Connecticut school shooting: Lawmakers offer prayers amid calls for gun control

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Don’t link correlation with causation.
I am stating the facts
As I said; they have a higher quality of life. You don’t need 300 million gun owners to reduce violent crime.
There are a lot of people that have saved people by having a gun because of burglars for example who would disagree with you
Agreed. It’s largely cultural, and economic. Norway and Switzerland (I think the Swiss have the highest rate in the world) have incredibly high ownership rates, and low murder rates, while countries like Mexico with very strict gun laws continue to have high murder rates…
Your’e the second to bring up Mexico. Why? Their laws in general are hardly enforced. What the US needs is much stronger enforcement of existing gun control laws and additional laws establishing screening methods and legal liability for selling guns to suspicious persons.
There is a lot of people that have saved people by having a gun that would disagree with you
And many more who have died because anyone can get a gun.
I am stating the facts
You’re attempting to establish causation without any evidence of causation. More people eat ice cream during the summer. Does that mean that ice cream causes hot weather?
Praying for those affected by this senseless tragedy. Something like this is so incomprehensible to me, and my heart aches for those children and their families.
Your’e the second to bring up Mexico. Why? Their laws in general are hardly enforced. What the US needs is much stronger enforcement of existing gun control laws and additional laws establishing screening methods and legal liability for selling guns to suspicious persons.

And many more who have died because anyone can get a gun.

You’re attempting to establish causation without any evidence of causation. More people eat ice cream during the summer. Does that mean that ice cream causes hot weather?
The calls for gun control are a way of trying to gain some control over a situation in which we have none. We don’t like the fact that we couldn’t stop it. We don’t like to accept the fact that there is nothing we can do at this point. We blame gun laws, we blame video games, we blame all kinds of things because we want an easy solution so we can feel like we can do something.
I agree – it’s an argument that is driven by emotion, not facts.
According to historical statitics, 140 years ago there were more guns in the hands of more people…with less tragic occurances as we saw today.
That’s right. Despite how popular culture has portrayed the American frontier, it was not nearly as violent as they imply.
And guess what? It was also quite common for children in rural areas of the country at that time to have at least one in thier group (usually the oldest boy) who would carry a firearm when they walked to school. The old “Little House on the Prarie” used to crack me up when they showed little girls walking through the woods to thier one room schoolhouse…with NO GUN. I guess if they saw a hungry bear they were outta luck.:rolleyes:
In fact, one common sight in frontier one room schoolhouses was a box by the door where the students would leave their firearms when they entered the school.

Now, I say all this to illustrate that we are now living in a different world.
That generation is long gone, and so are their values. To expect the same kind of reasoning in today’s world, is simply lacking in historical understanding.
Our Constitution, with its second Amendment, was written for a moral people.
It was NOT written for a barbaric people. For a barbaric people would simply abuse it and ignore it…sound familiar?
We will see tougher gun laws whether we like it or not.
Does it bother me? Make me sad? Yeah.
Surprise me? No, not really.
%40 of gun sales occur with no criminal background check.

I, and many have no problem with gun ownership, but there should be no problems with sensible regulations.

Law abiding folks should be able to obtain the guns they desire, but there is not problem with waiting period, limits of number of guns for a given period, and, certainly for universal criminal background checks.
Guns are not the problem.

Secularism, entitlement, atheism, materialism and other such words are the main issues with this country and it’s violence.

The vast majority of legally bought weapons are owned by responsible gun owners. My husband and I included.

I’ve said this so many times…law abiding citizens will never benefit from more gun control. Bad guys will be bad guys and will find a way to break the law.
Atheism is the problem? You can’t honestly be serious. That statement is about as asinine as the people yelling for gun control (because you know criminals follow the law). Secularism is not the problem and strict gun control is not the answer.
%40 of gun sales occur with no criminal background check.

I, and many have no problem with gun ownership, but there should be no problems with sensible regulations.

Law abiding folks should be able to obtain the guns they desire, but there is not problem with waiting period, limits of number of guns for a given period, and, certainly for universal criminal background checks.
Having a clean criminal background check does not guarentee the person will not commit a crime with the gun he is buying.
Would that have prevented the Joker killer in Colorado from going on a rampage?
According to historical statitics, 140 years ago there were more guns in the hands of more people…with less tragic occurances as we saw today.
That’s right. Despite how popular culture has portrayed the American frontier, it was not nearly as violent as they imply.
And guess what? It was also quite common for children in rural areas of the country at that time to have at least one in thier group (usually the oldest boy) who would carry a firearm when they walked to school. The old “Little House on the Prarie” used to crack me up when they showed little girls walking through the woods to thier one room schoolhouse…with NO GUN. I guess if they saw a hungry bear they were outta luck.:rolleyes:
In fact, one common sight in frontier one room schoolhouses was a box by the door where the students would leave their firearms when they entered the school.

Now, I say all this to illustrate that we are now living in a different world.
That generation is long gone, and so are their values. To expect the same kind of reasoning in today’s world, is simply lacking in historical understanding.
Our Constitution, with its second Amendment, was written for a moral people.
It was NOT written for a barbaric people. For a barbaric people would simply abuse it and ignore it…sound familiar?
We will see tougher gun laws whether we like it or not.
Does it bother me? Make me sad? Yeah.
Surprise me? No, not really.
I guess this dates me, but I remember in grade school a kid would bring his gun to school to show the other students every now and then, and nobody thought anything of it. The nuns made sure it wasn’t loaded…to prevent accidents, not murder.
The calls for gun control are a way of trying to gain some control over a situation in which we have none. We don’t like the fact that we couldn’t stop it. We don’t like to accept the fact that there is nothing we can do at this point. We blame gun laws, we blame video games, we blame all kinds of things because we want an easy solution so we can feel like we can do something.

The reality is that no gun control would have prevented this. None. Evil cannot be legislated out of existence. It existed long before guns did.
I couldn’t agree with you more.
I agree but I think that guns are too much a part of our culture to do anything about it now.

What I don’t understand is how contraception is considered a life issue but easy access to guns (most of which are made to kill human beings) isn’t. The pro-gun attitude of this site is strange to me.
It might be that many of us are gun owners and/or been in the armed forces and/or been on the receving end of non-gun vilalent (sp) crime.
I guess this dates me, but I remember in grade school a kid would bring his gun to school to show the other students every now and then, and nobody thought anything of it. The nuns made sure it wasn’t loaded…to prevent accidents, not murder.
Shows how things have changed in…oh never mind.
Having a clean criminal background check does not guarentee the person will not commit a crime with the gun he is buying? Would that have prevented the Joker killer in Colorado from going on a rampage?
No, but thats no reason to just throw your hands up and sell to anyone. Violent crime will always happen but that doesn’t mean we should enable it through negligence. Mandatory criminal background checks, psychological evaluations as part of the permit process, and legal liability for the vendors would go a long way. If a gun vendor knew he could go to jail for selling to a suspicious person then he’d think twice before selling his wares to the shifty-eyed guy in a trench coat.
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