Out of curiosity, what is it you hope to gain from this thread? At least at this point?
For one, I crave resolution. I hate open ended issues.
Second, if y’all can convince me the Church isn’t just making up arbitrary fluff to justify some preconceived notion, I will grow in respect for her teachings and make give up, at least in part, second guessing her.
Third, it’s largely academic because neither I nor any of my friends have anything riding on this.
I feel that you, on the other hand, seem convinced that you might be the one person to “uncover” the purported error of Church teaching.
If there is an error, somebody has to do it, and why should I shrink from that calling? If there is not an error, the Church’s publications I’ve read so far, plus all these posts, have partially but not completely explained it.
You’ve talked in previous posts about being the “one” to stand against “many.” We aren’t just talking about a handful of people here tossing around ideas, we’re talking about the wisdom infused by the Holy Spirit to the Holy Mother Church for the last 2,000 years of tradition!
Which is why I’m hoping there really is a reasonable explanation hiding somewhere underneath the BS (Bureaucratic Speak). I’d hate to think that many people were deceived for that long of time.
There is no error possible. Jesus instituted this Church and gave Peter the keys to the kingdom. If God HIMSELF put together the magisterium, how is it that you deign to even consider your intellect beyond that of God’s? I’m very curious.
Because I don’t buy that argument either. If we can clear up the NFP controversy, that will remove that as a weapon for my carnal mind to use against my spirit’s acceptance of infallibility. So far what I believe about infallibility is that the Church’s teachings are infallible because she infallibly said that they were.
The Church is not an arbitrary, manipulative institution.
Whether she is arbitrary remains to be seen. That she is manipulative is unquestionable.
Why do you object to NFP being used for only just reasons? Why do you believe it’s moral to chemically alter our reproductive systems?
I don’t object, and I didn’t say it’s moral to chemically alter our reproductive systems.
Why do you believe it’s moral to erect contraceptive barriers between spouses?
Because it is not considered immoral to artificially erect the “naturally contraceptive” barrier of timing infertility. I don’t get the part where morality is based on one being natural and the other artificial. Artificial penicillin substitutes can save lives. Natural arsenic can take them.
What exactly DO you believe, if it clearly isn’t what the Church teaches?
Good question. I’m actually trying to figure that out. Right now I believe that either barrier methods are not intrinsically immoral, or NFP for pregnancy prevention is.
I teach my children abstinence, and they are learning NFP in Catholic school.
Why call oneself Catholic if we do not believe the basic catechesis? Truly, why align oneself with that which one does not believe?
That’s also a good question. I loved the Church so much and worked so hard for her, and then got rejected so soundly, that I must have bettered wife syndrome. I’m getting better, though, I think.