Church of England moves toward approval of same sex "marriage"

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The never ending sex scandal, cover-up, hypocrisy, mendacity, money grubbing and general lack of anything resembling anything more than a superficial faith - conservative or liberal - is, IMHO, the real reason. But that’s just me.

The liberals seem to spout an amorphous faith without substance, and the conservatives spout a rigid rule-laden ridiculous faith little more than superstition…neither of which seems to me to be very authentic at the extreme.
“[The Archbishop] … has no formal authority, although a great deal of influence. He has encouraged the start of a process of deep reflection on the topic.”

How Anglican!

And they’re off for another decade or two of argumentation, articles, committees and intellectual bullying, until the progressives get their way because the biblical Christians don’t have the nerve to say “No SSM. No more argument.”, or, as Pope John Paul II ruled in another context (but a very relevant one) “this judgment is to be definitively held by all the Church’s faithful”
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Well, if the COE, which is as close to a mother church as the Anglican Communion has, moves to do so I’d say it’ll probably speed along what parts of the Anglican schism that hadn’t gone all the way. The communion is clearly moving in the direction the Episcopal Church has already gone. While the “global south” and those aligned with them, have largely moved back in the other direction.
The “pastoral accompaniment” should be counseling for those involved to remove themselves from the inherent evil they are participating in.
It seems from this thread that some Catholics care very much what the Church of England does. Why?
I think it is less that we care per se but rather it is worthy of note that a large Church has fallen by the liberal wayside.
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From my perspective it is saddening to see another church fall away from the biblical teaching on this subject. Those who follow the Church of England and act on this will be endangering their immortal souls. Further, by having this church make it official, it will lead others to think that it is acceptable behavior and will cause them to endanger their own souls.

It should be our primary goal to get to heaven. This action does not help achieve that end.

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It seems from this thread that some Catholics care very much what the Church of England does. Why?
We care because they are making decisions that will cause them harm. I would be distressed even if they had no religion because this goes against the universal Natural law. But the fact they are fellow Christians makes it doubly sad. Prayers for them.
I’ll be honest, I was 100% certain they already approved and performed same sex marriages. I’m a little startled to realize this wasn’t official for them yet.
I’ll have to find the box. I reduced Kipling on the shelf to about 3 books.
This is one of those jokes that require exposition and expounding, isn’t it?

I love cheap supermarket cakes. With copious cheap icing. Little Debbie types. This would be perfect. And with Kipling’s name, too. I like Kipling. I Kipple a whole lot.
I’ll be honest, I was 100% certain they already approved and performed same sex marriages. I’m a little startled to realize this wasn’t official for them yet
Not only is it not official, it is counter to the expressed view of the CofE. Those who suggest that such things can change are quite right, of course, but the CofE’s official position is that marriage is permissible only between a man and a woman.
There is nothing weird about Twinkies.

Swedish fish, now…

American breakfast cereal is only worth that much if it has a really nifty prize/premium inside, like green army men, or an operating atomic submarine. I still have mine. The prizes, not the cereal.
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