Confederate flag/American flag

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Yes, in that case the target was the NRA; in this case the target is more general: it is reinforcement of the idea that the-south-is-populated-by-racists. Compare the reaction in this case of a certifiably mentally ill young man who murdered nine people with the response to an incident a few years earlier where a mature, accomplished man murdered 13 and injured more than 30 others. In the first case we are told - because the young man was a racist and possessed the Confederate flag - that the flag is for everyone a symbol of racism, that the Confederacy and everything about it is racist, and all signs of it should be eliminated from society.

And how was the earlier case handled? All references to the man’s background and motivation for the slaughter were dismissed as irrelevant. We were in fact told in that case not to believe that others who shared his background also shared the particular belief that led to his rampage.

The wonder is not that the politically inclined would address these cases in such diametrically opposite ways - the wonder is that so many people can be influenced to accept whatever is presented.

This is well said.

And I have no particular interest in where the Confederate flag (as it is commonly known) flies (which includes at the state capital near me) or in the Civil War history, or anything related. Never been a concern of mine. But the differing attitude and treatment of these cases is blatant.
This is well said.

And I have no particular interest in where the Confederate flag (as it is commonly known) flies (which includes at the state capital near me) or in the Civil War history, or anything related. Never been a concern of mine. But the differing attitude and treatment of these cases is blatant.
The power of the press. I hear so many people say, “The TV said” or “The Paper said” If people only understood how ridiculous that sounds. Well the nation was built on “The Boston Massacre” and the same thing happened there.
I don’t care about pieces of cloth or nationalism. As Socrates said I am a Citizen of the World.
In our current polarized, media-driven environment of protest and political correctness, I can actually see such a demand being made. For a number of years now Native Americans around here have protested Thanksgiving. But of course, the Confederacy lost and the U.S. won, and the flag isn’t going anywhere. Would love to see some PC politicians squirm about this, though.
Why would you want to see them squirm? It’s hatred to want someone to suffer for the sake of suffering.
I don’t care about pieces of cloth or nationalism. As Socrates said I am a Citizen of the World.
And that and US$4.50 will buy you a drink at Starbucks.

“The world” doesn’t issue passports or voting rights.

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