My priest is a Trump supporter and frankly I can’t really talk to him about this because for me it’s not politics it’s character issues.
maybe it is because of what the opposition supports
by voting for a Democrat, you support abortion, the entire LGBT agenda, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, transgenderism, identity politics, the destruction of the family, contraception, socialism, breaking the seal of the confession, federal funds to pay for abortions, forced abortions in Catholic hospitals, the selection of liberal judges who will uphold these policies, etc
which of these policies is approved by the church?
and if you vote for a third party, you waste your vote IMHO!
let’s face facts the winner will be either a Repub or a Dem
Still when you have a priest refuse communion to Biden isn’t that a message as strong as saying don’t vote for him to Catholics?
the priest had every right to refuse Biden
the church has rules and Biden isn’t following them. Biden is promoting democratic positions stated above that endanger the souls of many people.