Confirmation for protestants

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Honestly do you see where Jesus went out of his way to make sure his disciples knew exactly what he meant?
53 Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.
54 Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.
55 For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed.
56 He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him.
Clear as day. Eat His flesh and drink His blood.
61 When Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured at it, he said unto them, Doth this offend you?
He says this because he heard that they were offended at what he said, so he doubled down.

You’re wrong. And stop pretending like you’re the only person here who has read the relevant passages. Contrary to the implication of your username, Baptists aren’t the only people who read the Bible.
For the record, I’m not acting like I alone read the bible or scripture.

One off topic thought though:

If we’re supposed to drink the blood why does the Priest only get to do so at Mass?
I’ve already answered and gave the reasons for my answer.

Jesus says to the multitude in John 6
I didn’t reference John 6. I referenced the 3 Gospel accounts of the Last Supper, and St. Paul’s reiteration of them was n 1Corinthians 11.
Scripture repeats this very straight forward statement 4 times. “This is My body.”

Virtually the entire Church taught this almost exclusively up until the likes of Zwingli and the Anabaptists.
Who , but the devil , has granted such license of wresting the words of the holy Scripture? Who ever read in the Scriptures, that my body is the same as the sign of my body ? or, that is is the same as it signifies ? What language in the world ever spoke so? It is only then the devil , that imposes upon us by these fanatical men. Not one of the Fathers of the Church, though so numerous, ever spoke as the Sacramentarians: not one of them ever said, It is only bread and wine ; or, the body and blood of Christ is not there present .
Surely, it is not credible , nor possible , since they often speak, and repeat their sentiments, that they should never (if they thought so) not so much as once, say, or let slip these words: It is bread only ; or the body of Christ is not there , especially it being of great importance, that men should not be deceived. Certainly, in so many Fathers, and in so many writings, the negative might at least be found in one of them , had they thought the body and blood of Christ were not really present : but they are all of them unanimous.” -Luther
Why should people believe your view?
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What is your reasoning for what Jesus says in vs 63?
We can do nothing by ourselves. “The flesh” refers to us, unaided by the Spirit.
For the record, I’m not acting like I alone read the bible or scripture.
You absolutely are.
If we’re supposed to drink the blood why does the Priest only get to do so at Mass?
This depends on the Mass in question. But do you think that Jesus can be divided? If the bread becomes Christ, it can’t just become part of Christ; it must become Him. Therefore, receiving the body is enough. The practice of restricting the blood to the priest was largely to avoid spilling, as I understand it.

Personally, I think it is better to distribute both for the sake of a faithful recreation of the Last Supper.
If we’re supposed to drink the blood why does the Priest only get to do so at Mass?
This is a non sequitur.
The Lutheran reformers strongly criticized the Catholic Church for withholding the chalice from the laity. Never did they question it was the blood of Christ.
If we’re supposed to drink the blood why does the Priest only get to do so at Mass?
This is a non sequitur.
The Lutheran reformers strongly criticized the Catholic Church for withholding the chalice from the laity. Never did they question it was the blood of Christ.
And the Anglicans, though there were some non-RP folks in there.
Do you think Catholics disagree with this?
See the post right above yours. Catholicism re-sacrifices Christ every mass. So the answer is yes I think Catholicism teaches contrary to one sacrifice was sufficient for all.
This is a misrepresentation.
Eucharistic sacrifice
  1. Catholic and Lutheran Christians together recognize that in the Eucharist Jesus Christ “is present as the
    crucified who died for our sins and rose again for our justification, as the once-for-all sacrifice for the sins of the world”.42 This sacrifice can be neither continued, nor repeated, nor replaced, nor complemented; but rather it can and should become effective ever anew in the midst of the congregation. There are different interpretations among us regarding the nature and extent of this effectiveness.
I completely understand. Are you willfully ignorant or are you taking the advice of a wolf disguised in sheeps clothing? Can you not see the correlation between the last supper and Christs discourse in John chpt. 6: 50-70? This my friend is a mystery there are more of these wonderful mysteries than one can imagine. Christ cannot be sacrificed again that is obvious, but when He tells us that He’ll be with us until the end of time, this is one and the most important way he can be with us. Recall that he says abide in Me and I will abide in you. It seems to me that protestants gloss over the scriptures with blind eyes and a hard heart. Read with eyes of humility and listen with a humble heart lest you hear the Truth. Forgive my harshness, it breaks my heart that some seem to seek the truth, but the truth they seek, is their own and vein truth. St. Paul says to work out your salvation in fear and trembling. We cannot do this without the sacrifice of the mass. Which strengthens our spirit ans makes us more virtuous. Christ asked us to do this not just in rememberance, but that we should receive Him as often as we can. This is what it means to be Catholic. God love you. I’ll hold you all up in my rosary today.
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I completely understand. Are you willfully ignorant or are you taking the advice of a wolf disguised in sheeps clothing?
Forgive my harshness, it breaks my heart that some seem to seek the truth, but the truth they seek, is their own and vein truth.
I believe you misdirected your post to @(name removed by moderator).
Regardless, if you have to keep asking people to forgive your harshness or tone, maybe that’s an indication you need to change your tone.
So, when (name removed by moderator) corrects RTB as to the RCC “re-sacrificing” Christ at every Mass, you say to (name removed by moderator)…what?
So, when (name removed by moderator) corrects RTB as to the RCC “re-sacrificing” Christ at every Mass, you say to (name removed by moderator)…what?
I believe the subtext there is “BURN THE HERETICS”
Again, Christ is not re-sacrificed. But the eternal gift of Graces our King pours down on us (if we are faithfully desposed and in a state of Grace ) Christ in all His Glory condescends from heaven to his church as he promised when He said "I will be with you until the end of time. And this Is why we are not only to do this in rememberance, but for the life of our souls. Which allows Him to abide in us and us in Him. The Angels in heaven are envious of we humans since they have no physical body they cannot receive our Blessed Lord in this way. Nor will you receive this sacrament because of you poor faith. I’ll hold you up in my rosary my poor brother in Christ that you may see with eyes of humility and believe and come home the Church that Christ founded and promised that the gates of hell would not prevail against her. God love you.
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Are you under the impression that @GKMotley believes that Christ is re-sacrificed in the Mass? You need to read what people write before you try to “correct” them. He probably understands Catholic doctrine better than you do. Your arrogance and condescension are utterly unmerited.

In his own words, GKMotley believes the Eucharist is:
Not another sacrifice or additional sacrifice or added sacrifice or repeated sacrifice or later sacrifice or re-sacrifice. The Sacrifice. That one.
As HopkinsReb suggests, you need to work on your reading skills (posts, that is) a little. I’ve been correcting silly ideas about “re-sacrificing Christ in the Mass” for many years.
Yeah, but that would require someone to actually read and comprehend what the post said.

And also to attribute a post to its actual author.

What’s the odds, here?
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