Is it difficult for more emotional people to be holy? Some people overlook the harshness of tone and humbly accept the truth behind the harshest criticism or correction. Isn’t that how the Lord wants us to be? Some people can humbly accept romantic rejection. Others find faults in their ex’s new lover. They bred jealousy and unnecessary resentment. The truth is he doesn’t want you, why become angry he is now happy with someone else? Does he need your approval? I’ve had friends become angry their ex quickly moved on to date their friend, a girl they didn’t care for or worse an enemy. The end is the end. No man owes you loyalty. Or worse women feeling betrayed their casual sex partner asked out a woman in their presence or asked out a mutual friend, enemy, etc. If there is no agreement to exclusivity and you agreed to a casual relationship, why become upset or attached that you are not what he wants?
Where is the rational in that?
Some people are able to go above and beyond and forgive their cheating ex and genuinely feel happy for them or wish the best for new relationship.
Why can’t some people behave that way?
I think emotionality and sensitivity hampers people from practicing rational morality. Or forgiving others easy.
Where is the rational in that?
Some people are able to go above and beyond and forgive their cheating ex and genuinely feel happy for them or wish the best for new relationship.
Why can’t some people behave that way?
I think emotionality and sensitivity hampers people from practicing rational morality. Or forgiving others easy.
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