Connecticut school shooting: Lawmakers offer prayers amid calls for gun control

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Guns are not the problem.

Secularism, entitlement, atheism, materialism and other such words are the main issues with this country and it’s violence.

The vast majority of legally bought weapons are owned by responsible gun owners. My husband and I included.

I’ve said this so many times…law abiding citizens will never benefit from more gun control. Bad guys will be bad guys and will find a way to break the law.
Guns are not the problem.

Secularism, entitlement, atheism, materialism and other such words are the main issues with this country and it’s violence.

The vast majority of legally bought weapons are owned by responsible gun owners. My husband and I included.

I’ve said this so many times…law abiding citizens will never benefit from more gun control. Bad guys will be bad guys and will find a way to break the law.
That is exactly what I wanted to say. The people who do things like this will always get guns even if there is gun control, and I don’t think it is right to use an emotionally charged moment like this for Connecticut to call for gun control.
I submit that if he knew that even some teachers carried guns in that school… he would have never went there.

Or if he did go to that school… he would NOT have been able to walk uncontested from room to room, killing children at will.

BTW… anyone here like to offer an opinion as to why so many of these killers choose “GUN FREE” zones such as Schools or Churches… and not Gun Shows, Gun Ranges, and Gun Stores?

I believe that a storm is on the horizon, and these horrible things that are happening are just the rumblings from a distance. Our only hope is God, and our nation had better wake-up soon. Christians have been saying this for several decades, precious few want to hear the message.
It doesn’t help when you post signs and make it a federal offense to bring a firearm into school building.

Just as well put up a sign “Unlimited number of helpless victims to fulfill your unnatural urge”.
Law makers always talk about guns but ignore the elephant in the room, SIN and making a choice. Those who sin on a large scale are to blame, not the inanimate objects they possess and use.
I live in Connecticut too! This is horrible! Much prayers for the families and the ones affected.
UK has tightly controlled firearm laws and UK has 14000 knife victims a year

Mexico has a bun on guns and thousands are killed by guns annually

Research has been on gun control measures and see what the research found:
In 2004, the National Academy of Sciences reviewed 253 journal articles, 99 books and 43 government publications evaluating 80 gun-control measures. Researchers could not identify a single regulation that reduced violent crime, suicide or accidents. A year earlier, the Centers for Disease Control reported on ammunition bans, restrictions on acquisition, waiting periods, registration, licensing, child access prevention and zero tolerance laws. CDC’s conclusion: There was no conclusive evidence that the laws reduced gun violence
It needs to be repeated over and over again that there is no evidence gun control measures reduce violent crime, suicide or accidents

There are roughly 300 million firearms owned by civilians from 2010 statistics and 100 million handguns

Homicide rate has declined by nearly 1/2 in the last 20 yeas and the decline in violent crime has declined 41% in that time
Chicago has strict control measures and there been 485 murders this year, 19% increase from 2011

Reported today a knife wielding man in China injured 22 children

UK has tightly controlled firearm laws and UK has 14000 knife victims a year. If people want to cause harm or kill they will find a way whether guns are legal or not

Mexico bans guns and thousands are killed by guns annually

Research has been on gun control measures and see what the research found:
In 2004, the National Academy of Sciences reviewed 253 journal articles, 99 books and 43 government publications evaluating 80 gun-control measures. Researchers could not identify a single regulation that reduced violent crime, suicide or accidents. A year earlier, the Centers for Disease Control reported on ammunition bans, restrictions on acquisition, waiting periods, registration, licensing, child access prevention and zero tolerance laws. CDC’s conclusion: There was no conclusive evidence that the laws reduced gun violence
It needs to be repeated over and over again that there is no evidence gun control measures reduce violent crime, suicide or accidents

There are roughly 300 million firearms owned by civilians from 2010 statistics and 100 million handguns

Homicide rate has declined by nearly 1/2 in the last 20 years and the decline in violent crime has declined 41% in that time
NYC has some of the toughest gun laws in this country.

Has it helped? No. They just want us defenseless for what is coming down the pike and use emotionally charged tragedies like this to manipulate people.
Increased gun laws will just mean that murderers will switch weapons or obtain them illegally.
There are roughly 300 million firearms owned by civilians from 2010 statistics and 100 million handguns. Homicide rate has declined by nearly 1/2 in the last 20 years and the decline in violent crime has declined 41% in that time
There is no evidence that gun possession leads to a reduction in violent crime. In fact, the per capita murder rate in the United States is higher than that of the UK, Spain, France, Germany, and Italy combined. Violent crimes are more linked to quality of life and economic circumstance of the perpetrator than whatever weapons the victims may or may not possess. No one will ever make a convincing case that criminals are deterred by gun ownership unless the researchers can prove that the criminals are psychic and know that their targets have guns before they’re shoved in their face.
There is no evidence that gun possession leads to a reduction in violent crime. In fact, the per capita murder rate in the United States is higher than that of the UK, Spain, France, Germany, and Italy combined.
There is evidence from the statistics provided that increased numbers of guns and increased possesion of guns does not increase suicide, accidents or violent crime

Not sure the coutnries you name have lower murder rates, violent crime is worse in Britain than in America. Murder rate per capita in countries mentioned could be lower because of better mental health services, conviction rates, police intelligence and enforcement of the law
There is no evidence that gun possession leads to a reduction in violent crime. In fact, the per capita murder rate in the United States is higher than that of the UK, Spain, France, Germany, and Italy combined.
Agreed. It’s largely cultural, and economic. Norway and Switzerland (I think the Swiss have the highest rate in the world) have incredibly high ownership rates, and low murder rates, while countries like Mexico with very strict gun laws continue to have high murder rates.

I don’t believe gun “control” is the answer.
Guns aren’t the problem but lax gun control laws are. Allowing any yahoo who happens to walk in the door to buy a gun is insane.
I agree but I think that guns are too much a part of our culture to do anything about it now.

What I don’t understand is how contraception is considered a life issue but easy access to guns (most of which are made to kill human beings) isn’t. The pro-gun attitude of this site is strange to me.
There is evidence from the statistics provided that increased numbers of guns and increased possesion of guns does not increase suicide, accidents or violent crime
Don’t link correlation with causation.
Murder rate per capita in countries mentioned could be lower because of better mental health services, conviction rates, police intelligence and enforcement of the law
As I said; they have a higher quality of life. You don’t need 300 million gun owners to reduce violent crime.
The calls for gun control are a way of trying to gain some control over a situation in which we have none. We don’t like the fact that we couldn’t stop it. We don’t like to accept the fact that there is nothing we can do at this point. We blame gun laws, we blame video games, we blame all kinds of things because we want an easy solution so we can feel like we can do something.

The reality is that no gun control would have prevented this. None. Evil cannot be legislated out of existence. It existed long before guns did.
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