While I can’t recall anything going missing from the church itself, my attached office was broken into three times during the 11 years I worked there, twice by the same guy. The amazing thing is that the priests were sleeping about 120 feet from the office in the same building.
The first time he broke a window in the outside door, got into my unlocked office on a Sunday night. He must have been there a good half hour. He found the keys to the filing cabinet, unlocked it, took out the bag with the collection, opened all the envelopes, took the bills and left all the coins. I joked with the cops that he could at least have written the amounts on the envelopes.
The next time he came in by forcing open the living room window, about 10 feet away from the sleeping Pastor’s bedroom. He helped himself to a bottle of wine, the few bucks that were in the filing cabinet (by that time we were doing the deposit right after Sunday Mass), the keys to two vehicles. He tried to start the SUV but couldn’t so he stole the car a parishioner had left with us for safekeeping while he was on holidays. The police happened to be going by as he left the parking lot and gave chase. They caught him, asked him if he’d done the other break-in and he said he had.
In the third break-in my office was left a mess but we didn’t think anything had gone missing. That is, until we got a call from the police some time later to say they’d found one of our chequebooks. Turns out it was one for a rarely used acct which we had kept buried in the bottom of the file cabinet. The thief had made out two cheques to himself (filling in “Bingo prize” in the appropriate section) for a total of over $2000. Though a window had been broken, the hole was way too small for him to have gone through, he just wanted to cover up the fact that he’d hidden in the church after Mass.
Then there was the seminarian who filled out a deposit slip in front of me but took another which he filled later with only the cheques and pocketed the cash and then blamed me for taking the money. He also forged his mentor’s signature on a $1500 cheque to himself.
Now my co-worker wonders why I don’t trust anyone.