You are deflecting, I was responding to graphs on hansen’s predictions.
I never even mentioned the word ‘pause’
You linked to an image that shows outdated data
I’m well aware of the facts, and how they have been manipulated to push the CAGW agenda, which continues to crumble as valid research is conducted
What science do you have to backup what you imagine to have been manipulated?
Your linked paper proposes further manipulation of the temperature record to explain away the pause in warming, it still doesn’t show Hansen’s projections were accurate.
Hansen made inaccurate predictions. I read a recent report that he has backed away from some of his predictions especially the ones on timing.
You appear to believe that when science corrects itself it’s a bad thing and it’s really about motives.
Scientists find that the warming slowdown never happened—and that their report draws attacks.
- Physics Today No hiatus in the climate wars
A 4 June scientific paper at Science magazine presented “an updated global surface temperature analysis” bearing on the much-discussed global warming hiatus. The paper concluded that “the IPCC’s statement of two years ago—that the global surface temperature ‘has shown a much smaller increasing linear trend over the past 15 years than over the past 30 to 60 years’–is no longer valid.” Climate-consensus scoffers across the media immediately began reacting—usually derisively, and sometimes with outright vituperation.
Many in the media simply reported that scientists at NOAA now believe that no hiatus happened. A few such articles displayed some sarcasm against the scoffers. “Sorry, deniers,” taunted a Daily Beast headline. Salon’s subhead, alluding to a stunt in the Senate chamber by Republican senator James Inhofe, asked, “Bummed about the news that the ‘hiatus’ never existed? Try throwing a snowball!” A Science magazine commentary opened by recalling that global warming skeptics “crowed” about the formerly perceived but now vanished hiatus.
Certitude with attitude? Scoffers more than matched it, as shown just by the headlines. lobbed “Making the planet warmer by fiddling with spreadsheets” and “‘Hide the hiatus!’ How the climate alarmists eliminated the inconvenient ‘pause’ in global warming.” For an Investor’s Business Daily editorial it was “NOAA scientists can’t find the heat, so they start a fire.” At the Examiner: “How NOAA rewrote climate data to hide global warming pause.”
The Register’s headline mocked: “A pause in global warming? Pah, FOOLS. There was NO PAUSE: Oh, people can come up with statistics to prove anything.” The Patriot Post, which advertises endorsements of its work from national figures, leveled blunt accusations: “NOAA lies to justify UN climate treaty” and “NOAA lies about the warming hiatus.” The Examiner invoked the totalitarian memory hole from the novel 1984: “How NOAA took a page from George Orwell to disappear the global warming hiatus.”
Headlines at the Daily Caller and at Power Line continued the dishonesty accusations: “NOAA fiddles with climate data to erase the 15-year global warming ‘hiatus’” and “New paper on the ‘pause’ is another exercise in data fudging.”
Harvard science historian Naomi Oreskes recently co-authored a paper depicting research on the “hiatus” as a case study in how scientists had allowed a “seepage” of climate skeptic argumentation to affect the formal scientific literature. Of the new NOAA study, she said in an e-mail: “I hope the scientific community will do a bit of soul searching about how they got pulled into this framework, which was clearly a contrarian construction from the start.”
National Geographic boiled that down: “‘A huge amount of scientific work and effort has gone into explaining a phenomenon which actually doesn’t exist,’ Oreskes says.” That article also quotes Gavin Schmidt of NASA and the blog RealClimate: “The fact that such small changes to the analysis make the difference between a hiatus or not merely underlines how fragile a concept it was in the first place.”
Read more…
(did you follow up on that CERN link I provided you yet?)
Sorry, I missed the post with your CERN can you re-post the link.