Eh, we traded a war on booze for a war on drugs. I’ll never understand why we learned from prohibition on alcohol but treat weed the way we do. One set of criminals for another.
Just like Jesus did, right?I’m gonna enjoy my time at the gun range and afterwards sit outside with a cigar and Cogna
True. Worry about what’s under your control.But who am I? It’s not my Constitution
You and me both, my friend.I swore an oath to defend the US Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. They’ll repeal the 2nd amendment over my dead body.
There are already laws making parents liable if their negligence allows their child to commit a crime. The problem is that, under our system, culpability must be proven not assumed (and that is a good thing).One thing I think should happen is we should (sadly) hold the parent accountable for the actions of the child: if the child gets the parent’s legally owned weapon (which I’ve read happens in something like 2/3 of school shootings, and given the accounts of same it seems plausible) and commits a crime with it, the parent also does time.