Well that kinda goes along with ear piercings for girls then.Yeah but you won’t remember the pain if you get it done as an infant.
I know we did our daughters when she was an infant because she wouldn’t remember the pain (and it really is so brief). In the case of ear piercings we figured if she didn’t like it she could let them close up. But with circumcision, the boy doesn’t get the same option.
And yet, taking the position to let a daughter decide for herself whether or not she wants pierced ears is good too because she has to consent to enduring the pain if it really matters to her. The pain still is the same when you’re older as it is when you’re younger it’s just that you’ll be consciously aware of what’s going on at the time.
I imagine the pain for an adult male would be the same as it would for an infant male. And I know that in Turkey they don’t get circumcised until they’re 11 or 13…it’s a really big deal, like a jewish bat mitzvah…huge parties, lots of gifts, money.
I don’t think a parent can go wrong in deciding one way or the other these days on circumcision.