Or NFP, by that reasoning!
NFP is illicit when used to oppose God’s will, which is 1) procreate, and 2) be a responsible parent.
Surely Judaism was not opposed to abstinence, which is the act of NFP that makes this method non-procreative. So I’m not convinced that Judaism, would have or did object to limiting of the number of children through use of abstinence.
I’m not a Jew in ancient times. The revelation given to them was limited and partial. I don’t become a brother of Christ by living like an ancient Jew, under Jewish understandings of life, death, afterlife, procreation, soteriology, Christology, etc.
My point is that the Christian objection to contraception was constant and stems from natural and supernatural revelation. The Jewish teaching that children are a blessing from God is part of that revelation, but only in partial form.
Repsponsible parenting is also that which God wills us to commit to. I ought not to deliberately have a childless marraige. Not ought I to have 15 children if I cannot at the same time be a reponsible parent to each of them. We must have recourse to abstinence. God allows it, in fact he demands it. Our recourse to abstinence does not have to be blind, but can take into consideration what we know of nature and fertility, processed which God himself placed before us (which ancient Judaism and ancient Christianity was not fully aware of).
Those who assert that we can go beyond the teaching of the Church, that we can render our sexual acts non-procreative at will, by our human acts as opposed to cooperating with natural processes, fail to work congruent with God’s purpose of each conjugal act, but work against it.