Thank you for weighing in on this matter!!
Is the pattern familiar? First we “Global Cooling” in the 1970’s, that morphed in “Global Warming”, that is now “Climate Change” (which is very convenient since the climate is going to change over 5000 years).Now that the world entomological community is in general agreement that the United States and global honeybee population is not, and has never been, threatened with extinction by pesticides, the focus of advocacy concern has suddenly shifted to wild bees.
Are you arguing this is the line from Laudato Si’ somehow proves that the church teaches man made global warming is a fact?“It is my hope that this Encyclical Letter, which is now added to the** body of the Church’s social teaching**”
Of course it does. But it is a greater mistake to disregard science because of the nature of the scientific method, that is, to refuse to accept knowledge because it is imperfect and fallible, or to become an anti-intellectual Luddite.The consensus of the scientific community shifts all the time. For example:
It’s not moral “authority,” but moral duty. If I don’t tell people about the problem of CC and the need to mitigate it then the sin falls back on me.The OP stated in the first post that it was time to end the debate. You just did.
You think you have the moral authority to tell others that they are not living up to church teaching based on what you admitted you think and assume? On one hand I want to applaud you for having the hutzpah to admit this, but one the other I don’t think you really intended to let the truth out.
There is the argument that the left leads with their emotions rather than logic or facts. Your statement here supports that argument. You believe the church teaches MMGW as fact, because that is what you wanted to see in Laudato Si’. What, in your own words, you “think” is in there.
You have to understand that this is mainly about the future. I started mitigating CC in 1990, the year JPII told us we should do so – before evidence had reach stat significance at the p<.05 level (which first studies was reached in 1995).As they say on trial shows “Assumes facts not in evidence.”
No one argues that there has not been warming, but it is an open question as to whether it is continuing, and this indicates the scope of the problem: even with all the focus on the subject, and the instrumentation devoted to it, scientists still cannot agree on whether there was a hiatus in warming, and if there was, whether it has ended.
What is indicated here is an inability to distinguish an insult from an argument. I have several times posted this link to a paper that just came out in April which makes the claim thatonce just the Natural Factor impacts on temperature data are accounted for, there is no “record setting” warming to be concerned about. In fact, there is no Natural Factor Adjusted Warming at all.
Whether their analysis is accurate doesn’t change the fact that the people who made it are well acquainted with the field.
None of which changes the facts of the matter, which don’t appear to support the theory.this analysis failed to find that the steadily rising Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations have had a statistically significant impact on any of the 14 temperature data sets that were analyzed.
Apparently “denier” applies to anyone who believes a statement is probably not true if the evidence doesn’t support it. But I’m sure all this can be dismissed simply by labeling me a Trump supporter and a cafeteria Catholic.
It does an admirable job of explaining CC, but its main thrust is to instruct us to mitigate it.Are you arguing this is the line from Laudato Si’ somehow proves that the church teaches man made global warming is a fact?
Nobody here suggested this (so why attack this straw man that you’ve invented?)Remember the Pope is no dumb-bunny . . .
Nobody here is suggesting such non-sense.The Church is not anti-science . . .
So what? Nobody is denying this.(The Church) is more keenly interested in scientific facts that impact life. . .
You are doing the same bait and switch that robertmidwest has taken you to task here for.. . . which is why JPII, BXVI and now Pope Francis have all written that we should mitigate CC. . . .
Many of us are already doing these things. But it really ignores Robert’s questions for you doesn’t it?Let me ask, what is wrong with turning out lights not in use, and some 100s of other things we could be doing that really don’t harm us, but could help save lives if we all joined together and did the right things.
Lynnvinc.BTW, that link you gave is NOT to a peer-reviewed study of CC, even tho one or two of the authors are climate scientists (who are known to be skeptics and have given wrong information in the past). Here’s something that may help you to understand Christy- realclimate.org/index.php…omment-page-3/
New Global Warming Film Repeats Climate Scientist’s Fake Nobel Prize Claim
. . . Climate scientist Michael Mann, known for his “hockey stick” global warming chart, is featured prominently in Fox’s film, “How To Let Go of the World -and Love All the Things Climate Can’t Change,” as a co-winner of the Nobel Prize in 2007 — a patently false claim. . . .
. . . "Mann has been called out on many occasions for falsely claiming he is a Nobel Peace prize winner,” wrote McAleer . . .
. . ."The committee has always been quite clear that he is not a Peace Prize winner,” McAleer wrote.
Mann even repeated the claim in his lawsuit against conservative pundit Mark Steyn and National Review, despite the fact the Nobel committee has said Mann is not a laureate. Both National Review and the Environmental Policy Examiner contacted the Nobel committee to see if it recognizes Mann as a prize winner.
Here’s what it told the Environmental Policy Examiner:
- Michael Mann has never been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
- He did not receive any personal certificate. He has taken the diploma awarded in 2007 to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (and to Al Gore) and made his own text underneath this authentic-looking diploma.
- The text underneath the diploma is entirely his own. We issued only the diploma to the IPCC as such. No individuals on the IPCC side received anything in 2007.
. . . For years, Mann claimed on his personal web page he “shared” the Nobel Prize with the IPCC and others.
Now, Man’s personal page only claims he “contributed” to the IPCC’s winning the Nobel in 2007.
dailycaller.com/2016/06/29/new-global-warming-film-repeats-climate-scientists-fake-nobel-prize-claim/“Even after all these public announcements Mann continued to make the claim and perhaps most embarrassingly of all was forced to change a sworn affidavit in a court case after he again made the fake claim,” . . .
That isn’t the issue here. This has never been a question between science on one side and delusion on the other, rather it has always been about the proper interpretation of the information gathered by scientific experiment. You’ve drawn your conclusions, we’ve drawn ours. It would seem the difficulty is in defending your position, which is why there are so many appeals to “consensus”, and “moral duty” rather than the supporting science.But it is a greater mistake to disregard science because of the nature of the scientific method, that is, to refuse to accept knowledge because it is imperfect and fallible, or to become an anti-intellectual Luddite.
This is another “just take my word for it” claim. A 95% confidence level was claimed in 1995, about three years before the warming hiatus that none of the models anticipated. Once again the theory was contradicted by the facts.You have to understand that this is mainly about the future. I started mitigating CC in 1990, the year JPII told us we should do so – before evidence had reach stat significance at the p<.05 level (which first studies was reached in 1995).
As I said earlier: how can reconstructions be considered valid when scientists can’t even agree about what’s been happening over the last 20 years? If we can’t tell what the global temperature has been even using the most sensitive instruments available how can we claim to be able to reconstruct it from tree rings and mud deposits?Even if for some reason there had been some pause or cooling since then (due to other factors, such as aerosols emitted the same time CO2 is emitted, or volcanic eruptions, etc), we would still be called to mitigate CC based on the well-established GH theory and past evidence of it, with the aim of preventing harms in the future.
It is possible for individuals to reduce their CO2 output and save money - especially if their actions are subsidized - but governments cannot do the same thing without gargantuan investments. We know this by looking at the countries that have tried (Spain, Germany…)That mitigating CC also mitigates a host of other problems AND saves money is all the more reason to do so.
This is an argument for ignoring science. Precisely the charge leveled against the contras.BTW, that link you gave is NOT to a peer-reviewed study of CC…
Another argument to ignore their work rather than deal with it. The one thing notable to me about this paper was the transparency of the work. They explained exactly what they did and made all of their data available to anyone who wanted to recreate their work or challenge what they’ve done. This is in the starkest contrast to the work done by e.g. Hansen, Jones, Mann et al who went out of their way to keep others from seeing exactly what they did. They non-complied with FOIA requests and denied access to their code and data at every turn. Which seems the more scientific approach to you?…one or two of the authors are climate scientists (who are known to be skeptics and have given wrong information in the past).
The 1995 conclusion was based on some 30 years of data…which is about what you need to establish a warming (or cooling) trend, since there are other short-term factors that impact climate, which are not always easy to predict so as to include in future projections…This is another “just take my word for it” claim. A 95% confidence level was claimed in 1995, about three years before the warming hiatus that none of the models anticipated.
But surely the relevant point is this: for all their claims of 95% confidence, shortly after the claim their projections were all shown to be in error.The 1995 conclusion was based on some 30 years of data…which is about what you need to establish a warming (or cooling) trend, since there are other short-term factors that impact climate, which are not always easy to predict so as to include in future projections.
If you looked at the paper I cited you would have noted that these were the three areas that were examined in what the authors referred to as Natural Factor Adjusted Warming, and their conclusion was that after these (name removed by moderator)uts were accounted for there was no warming left. These contributors were responsible for all the warming we have seen. The fact that these sources were “unanticipated” says a lot about the assumptions made, especially as……over the time period analyzed, these natural factors have involved historically quite normal solar, volcanic and ENSO activity.For instance, no one anticipated that strong of an el nino in 1998 …
No one anticipated a rather longer and deeper solar minima in the years after that…
To his credit, Hansen would include a hypothetical volcanic eruption…
This is a hypothesis, it doesn’t even rise to the level of theory. It is nothing more than speculation.No one anticipated that the deeper ocean would uptake the amount of warming it did (they base the warming stats on surface temps)…
The 1995 studies were not about projections but based on actual observations up to 1995.But surely the relevant point is this: for all their claims of 95% confidence, shortly after the claim their projections were all shown to be in error.
Okay, as a non teen Catholic Guy, your declaration we have to get this debate over with amused me. It would be helpful and great, I agree. But good luck with that.We as Catholics need to get this debate over with.
Discuss below?
- What is more important: Climate Change or Pro-Life issues?
-Sidenote on 4)-
It is clear that electing Republicans have done little to actually combat Abortion, as
they have appointed 12 of the last 16 Supreme Court Justices and Under Obama,
Abortion rates fell every year.
You make these assertions with no data whatsoever to substantiate them. As it turns out, just yesterday a new paper came out (authored by Benjamin Santer) titled* Causes of differences in model and satellite tropospheric warming rates* which addresses the very obvious discrepancies between what was predicted and what has been experienced.Since then the climate has continued to warm (with yearly ups and downs, but the jagged saw blade pointed upward) and is now significantly warmer than in 1995.
From the data?*In fact, the increase over the last 15 years was just 0.06 degrees Celsius (0.11 degrees Fahrenheit) – a value very close to zero. This is a serious scientific problem that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will have to confront when it presents its next Assessment Report late next year. *(Hans von Storch, 2013)So I don’t know where you find there has been no warming.
The scientists involved seem to believe 20 years is a very significant period of time.If things continue as they have been, in five years, at the latest*, we will need to acknowledge that something is fundamentally wrong with our climate models. A 20-year pause in global warming does not occur in a single modeled scenario. But even today, we are finding it very difficult to reconcile actual temperature trends with our expectations. *(Ibid)As mentioned you need to look at a period of more than 20 years, say, at the least a 30 year period would give you a good idea of the trend.
So you expect climate scientists to be God and know exactly when an el nino or volcanic eruption will happen and whether these will be stronger than usual, beyond knowing that they will happen occasionally.But surely the relevant point is this: for all their claims of 95% confidence, shortly after the claim their projections were all shown to be in error.
If you looked at the paper I cited you would have noted that these were the three areas that were examined in what the authors referred to as Natural Factor Adjusted Warming, and their conclusion was that after these (name removed by moderator)uts were accounted for there was no warming left. These contributors were responsible for all the warming we have seen. The fact that these sources were “unanticipated” says a lot about the assumptions made, especially as……over the time period analyzed, these natural factors have involved historically quite normal solar, volcanic and ENSO activity.
This is a hypothesis, it doesn’t even rise to the level of theory. It is nothing more than speculation.
It almost sounds like you are saying that we CAN be an environmentalist and not believe in man made global warming.Let me ask, what is wrong with turning out lights not in use, and some 100s of other things we could be doing that really don’t harm us, but could help save lives if we all joined together and did the right things.
It almost sounds like you are saying that Laudato Si’ doesn’t teach man made global warming as a fact.I think it just assumes everyone accepts it as fact, so it is more about our moral responsibility to do something about it. It also mentions the “precautionary principle,” which is akin to “prudence,” in that even if we are not completely convinced CC is happening or human-caused, we still need to work to mitigate it.
Does the scientific method assume things?Of course it does. But it is a greater mistake to disregard science because of the nature of the scientific method, that is, to refuse to accept knowledge because it is imperfect and fallible, or to become an anti-intellectual Luddite.
My reading of it 2 years ago gave me the impression that it simply accepts GW as a scientific fact (since it is indeed a fact), and then goes about church business of explaining how we should deal with this fact.It almost sounds like you are saying that Laudato Si’ doesn’t teach man made global warming as a fact…