We’ll make it one. That’s not too hard. Spend a 1000 bucks and fix the problem.
Of course they have fewer people making “ad hoc” visits because people can’t just drop in any old time. The rest of your post makes no sense and is not my experience. Confession times have nothing to do with the church being locked during the day. Empty parking lots at night?Adoration is often taking place in a chapel separate from the church; I know of at least four parishes where this is the case.I know for a fact that parishes that leave their church locked have far less people making ad hoc visits to Blessed Sacrament, fewer time of exposition , fewer times if confession, empty parking lots on most weekday evenings.
All it takes is one. One time, one person.I don’t doubt this is a problem in places, but in my experience it is way overstated.
So it’s your opinion almost every Catholic church should be locked if not attended by a staff person (staff person beig analogous to a family member). That only parishioners ( family members ) and invited guests should attend a mass (family meal)?Not that we should take risks that we wouldn’t even take with our own homes