Circular NFP reasoning

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One, read the book Birth Control and Christian Dicipleship. I have extra copies laying close to me. I will give a copy to you. It explains Onanism. It is odd that the “Catholic” interpretation was the only one that we can find documentation of for 1900 years by protestants or Catholics.

Under the Mercy,

of Wichita
I’ve been waiting for someone to mention Onanism/withdrawal method. 👍 -the act of ‘spilling seed to the ground’ seems like an intrinsic evil act to me- Just incase anyone wants a Bible verse, they can read Gen 38:9-10. Just for some background so we know who Onan was: Onan was a son of Judah, who was a son of Jacob, who was a son of Issac, who was a son of Abraham.
I don’t know but the guy was really cool. He was very casual, friendly, and he didn’t waste a minute. They did something involving Hail Mary’s and some other prayers I didn’t know immediately after Mass. I don’t know what he thought of me blubbering to him at lunch time, trying to agree with my wife that I liked his sermon. I don’t have any idea if he knew what sort of power I felt in his presence. I was so in awe, not of him but of something I couldn’t touch but it was touching me.
I would bet that what you heard prayed was the Angelus! The prayer has been around somewhere around 1330, and is prayed at 6am, noon, and 6pm. I love to pray is this prayer after Daily Mass. The church that my wife and I attend, has Daily Mass every weekday at 5:30pm and Mass gets done at 6. What perfect timing!

Here is how the Angelus goes for anyone who wants to know:

V: The angel of the Lord declared unto Mary.
R: And she conceived of the Holy Spirit.
ALL: Hail Mary…

V: Behold the handmaid of the Lord.
R: Be it done to me according to thy Word.
ALL: Hail Mary…

V: And the Word was made flesh;
R: And dwelt among us
ALL: Hail Mary…

V: Pray for us, O holy Mother of God.
R: That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us Pray: Pour forth, we beseech thee,O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts, that we to whom the Incarnation of Christ, Thy Son, was made known by the message of an angel, may by His passion and cross be brought to the glory of His resurrection, though that same Christ Our Lord. AMEN.

Have a blessed day!
Lance O:
I would bet that what you heard prayed was the Angelus!
That must’ve been it. I knew about the Angelus but didn’t know what it was. Mass started at 11:45 and ended a few minutes after noon, so it would have been perfect timing.

Thank you,
Lance O:
I’ve been waiting for someone to mention Onanism/withdrawal method. 👍 -the act of ‘spilling seed to the ground’ seems like an intrinsic evil act to me- Just incase anyone wants a Bible verse, they can read Gen 38:9-10. Just for some background so we know who Onan was: Onan was a son of Judah, who was a son of Jacob, who was a son of Issac, who was a son of Abraham.
Dear Lance O,

Actually this has come up before either in this thread or in another. Obviously the Lord did not favor Onan using withdrawal method, but in his particular situation the only reason he was supposed to be performing the act was for the procreative, and not the unitive, reason. Therefore, it wouldn’t have mattered if he’d used the withdrawal method or NFP, because his task was specifically to conceive and he intentionally did not cooperate with it.:tsktsk:
Gen 38:8-10:
Then Judah said to Onan, “Unite with your brother’s widow, in fulfillment of your duty as brother-in-law, and thus preserve your brother’s line.” Onan, however, knew that the descendants would not be counted as his; so whenever he had relations with his brother’s widow, he wasted his seed on the ground, to avoid contributing offspring for his brother. What he did greatly offended the LORD, and the LORD took his life too.
Clearly the only reason they were even getting together was to produce offspring, so NFP would definitely not have been justified. If Onan had used NFP under those same circumstances to aviod pregnancy, he still would have been disobedient. Therefore, I cannot see how this story is an indictment of the withdrawal method. At most it is an indictment against family planning without serious reason.

Now that we’re looking at this, if the marital act is done for absolutely no other reason than to have a child, where is the unitive aspect? We have discussed at length that the unitive and procreative functions cannot be separated, usually in the context that we want unitive without procreative. Here it is the other way around, where we have the two functions separated, although this time it’s the unitive that is missing. :hmmm: Of course, times were different then because today this would be considered adultery so I’m not really sure what lessons, if any, can be learned from this story that apply today.

hey alan,

sounds like you were “slain in the spirit.” it just means that the holy spirit entered you and gave you rest for a period of time. happens quite a bit! fun stuff.

i am from kansas city originally…i know there is a big charismatic movement up there, but not sure about wichita…

Lance O:
I’ve been waiting for someone to mention Onanism/withdrawal method. 👍 -the act of ‘spilling seed to the ground’ seems like an intrinsic evil act to me- Just incase anyone wants a Bible verse, they can read Gen 38:9-10. Just for some background so we know who Onan was: Onan was a son of Judah, who was a son of Jacob, who was a son of Issac, who was a son of Abraham.
A few things that have to be remembered with Onan. The Hebrew is shichet for spilled. However, shichet never means spilled or wasted it means to act perversely. So, Onan perversed his seed onto the ground. Verse 10 also provides emphasis on what displeased the Lord by focusing on what Onan did (asher asah). So, what did Onan do? Perversed onto the ground (preventing conception) and GOD STRUCK HIM DEAD.

Under the Mercy,

Actually this has come up before either in this thread or in another. Obviously the Lord did not favor Onan using withdrawal method, but in his particular situation the only reason he was supposed to be performing the act was for the procreative, and not the unitive, reason. Therefore, it wouldn’t have mattered if he’d used the withdrawal method or NFP, because his task was specifically to conceive and he intentionally did not cooperate with it.:tsktsk:
The custiom, in my understanding, was for the next oldest unmarried son to marry the widow and raise up children for the olderr deceased brother (at least one Son). Without regard see my response above to explain why it was the perversity specifically in denything the way the act was designed. In other words, he denied the procreative in a directly sterilized act while still participating in the act.

Under the Mercy,

i am from kansas city originally…i know there is a big charismatic movement up there, but not sure about wichita…
No, not really much of a Charismatic movement in Wichita. There was one started but I don’t know if it still exists. I do know that some that were in it are now at a protestant ‘charismatic’ Church. Lots of Faith but not enough Reason.

Under the Mercy,

A few things that have to be remembered with Onan. The Hebrew is shichet for spilled. However, shichet never means spilled or wasted it means to act perversely. So, Onan perversed his seed onto the ground. Verse 10 also provides emphasis on what displeased the Lord by focusing on what Onan did (asher asah). So, what did Onan do? Perversed onto the ground (preventing conception) and GOD STRUCK HIM DEAD.
Dear Matthew,

I appreciate the offer for the book. I had given some thought to going out to the SLC near the beginning of the retreat to meet you, but this weekend is pretty hectic and I don’t know exactly what the schedule is, so I rather doubt I’ll make it.

Perhaps by now you saw my comments to Lance O. In this case, Onan was specifically required to impregnate his sister-in-law, so his disobedience could have been done by anything method that avoided conception, whether withdrawal or NFP. Unless there is a lot more to this story, I don’t see how we can conclude from it that withdrawal is evil; only that willful disobedience of a direct order is evil.

I appreciate the offer for the book. I had given some thought to going out to the SLC near the beginning of the retreat to meet you, but this weekend is pretty hectic and I don’t know exactly what the schedule is, so I rather doubt I’ll make it.
That is ok. We will figure it out at some point soon. At the end of the retreat I am going to be running back to St. Margaret Mary for a parent’s meeting for confirmation class (teacher here not the parent).
Perhaps by now you saw my comments to Lance O. In this case, Onan was specifically required to impregnate his sister-in-law, so his disobedience could have been done by anything method that avoided conception, whether withdrawal or NFP. Unless there is a lot more to this story, I don’t see how we can conclude from it that withdrawal is evil; only that willful disobedience of a direct order is evil.
Yep, what I said is part of the more. We know he acted perversely, we know what he did (not what he failed to do) displeased God, and he died from it. We also know that three people failed the custom from 38:26 (going from memory). Only one is dead…why?

Further, it was made a violation of the levitical law to spill seed even unintentionally.

Lastly, not fulfilling the custom when it became part of Levitical law got your shoe ripped off, not stuck dead by God.

Under the Mercy,


P.S. do you think we ought to rename this when we get done and have Catholic Answers publish it as “NFP–cover everything super debate?”:whistle:
P.S. do you think we ought to rename this when we get done and have Catholic Answers publish it as “NFP–cover everything super debate?”:whistle:
Cool idea. Somehow I bet it could be condensed pretty well, considering a number of points were recycled several times. If I was much more energetic I’d go through it myself. Maybe we could condense it into one document and call it Humanae Loggerheads.:banghead:

Now that we’re looking at this, if the marital act is done for absolutely no other reason than to have a child, where is the unitive aspect?
Not present. If there’s no love, no intimacy, just mechanics, or even worse, just lust or worse yet, rape, then we really are going against God’s unitive design even when we retain the procreative aspect of the natural purpose of marital conjugal acts.
Not present. If there’s no love, no intimacy, just mechanics, or even worse, just lust or worse yet, rape, then we really are going against God’s unitive design even when we retain the procreative aspect of the natural purpose of marital conjugal acts.
Yes, that’s kind of what I was thinking. Perhaps in Onan’s time the dual nature of sex wasn’t looked at the same way it is today.

Oops, I guess I missed this comment earlier:
The custiom, in my understanding, was for the next oldest unmarried son to marry the widow and raise up children for the olderr deceased brother (at least one Son).
I didn’t realize he had been unmarried or that he was supposed to have married her. Still it seems kind of strange to force a marriage for the specific reason of producing offspring. I suppose it made sense in that society, but it seems so alien to this one. In this society such a marriage would certainly endanger the preservation of the unitive aspect of the marital act. Was the Levitical law against spilling seeds part of the same law that required marriage to produce offspring?

Yes, that’s kind of what I was thinking. Perhaps in Onan’s time the dual nature of sex wasn’t looked at the same way it is today.
I believe in Onan’s time, whether they knew it or not, the natural purpose of each conjugal act was the same as it is today. Yet, I don’t look to Onan as a model of obedience to God’s will.

In Onan’s day, I believe Judaism saw the “seed” as that which contained human life. Spilling the seed was the same as killing a life. However, it seems clear from Scripture that Judaism understood childlessness to be a curse, while having children was a blessing. Consequently, anctient Judaism would never had advocated contraception.
I believe in Onan’s time, whether they knew it or not, the natural purpose of each conjugal act was the same as it is today. Yet, I don’t look to Onan as a model of obedience to God’s will.

In Onan’s day, I believe Judaism saw the “seed” as that which contained human life. Spilling the seed was the same as killing a life. However, it seems clear from Scripture that Judaism understood childlessness to be a curse, while having children was a blessing. Consequently, anctient Judaism would never had advocated contraception.
Or NFP, by that reasoning!

Or NFP, by that reasoning!
NFP is illicit when used to oppose God’s will, which is 1) procreate, and 2) be a responsible parent.

Surely Judaism was not opposed to abstinence, which is the act of NFP that makes this method non-procreative. So I’m not convinced that Judaism, would have or did object to limiting of the number of children through use of abstinence.

I’m not a Jew in ancient times. The revelation given to them was limited and partial. I don’t become a brother of Christ by living like an ancient Jew, under Jewish understandings of life, death, afterlife, procreation, soteriology, Christology, etc.

My point is that the Christian objection to contraception was constant and stems from natural and supernatural revelation. The Jewish teaching that children are a blessing from God is part of that revelation, but only in partial form.

Repsponsible parenting is also that which God wills us to commit to. I ought not to deliberately have a childless marraige. Not ought I to have 15 children if I cannot at the same time be a reponsible parent to each of them. We must have recourse to abstinence. God allows it, in fact he demands it. Our recourse to abstinence does not have to be blind, but can take into consideration what we know of nature and fertility, processed which God himself placed before us (which ancient Judaism and ancient Christianity was not fully aware of).

Those who assert that we can go beyond the teaching of the Church, that we can render our sexual acts non-procreative at will, by our human acts as opposed to cooperating with natural processes, fail to work congruent with God’s purpose of each conjugal act, but work against it.
NFP is illicit when used to oppose God’s will, which is 1) procreate, and 2) be a responsible parent.
That’s what I meant. I meant my comment to be taken in the context of Onan’s situation. He was supposed to go have a child, and was struck dead by God for using the withdrawal method of preventing one. My belief is that if it was his job, ordained by God, to have a child, then he would have risked being struck dead using any form of ABC or NFP.

That’s what I meant. I meant my comment to be taken in the context of Onan’s situation. He was supposed to go have a child, and was struck dead by God for using the withdrawal method of preventing one. My belief is that if it was his job, ordained by God, to have a child, then he would have risked being struck dead using any form of ABC or NFP.

Onan was struck dead for his evil deed! Not for not having a child!
“God allows it, in fact he demands it.”

Out of curiosity, where does God demand abstinence in marriage?

“Not ought I to have 15 children if I cannot at the same time be a reponsible parent to each of them”

I personally believe if God gave you fifteen children, He will give give you the grace to handle those children. The thought of having eight children never even crossed my mind when I had two, I actually didn’t think I could handle more than that back then. We can only have so much control over our lives, I certainly practiced abstinence (not because God demanded it), but by our own choice, yet God had other plans!

One reason I say this is I have been accused as being “irresponsible”, when I was indeed trying my best to be responsible, so I guess I have trouble with the term “responsible parent”, and differentiating (sp?) from God’s meaning from the society’s meaning. I think all of us must be careful about being a “responsible parent” according to society’s standards.
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