CNN medical analyst wants to ‘cancel’ Christmas over COVID fears

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Anyone reading here should have known this was coming. I had a guy tell me this last July (and I didn’t agree with him then, but he was right).

By August or September, I knew he was right.

CNN medical analyst wants to ‘cancel’ Christmas over COVID fears​

Sky News Australia​

Published on Nov 30, 2020

CNN’S go-to medical expert says Christmas is something the United States “just can’t do” this year due to the country seeing a rapid increase in COVID-19 numbers.


CNN Medical Analyst On Christmas: ‘We Just Can’t Do It This Year’​

By Jeff Charles | Nov 30, 2020 4:45 PM ET

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A snow globe features in a Christmas display in Selfridges in London, Monday Aug. 6, 2018. Visitors to Selfridges may be surprised to encounter Christmas trees, bright, shiny baubles and nutcrackers on display… in August. The department store claims to be the first retailer anywhere in the world to launch its Christmas Shop, excluding any year-round specialty stores. (AP Photo/Robert Stevens)

Since progressives feel the need to ruin anything that is awesome, they have already started telling the nation not to celebrate one of the biggest holidays of the year. A CNN medical analyst recently appeared on the network to lecture its audience on handling this holiday season.

Dr. Jonathan Reiner on Saturday appeared on the network to announce that Americans can’t do Christmas in 2020 because the ‘rona will kill us all. He explained:
“So the next big holiday is obviously the Christmas, New Year’s holiday where people tend to travel, want to travel, want to be with family, but we just can’t do it this year. We’re going to cause needless deaths and particularly that’s among people we really care about, you know, our most vulnerable, our grandparents, our parents, our neighbors.”
Reiner insisted that Americans must sacrifice spending time with family during the holiday season to ensure safety. “We can’t travel this year. We need to stay home. This is a sacrifice that Americans can make and we should be making it for each other. Stay home, mask up, we’ll have a great series of holidays next year. We’ll really have something to celebrate next year,” . . .


The call to “Cancel Family Christmas” will become frenetic by national leftist as Christmas approaches closer.
The end result of the “Thanksgiving” gatherings might prove that prudent. Just give it a few more days as more people get sick and the death lag that follows.
Of course, because we know that leftists do not celebrate Christmas. Give me a break. These people, particularly the doctors, nurses, and technicians on the front line, are trying to save our lives.
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Pushing the ol’ Libruls Hate Christianity rhetoric, I see.

Rightwing politicians, journalists, and public policy makers absolutely, 100% know we should be mandating masks, quarrentines, travel restrictions etc., but these anti-COVID measures being pushed by scientists and Democrats (i.e. “the enemy”). Trump/other Republicans will never admit they were wrong about something. They don’t care how overwhelming the evidence is, and they don’t care how many people die.

Why? The evidence indicates COVID-19 affects Black and Latinx populations harder. If Republicans can let this run rampant and make elections easier for them in the future, they see this as a win/win/win.

But sure, let’s continue propagating the lie that it’s possible to “cancel Christmas” as a tactic to scare gullible Christians into buying the garbage Trumpists are selling.
The evidence indicates COVID-19 affects Black and Latinx populations harder. If Republicans can let this run rampant and make elections easier for them in the future, they see this as a win/win/win.
Good grief.
Let’s see how they handle vaccines. Once the vaccines have been out long enough that all who choose to take them have been able to do so, we should go back to normal, right?

Because if all those who do not want to get covid are vaccinated, then we can move about freely and hug our grandparents freely.

Only those who do not care if they get covid can get it, and that is their decision, right?

So, if in two years we still have restrictions because of this virus, we will know. If the powers that be require the vaccination, if they insist on digital records that we carry around to prove we’ve been vaccinated, then we will know who the people are who want to take advantage of the crisis and not let it go to waste.
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Do they mention Hanukkah or Kwanzaa or is it just
Good grief. No one is suggesting “cancelling” Christmas. The Nativity of Our Lord will still happen, and will still be celebrated. But out of caution, it is wise to celebrate it differently this year. I do not see what is so objectionable about being cautious and behaving in a way that protects the vulnerable and society at large.
I think it shows what they think Christmas is.

They think Christmas can be cancelled–clearly it can’t be, as you state.

But if all that Christmas is is families getting together for no particular reason, then, yes, “Christmas” can be cancelled.
No one is suggesting “cancelling” Christmas.

Dr. Fauci Says Cancel Christmas Unless This Happens​

Although he joked that Santa was “immune,” you and others may not be.

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By Alek Korab

November 22, 2020


Cancel Christmas: With COVID cases surging, will health officials ask us to call off gatherings?​

Nexstar Media Wire
Updated: Nov 12, 2020

WASHINGTON (NEXSTAR) — The U.S. is hitting record marks for COVID cases and hospitalizations as deaths continue to slowly rise. All this is happening as we’re being warned about a “dark winter” while temperature drop and people spend more time indoors.

With a grim outlook on getting a handle on the pandemic, many are wondering what Christmas celebrations might look like in 2020.

In France, where deaths are currently higher than the U.S. per capita, one of the nation’s top health officials is saying a typical holiday season is not possible.

“I would say, without any hesitation, that we ought to cancel Christmas,” said Julien Lenglet, the director of a Paris hospital, according to Reuters. . . .
Bold mine.

Cancel Christmas: With COVID cases surging, will health officials ask us to call off gatherings? | FOX8 WGHP


Cancel Christmas plans? Walz expects restrictions ‘very similar’ to Thanksgiving​


By Dave Orrick | Pioneer Press

PUBLISHED: November 30, 2020 at 5:54 p.m. | UPDATED: December 1, 2020 at 11:26 a.m.

Yep, Christmas, too.

And Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa, even the Pagan December holiday of Yule.

Scrap the family plans — probably.

That’s essentially what Gov. Tim Walz said Monday in response to a question, with state Health Commissioner Jan Malcolm nodding in agreement.

The question was, basically: We just got through a Thanksgiving where gatherings of extended families were essentially banned by executive order. Christmas, too?

Here’s how Walz answered:

“I’m not going to surprise anybody,” Walz said, noting that it likely would be two to three more weeks before we can tell how well the current coronavirus restrictions are working — and whether people who gathered anyway for Thanksgiving will bring another wave of infections. “I think the guidance around Thanksgiving is going to be very similar to around Christmas. . . .

Cancel Christmas plans? Walz expects restrictions ‘very similar’ to Thanksgiving – Twin Cities
There’s a difference between cancelling Christmas and cancelling Christmas plans
There’s a difference between cancelling Christmas and cancelling Christmas plans
Yes. That’s what they mean when they say cancelling Christmas. Cancel Christmas plans. Including in many cases the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Nobody here has suggested otherwise.
What? You’ve posted a litany of headlines that scream “cancel Christmas”. That is exactly the perception these writers want people to have.

My parish and many others are still going to have Liturgy. Some of us may have to watch it from home, but Liturgy will go on. My Pascha was not less holy or less meaningful because I couldn’t attend Liturgy in person this year. I don’t expect Christmas to be less holy or meaningful. It will just be different. I would rather wait for my parish family to be able to be together safely
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My parish and many others . . .
Yes but why does it have to be limited to you and your experience and those around you?

What about others?

As far as “screaming” I thought it was common sense about cancelling Christmas (that they were referring to plans).

You evidently don’t. You are free to think how ever you want.
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Considering most of those opposed to having Christmas,likely don’t honor this Holy Day for what it is,doesn’t surprise me in the least.
That’s not ‘cancelling’ Christmas.

Having talked with a nurse at a hospital the other day about the worst days of Covid, I’m not very sympathetic to this nonsense.
They can’t cancel Christmas.

As in literally, they can’t “cancel” Jesus’ birth.

It is a religious holiday 🙂
They can’t cancel Christmas.
When they are talking about cancelling Christmas they are talking about maintaining a lockdown over Christmas. That’s all.

They are attempting to have YOU not go to Mass, not be with extended family and not be with friends.
Most archdioceses, mine included, have instituted dispensations from Mass attendance. Mine has extended it to Ash Wednesday.
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