Coffee or coffee? The answer is Coffee!

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Sure do. It’s bouncing around my brain and forcing me to scroll through posts here. Shouldn’t have had that cup after dinner…
I don’t know where in Germany my 7th grade math teacher lived, but she said she saw those in Germany
I don’t have any children, so I guess that doesn’t really apply to me
It’s ten o’ clock, do you know where your nieces and nephews are? @adamhovey1988
Well, all but the oldest one. For some odd reason, his stepdad has custody of him. My thirteen-year-old one is here with me , she likes coffee , but I’m not going to give her any because the last thing I want is a teenager staying up all night
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Homemade cappuccino anyone?
I’ve had no coffee today, and I am unlikely to have any. Y’all, drink the amount of coffee I would have otherwise. No reason for it to go to waste.
Sadly, yes. Did I say sadly? Happily. Longest relationship I have been in is with coffee. 27 years, and still going.
It’s morning. Time for coffee. Oh heck even if it was midnight it would be time for coffee.
Do you mean it’s a myth, in the sense that there’s a possibility that might exist like Bigfoot, (I have my doubts, but pandas) or do you mean that’s a myth and that it’s like a good Greek legend?
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