feel like outcasts and rejects, lesser children of God, when this is certainly not the case.

The author brings up an important point in regards to opening our arms and welcoming all into our church, unconditionally.
AGREED! Church can be just like high school, you have the popular high and mightys and the rest of us who just dont belong. The Hospitality Commitee at my church are the ones known as the lets say “Cool Kids” for this context 😉 . such a shame we cant be one big community and love each other and be a warm and welcoming site to those most in need.
Absolutely! Forget all the silly sin stuff. Lets all concentrate on giving each other a big hug and singing kumbayah. Pro-abortion? No problem! We wouldn’t want to offend you by telling you it is wrong ! Pro homosexual marriage. No problem, who are we to judge? Female ordination -why not? After all we LOVE you. Why would we want to burden anyone we LOVE with all this silly doctrine nonsense. In fact fact the only thing we won’t tolerate is those self-righteous people who are stupid enough to actually believe what our Church teaches.
But you see people rabbit on about an immortal soul, how do they know what will happen?

I really don’t get this - it is for God to judge, it is not our part to intervene and try and create a destiny, or prophecise what anothers shall be…
When a man can raise himself from the dead, I’ll believe anything he has to say. When he says that he will continue teaching us through his church, then I want to be part of that church.

When you raise yourself from the dead and establish a church, I’ll join your church and do what you teach.:love:

I understand where she is coming from though, she wants to promote a message of simple love. We, christians, are perhaps the religion that is most obsessed with doctrine, we bask in our power and our definitive understandings.

We are a cold and pedantic orthodoxy, when it would be so much nicer to be a dynamic and lively orthoproxy. We are always sure that we are right, to the point of excluding those who do not obey us, to the point of making others feel like outcasts and rejects, lesser children of God, when this is certainly not the case.

The author brings up an important point in regards to opening our arms and welcoming all into our church, unconditionally.
You make a good point my friend
I understand what you mean, but it is who I am, perhaps an enthusiast? I don’t know.

But when I see people like Mother Teresa working, The choirs in the Gospel Churches, the peace keeping teams, the campaigners for solidarity and unity, the outreach workers… it is in them that I see faith, I see God, I see a love that stems from what I consider to be real Christianity. This is in contrast to the people who work to define doctrines, to defend them, so that these same words can be used for purposes like ensuring people adhere to eclesiastical authority, and for making people change who they are.

I just see so much more enthusiasm for Christ’s message in the people who I originally listed, over those who seem to want to ensure that the doctrines our theologians created are preserved…
We are supposed to change who we are and to allow ourselves to be molded into His image! We are supposed to die to self and to live for Christ! (2Cor 5:15) Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it is just one grain of wheat alone, but if it dies it brings forth much fruit. He that loves his life shall lose it… (John 12:24-25) We are supposed to follow Christ, not to expect Him to follow us!

Doctrines are not created by mere theologians. They are defined by our loving Mother , the Church, the Bride of Christ. She loves us and is willing to tell us the Truth always; even when she knows that we will yell and kick and scream and throw fits to try to get our way. She will stand her ground and adhere to the Truth because she knows that that is what will preserve our souls and, if we eventually stop yelling and kicking and screaming and throwing fits long enough to consider what she is telling us, we will find that she was right and that we owe her an apology for being disobedient, rebellious children!
He said, ''God loves us all," and he meant it. He said, ''People are good," and he believed it. He said at the end of every Mass, ''Go and serve the Lord and one another." And he did.
I forgave the church its trespasses because of him. I opened my eyes and saw that there were no longer just altar boys serving Mass. There were altar girls as well. I saw lay people reading. I saw Eucharistic ministers. I saw a community where there once had been a kingdom.
I turned a deaf ear to Rome’s dictates about premarital sex, divorce, artificial insemination, and contraception. Yes, the church was against these things, but when I returned, it was to a parish where there was no finger-pointing. This church was holding out its arms.
It sems she wants a Church that is made in her own image. A Church that asks nothing. A Church that denies truth. Basically, she wants to be accepted on her own terms.
Is that not the exact opposite of the gospel message?
We are supposed to change who we are and to allow ourselves to be molded into His image! We are supposed to die to self and to live for Christ! (2Cor 5:15) Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it is just one grain of wheat alone, but if it dies it brings forth much fruit. He that loves his life shall lose it… (John 12:24-25) We are supposed to follow Christ, not to expect Him to follow us!

Doctrines are not created by mere theologians. They are defined by our loving Mother , the Church, the Bride of Christ. She loves us and is willing to tell us the Truth always; even when she knows that we will yell and kick and scream and throw fits to try to get our way. She will stand her ground and adhere to the Truth because she knows that that is what will preserve our souls and, if we eventually stop yelling and kicking and screaming and throwing fits long enough to consider what she is telling us, we will find that she was right and that we owe her an apology for being disobedient, rebellious children!
Your post is quite condescending, I have been here before, and quite frankly I refuse to discuss anything with such rude people, thus, I shall not be replying further.
Jesus perfermed obvious miracles in front of His own people and they didn’t believe him. Why? They stubbornly chose remain in their sins and were obstinant. Because of their stubborn pride and arragance Jesus delivered these stinging words in Jn 9:41"Jesus said to them, ‘If you were blind, you would have no guilt; but now that you say ‘We see,’ your guilt remains.’" In other words our Lord was saying to them that “you can see alright but you see what you want to see: therefore you are unworthy”. Plain, pure, flat and simple.
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