HPV is the clinical name for genital warts. It’s an STD that has multiple strains with multiple symptoms. It can only be diagnosed visually, and there is no cure. Last statistic I heard from friends in the medical field was something like 65-80% of all sexually active males between 18-30 have some form of it, whether they’re carriers or have/had a full blown outbreak.When our son was circumcized years ago, the one objective thing that seemed to be in favor of it was to reduce the risk of HPV infection (Human Pampilla Virus(sp?)). I don’t know if HPV is merely a matter of hygiene, nor whether there is any ill-effect for a gentleman wrt penile cancer, but it **is **correlated with cervical cancer in women. The research we had access to at that time indicated that women with circumcized partners had a lower occurence of cervical cancer.