Churches and COVID

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Do you think it’s time for churches to re-open considering what stage we are at with this pandemic?
Yes with distancing guidelines.

And you are not comfortable or in a higher risk category, stay home.
I am not an expert nor do I have access to the experts. I trust my Bishop to make that decision.
It’s difficult to make a blanket statement, as the coronavirus is so varied in its devastation, depending on location. It may be necessary to evaluate by diocese, or even individual parishes. As someone with cancer and with a teen with cancer, we’re in the high risk category, so we haven’t left home in six weeks (next week my daughter has an oncology appointment and it’s pretty pathetic how much we are looking forward to going just to get out of the house! 😂) I miss going to Mass very much and would love the opportunity to attend even one Mass in the near future. Our diocese is working on ways to reopen Mass and has informed us when things open up, people will be required to receive the Eucharist in hand, families must sit 6+ feet apart from others, no more communal Precious Blood, maximum capacities will be enforced, etc.

I do not envy the people making these decisions and I pray God guides them with wisdom. These are such strange and uncertain times.
Where I live? No. I pray my bishop listens to our governor, who listens to health officials, and only reopens public Masses when it’s deemed safe to do so.
Our parish is in the second highest affected county in Pennsylvania, so I don’t think we’re ready. It needs to be a case by case basis for each parish with guidance from the Bishop and Governor.
Our diocese has worked closely with our governor, and for that I am grateful. Our governor shut things down very early and whilst we’ve been hit hard in our state, surely his wisdom and proactive governance has mitigated the situation even further.
My personal opinion is no, but I can empathize with people who long for our churches to re-open. I have little patience with people who downplay the severity of this pandemic and think the closing of our churches was an overreaction and unnecessary, but I understand the ardent desire to return once more to the sacraments. I found this article from America magazine thought-provoking.

I say this as calm as can be:
I think we have forgotten why we follow Christ. It’s to one day be with Him in paradise.
Why have we grown to become so terrified? Terrified of suffering and of dying. How do we expect to be with Him? By surviving everything and “living” as long as possible? Is it actually because our souls are not where they should be?
What made us known as strong throughout the world was the fact that Christians ventured out where others would not go. That we would risk our lives and comforts because we knew this life was only meant to be temporary. Only with God can we live forever. Did the saints and martyrs and even Christ Himself shy away from the sick, diseased, and dying? Of course not. They risked everything because heaven is the true destination.
Wake up my brothers and sisters!! Be not afraid!! Look death in the face and laugh because we are destined to truly live forever!!
Do not hide the sacraments from the faithful or it is to God that you must answer!!
Not here - we’re still anticipating the peak to come in the next couple of weeks.
At no point did Christ suggest that we should risk others’ lives so that we could go to Mass.
Pandemics have waves. Re-opening public contact - no matter where it occurs, is the only way to begin the second wave of the virus. Look up the death rates in the 1918-1920 flu. Three spikes over two years.

Who’s next?
It doesn’t matter what we think, this decision is left to the Bishops and pastors. My county is #1 in Georgia and #6 in the US for active cases and deaths; we are not ready to re-open.
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Our parish is in Montgomery County too.

Do you get takeout/delivery from Brookside?
I think they will gradually re-open, according to circumstances in their areas, with restrictions, and with those who have reason to avoid Mass being dispensed.
There is nothing more important for us to do than gather together in the name of Jesus to worship Him and make present His Sacrifice…
I think that there is nothing better for us to do than worship together in His Presence on the altar.
I think, in the present situation, that there is nothing worse for us to do than have 500 people of all ages together indoors for around an hour, praying out loud, singing, breathing out possible pathogens, handing out one after another the most precious substance in the world, that could pick up and transfer the pathogen.
I think there would be little worse than our holy pastors being forced to come up with ways to enforce social distancing during active public liturgy. Who gets turned away?
I deeply miss assisting by my physical presence in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. I pray that our holy shepherds don’t open the doors too soon.
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Occasionally my late mother and I went to the BC church in Pottstown then went to Brookside for lunch.
My parish ignored the closing order for two weeks till someone snitched to the diocese that his private Masses weren’t so private.

There’s a whole network of websites that raise money by opposing the bishops on everything, so they will oppose the bishops on closing and reopening decisions, too.

Locally hospitalizations are now dropping.
In my area it’s mostly the elderly who would be the first to come back to Mass, but they (we) are the highest risk! It’s a tragedy.
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