I - like much of the Catholic world that is familiar with Church teaching, am patiently waiting for any good soul to explain how contraception to avoid Zika is consistent with established Church teaching. Perhaps those with a less simplistic understanding will speak up and explain how we have misunderstood all the prior teachings?
Have I not been doing that with you for the last week by suggesting you more seriously distinguish indirect intention from direct intention when it comes to use of contraceptives?
Just as is the case with killing in self defence.
Killing is intrinsically evil in the same way that contraception is intrinsically evil is it not?
It is evidently directly intended that there be no procreation because by that result, one avoids a Zika conception - not by any other means!
If this were true then is it not also directly intended that there be a killing in self-defence because by that result alone one avoids injury to ones family in some cases?
Yet we know directly intended killing is always immoral - therefore self-defence, if it can be justified (Augustine says it cannot), can only be so by means of indirect intentionality (Aquinas).
So if killing can be justified in unusual cases (by principle of indirect intent) then why not contraception?
What is the moral object of an act …
I think you have completely misunderstood the phrase “the moral object of an act”.
Correct me if I am mistaken but the objective font I think you are referring to is actually “
the object of a moral act”.
That is you cannot speak of any intrinsic “morality” (or immorality) in the isolated objective font. That is why it is called “material”, “matter” or “the object”!!!
The only “morality” to be found is in the **human act **as a whole with all three fonts considered together.
And even when we consider the “object font” in itself it is incomplete because it lacks an identifiable intention (which obviously comes from the subject, the agent). All objects of a complete moral act anchor an intention…just like a positive-ion in physics has a separated electron somewhere in the universe that belongs to it and which is missing.
If an object of a moral act truly existed with no need for a related intention then we would not be dealing with a human act at all - only a deed done by a sleep-walker.
So “Use of a contraceptive device in sexual intercourse” has no intrinsic stand-alone moral quality until we bind it to a corresponding intention. It is merely a physical evil - and not even an absolute one at that - just as Pope Francis seems to have stated.