
No, that is not what I’m saying. I’m saying that if the procreative and unitive aspects of marital sex must never be separated, then it would seem LOGICAL to me that when a couple decides to engage in the act that the elements (sperm and egg) of the procreative aspect should be present inorder to claim that the couple is giving 100% of their FULL procreative potential to each other.So then according to your logic, sitting on the couch watching ‘ON the Record with Greta Van Susteren’ not only violates the Church’s teaching on contraception, but does so more than a couple having sex and using artificial birth control!!! This really is what you are saying!!!
The church doesn’t teach that we need to be open to the unitive and procreative aspects while sitting on the couch watching t.v., or walking down the street, etc… we only need to be open to them when engaged in the marital act. This we both agree on. I don’t think an NFP couple is being open to the procreative aspect when they choose to have sex during infertile periods only. They may be doing nothing to sever the “instrinsic relationship” of the marital act but, nonetheless, they are no more open to conceiving than the couple who is using ABC.
No, I maintain that they are withholding from each other by only having sex during a woman’s infertile period. I understand - now- the argument about not doing anything to sever the “intrinsic relationship” and agree that abstinence doesn’t do this.You still maintain that they are withholding from each other by not having sex!
I never said nor believe that the church teaches such nonsense.So then every time the woman’s egg isn’t being attacked by out of control sperm cells, the couple violates the Church’s teaching?
I don’t believe the church teaches this either. You can certainly have sex with your spouse when an egg is not present, but just don’t turn around and tell me that you have both just given 100% of yourselves (procreatively speaking) to the marital act. You made a conscious decision to avoid the period of the fertility cycle when desire is at its peak and fertility its greatest. You may have kept the “intrinsic relationship” intact, but in doing so the procreative aspect’s full potential has been marginalized. I’m sorry if I fail to explain my logic any clearer.Nobody has claimed that you cannot have sex with your spouse unless an egg is present…where did you get that idea?
I’m grateful for all the “food for thought” this thread has provided me. I can’t say I’m ready to sign up for NFP today. There are a lot more issues I have with that teaching that haven’t even been touched on in this thread and I do not wish to open another can of worms.