THere is a risk of complications during a circumcision. In my hospital most physicians refuse to conduct the procedure due to complications. There have been a couple of horrible cases where the penis bled excessively resulting in its amputation and devastating consequences for the child, who was no longer male nor female in a physical sense.
Literature indicates that the serious complications arising out of this procedure are undereported.
You are taking a risk of having your child undergo this surgical procedure. At the very least, if you insist in inflicting this on your child, you better find a surgeon who has done it many times in the past.
As the Catholic church does not insist or even recommend this procedure, I fail to see why you would put your child at risk. And do not fool yourself, he will be in a great deal of pain for a couple of days following it. And for what? So that he looks like dad? Do we really want to visit the mistakes and risks of the past on our children?
In Judaism, it is a requirement but not in Christianity. If you want to do this, ask your doctor: is this medically necessary?
As for the issue of hygiene, cleaning the penis is no different than brushing your teeth.
Ask yourself, why do i want to do this? to make my husband happy?
Literature indicates that the serious complications arising out of this procedure are undereported.
You are taking a risk of having your child undergo this surgical procedure. At the very least, if you insist in inflicting this on your child, you better find a surgeon who has done it many times in the past.
As the Catholic church does not insist or even recommend this procedure, I fail to see why you would put your child at risk. And do not fool yourself, he will be in a great deal of pain for a couple of days following it. And for what? So that he looks like dad? Do we really want to visit the mistakes and risks of the past on our children?
In Judaism, it is a requirement but not in Christianity. If you want to do this, ask your doctor: is this medically necessary?
As for the issue of hygiene, cleaning the penis is no different than brushing your teeth.
Ask yourself, why do i want to do this? to make my husband happy?