Climate Change- myth or reality?

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Do you believe global warming is a reality or a fabrication?

I don’t know too much on the subject. I think it’s real, it’s the causes that are in dispute. Again, I’m no authority.
I didn’t answer because I would say “other.” I think that climate change is a theory. Knowing many scientists personally, I would venture to say that those who study it and believe it to be happening would still say that it is a theory. Scientists are not quick to call these hypothesis’ “facts.” That doesn’t mean it isn’t happening or that it is a myth.
We are in a natural cycle of global warming which may be slightly increased by man’s actions. Despite the tree-huggers’ assertations to the contrary, I feel that there is little or nothing we can do about it (just like stopping a tsunami). Remember that a major volcanic eruption spews more particulates into the atmosphere in a few hours or days that the sum total of what man has put there during his entire existence. Since what a volcano puts there is natural, is it proper to call it pollution? :confused:
It is a fact, however, it is greatly misunderstood. Personally I think all the debate is a diversion to make us argue among ourselves about it. That way we are diverted from the real issues.

Meanwhile real pollution enters our air, our water, our food… you get the picture. We could be killed by toxic air or water before we are by global warming. There is so much we don’t know about the toxins. I recently read a report that they did a text on toxins in the body, and found a whole lot more than they expected. I’ve also been reading how toxins quietly disrupt our hormone balance by mimicing the estrogens, etc, throwing everything off balance. It’s causing infertilities, spontaneous abortions, etc. A whole lot of what we are seeing today is a result of hormonal imbalances… just watch commercials, just about every ailment they are pushing drugs for can be caused by hormonal disruptions.

That is why I choose to lobby every way I can for those items that many people have forgotten. I promote Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. I write congress to encourage better control over pollution. I encourage and support organic means whenever possible.
there was an ice age after a long time of global upheaval, volcanic activity… what ever the cause, we haven’t been around long enough to plot any global trends… :twocents:

the planet appears to still be a young star, still growing, stretching, and changing shape… or we could really get paranoid and say that we are about to go super nova and just explode or implode… either way… in God’s own good time… make the best of your life and your neighbors life while you can… i doubt the spray can you hold in your hand will rock much of the world…

Peace 👍
While on paper it appears that there is a warming trend. However, is some of the warming trends due to better technology and the accuracy of the technology? We just change the ‘wind-chill’ formula a few years ago to be more accurate…
While it appears on paper there is a warming trend, I wonder if some of this has to do with more accurate technology. We just changed the ‘wind-chill’ formula a few years ago to reflect its accuracy.
Most of Arctic, except Greenland, has warmed John Walsh, University of Illinois.The image shows how average annual temperatures around the Arctic changed from 1966 through 1995. The yellows and reds show where temperatures have warmed as much as about 2 degrees a decade in some areas. The green and blue areas around Greenland, northeastern Canada and the Atlantic south and east of Greenland are where temperatures have cooled as much as about 2 degrees a decade. Not enough data to establish the change is available for the black area in the center.

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Not the 1st time:

The Norse settlements declined in the 14th century, however, mainly as a result of a cooling in Greenland’s climate, and in the 15th century they became extinct. In 1721, Greenland was recolonized by the Royal Greenland Trading Company of Denmark.
I personally think it is over exaggerated… Every time there is any peak in the climate in either direction it is blamed on Global Warming… I have a good weather memory, and it goes in cycles.
I think global warming is happening - we’re coming out of a minor ice age. Whether human factors such as increased CO2 in the atmosphere from burning fossil fuels is making much of a difference - I don’t know. Anyone who tells you definitively that “yes it does” or “no it doesn’t” doesn’t know what they’re talking about.
Only if we are Lucky enough to have weather data accuratly charted since the beginning of time could definatly say that man is the cause of all the weather changes occuring.

Because we don’t, I don’t know that we can even assert that we are powerful enough to change the climate to such a magnatude.
Is the pollution being pumped into the atmosphere beneficial in any way?
This is just another theory amongst the others that conform to the trend that everything we do as a free society hurts the world.

It is largely BS, but there is tremendous motivation to promote the theory as it drives money from the wealthy offenders to the un-wealthy “non-offenders”.

I agree that there are benefits to curbing pollution, most especially in the cities. However to extend this to the countries warming pattern is to be quite ignorant of history.


“In sum, what we learn from multiple sources is that the earth (and not just Europe) was warmer in the tenth century than it is now, that it cooled dramatically in the middle of our second millennium (this has been called the “little ice age”), and then began warming again. Temperatures were higher in medieval times (from about 800 to 1300) than they are now, and the twentieth century represented a recovery from the little ice age to something like normal. The false perception that the recent warming trend is out of the ordinary is heightened by its being measured from an extraordinarily cold starting point, without taking into account the earlier balmy medieval period, sometimes called the Medieval Climate Optimum.”
Is the pollution being pumped into the atmosphere beneficial in any way?
Yes. It is the byproduct of creating jobs that people need to feed themselves and creating products that people use to live.

Is there too much of it? Yes.

However, the question to answer is how to minimize air pollution, not to completely eliminate any corporate waste that is a necessity of production. The focus should be on inner city pollution where specific pollution affects large and concentrated populations, not on some abstract global warming concept.
I have no doubt that the climate changes. It has been through many changes during Earth’s history. What I wonder is how much of an impact humans and their actions have on these changes. That seems to be where the debate comes in.
However to extend this to the countries warming pattern is to be quite ignorant of history.


“In sum, what we learn from multiple sources is that the earth (and not just Europe) was warmer in the tenth century than it is now, that it cooled dramatically in the middle of our second millennium (this has been called the “little ice age”), and then began warming again. Temperatures were higher in medieval times (from about 800 to 1300) than they are now, and the twentieth century represented a recovery from the little ice age to something like normal. The false perception that the recent warming trend is out of the ordinary is heightened by its being measured from an extraordinarily cold starting point, without taking into account the earlier balmy medieval period, sometimes called the Medieval Climate Optimum.”
The globe is warming however, as per the link Brad provided, It is nowhere near as warm as it has been within our recorded history and from observations of records left behind in tree rings, ice cores etc. The fact that the earth has been warming the past few decades does not by anymeans indicate that it has a human cause.
I am more concerned with polution that is in the form of chemical toxins and carcinogens (particularly bio accumulative). And the West has done a great job in this regard.

I am much more concerned about moral polution than I am about any other human activity!
Myth or reality? Lets try the following postulations.

Postulation 1, its a myth.

Its a myth and we do do something, result = no change.
Its a myth but we don’t do anything, result = no change.

Postulation 2, its true.

Its true and we do do something, result = no change.
Its true and we don’t do anything, result = catastrophe.

Now if a surgeon told you that if you don’t have a particular operation you have a 25% chance of dying, whats your decision?

Don’t know about you but I personally don’t like the odds.
Postulation 2, its true.

Its true and we do do something, result = no change.
Its true and we don’t do anything, result = catastrophe.

Now if a surgeon told you that if you don’t have a particular operation you have a 25% chance of dying, whats your decision?

Don’t know about you but I personally don’t like the odds.
What, pray tell, can we do about it?


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